"Yay you guys came" I said in a cheerful tone.
"We was starting to think you wouldn't show up"said my husband Adrian.
"Yeah well we had some minor setbacks"Alessandro said.
"Well that's alright I am Adrian Miller"my husband said reaching out to shake Alessandro and his son hands.
"Well I'm pretty sure you already know my name but just in case you forgot I'm MaKayla Miller"I said reaching out to shake their hands.
"Well I"m Alessandro and this is my eldest son Lorenzo"Alessandro said while his son Lorenzo gave a curt nod to both me and Adrian.
"Well let's move this conversation to the family room"Adrian said while leading them to the family room.
"Would anybody like something drink" I said trying to be a good host.
"No thanks we're good let's just get down to business"Lorenzo said while taking a seat.
"Okay then let's start " I said sitting down.
"Here is the hairbrush Isabella use you can use it for the DNA test"I said while passing them her brush in a ziplock bag.
"Let me call Peter so he can take a sample for the test"Lorenzo said while getting up.
"So give me a run down on what's going on" Alessandro said while sitting back on the couch.
"So after Isabella left for school the news was talking about your daughter and they showed a picture of the clothes she was last seen in and it's the same clothes that the Isabella I have been taking care of these past 16 years"I said in one breath not noticing we was both alone.
"I figured you would want to see your daughter grow up through the years so I bought out her photo album" Adrian said while passing the album to Alessandro.
Adrian and I both decided we should let him take the information while giving him alone time
15 minutes later...
"That fast ?"Adrian said with a look of shock on his face.
"Yes well we have our connections"Lorenzo said with a smirk.
"What does it say"Alessandro said trying not to show emotion.
"It says it's a 99.98% match"Lorenzo said followed by a shaky breath.
" Oh my gosh" Alessandro said while rubbing his hands on his face with his elbows on his knees.
All of the sudden I started to get emotional and I couldn't help the tears that was falling.Adrian looked over to me and hugged me to make me feel better.
"Thank you so much for your honesty and taking care of my little princess" Alessandro said expressing his gratitude.
"Thank you" Lorenzo said while his face was void of emotions.
" On a serious note we can't no longer keep Isabella due to the threats I trust that you guys can keep her safe"Adrian said while looking serious.
"Of course I will keep her safe that's my daughter" Alessandro said looking offended of what Adrian said.
"Can we wait here till Isabella gets out of school" Lorenzo said trying to ease the tension in the room.
"Of course you can my husband and I is going to grab a quick lunch then I'm going to drop him off at
work"I said while getting up grabbing my purse.
"We can get our driver to drive you guys to your destinations"Alessandro said.
"Oh no it's fine but thank you for your offer" Adrian said in an awkward voice.
Adrian and I got in to the car and drove to Wendy's to get a biggie bag but then I noticed a car following us.
" Hey Adrian is it just me being paranoid or is that car following us"I said while looking back at the black SUV.
Adrian looked in the rear view mirror and then take two lefts and one right and each turn the car followed us.
"Hunny call Alessandro and tell him we need help they are pulling guns out now" said in a panicked tone.
Before I can reach into my purse I felt a jerk coming from the back forcing us to hit a tree the last thing I before I lost my consciousness was two men dressed in all black with a small tattoo of an lion on their hand.
"Shouldn't Mrs.Miller be back by now" I said while looking at my watch.
"Yeah something is not right"dad said while looking out the window.
"Dis something maybe happened to them or her while they were out" I said while getting up.
"Call Matteo and tell him to hack in to the street
cameras"dad said while pulling his phone out maybe to call Rocco.
"Hello"Matteo said.
"Hack in to the street cameras in Palm Springs and tell me what recently happened"I said.
"Okay boss"Matteo said as I hear the typing of a computer.
"There has been a crash on Roseway Rd there was a black SUV tailgating them" Matteo said a few moments later"Matteo said.
"What car was crash?" I said hoping it's not the Millers.
"It looks to be a silver 2021 Honda accord" Matteo said in a monotone.
Is there a couple in there the lady wearing a pink dress and the man wearing a blue shirt with khaki pants" I said while pacing back in forth.
" I don't see the man clothes but I do see a lady with a pink dress on and she seems to be a brunette"said Matteo.
I quickly hang up the phone to go and tell dad that we gotta take our bambina (baby) out of school.
"Dad ! Dad !" I screamed for my dad so I can tell him the urgent news.
"What is it Lorenzo" dad said while running out the kitchen.
"The Millers been in a car accident they crash in to the tree I think it was one of our rivals" I said all in one breath.
"Let's go to Isabella school Rocco is already outside with the car" dad said while heading for the front door.
Once we are in the car we set off to Isabella school.
When we arrived the students that was in the hallway stood frozen as we made our way to the front desk.
" I will your names and who you are here for" the front desk lady said while looking at her nails.
As we sign our names in we head straight for the principal office that was behind the desk.
"Hey wait you can't just go in there without an appointment !" the front desk lady screamed with her face turning red but we didn't care.
We burst in to the office making the principal flinch.
"Mr. Rossi and other Mr. Rossi what a pleasant surprise" said in a panicked tone.
"Call Isabella Miller to the office"my dad said in a cold tone.
"Yes sir will do" said while picking up the microphone.
Once the principal did that we told him what happened to her parents then took a seat to the side and a few moments later a girl with brunette hair came in. I scanned her face and knew immediately that she was my little sister.
The principal gained her and told her everything then I noticed my day got up with me following behind him.
""Let's go Isabella we will take you to your adopted parents home then take you back home where you belong" dad said reaching out to hold her hand.
You are reading the story above: TeenFic.Net