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Tae: y-yes

Dad: let me see the child Jungkook

    I nod and gave him my phone after I search Lisa's niece on her IG post back then

Mom: gosh kook was right she have a look like you Tae and half Jennie

Dad: confront Jennie tomorrow and if she's your daughter we want to saw her ASAP

    He gave me my phone and I saw how V hyung nod

-L I S A  P O V-

    Right now I'm in my room using my phone and I decided to do a IG live so I went to my study table and open my ipad at start living and at the same time I sat on my swivel chair

Lisa: annyeong everyone *smile* it's been a week since I do a IG live and I really miss you guys *smile*

    'We miss you to a lot'

    I giggle when I read those comment

Lisa: and I want to thank you guys for supporting my unnie's online business and right now we have a lot of freebies and I will have give away next week later after this live I'll post what you guy's need to do and we have a 20 winner's

    My door open and I look who it is only to saw my niece holding her teddy bear

Thea: aunty can I sweep with ywou?

Lisa: arasseo come here aunty is having a live say hi to them arasseo *smile*

    She nod and ran to me and I carry her and made her sat on my lap

Thea: annyeong everyone *smile* wave her cute fingers*

    'She's so cute'

Lisa: yup she's really a cute one a cute alien to be exact *pinch Thea's cheeks*

    After a minute my room door open again only to saw my unnie holding a tray and she approach us while smiling and she place the tray beside on my ipad

Jennie: I bring both of you a milk and smoothie bowl

  When Thea heard the word smoothie bowl she smile at unnie while looking at the smoothie bowl

Lisa: thank you unnie *smile* ohh btw unnie a lot of people wants to order here *gave her a notepad*

Jennie: you gave it on perfect time I'm packing a lot of orders right now *smile* I'll go now dont sleep late arasseo

Lisa: ne good night unnie

Thea: gwood nwight mommy *box smile*

    Unnie gave a peck on my and Thea's head before going out and I gave Thea her smoothie and she begun to eat it

Lisa: ok guys as I said earlier I'm having a give away which there's a 20 winners on 20 winners will have our 3 stationary set set A-set B and there's a 15 winner's and the remaining 5 winner's will have oir liptin set and our set C clothes *smile*

    'Unnie can you sing for us?'

Lisa: uhmm sure *smile*

    I sing and at the same time Thea already done her smoothie and her milk

Thea: *yawn* aunty I'm sweepy

Lisa: arasseo wait a minute guys

    I carry Thea and stood up and I lay her down to my bed and she immediately hug her teddy bear and I open the galaxy lighting and turn off the light causing the galaxy lighting to glow

    Once I sat on my swivel chair I begun to eat my smoothie and start to do what they comment

-J U N G K O O K  P O V-

    I'm here at my room watching her IG live through my laptop and at the same time my phone rang and I looked who it was only to saw Uncle (Lisa and Jennie's dad)

    I immediately answer it


Jk: ne uncle

Uncle: kook your father told to me everything and also we already track the kidnappers and they're always watching our daughters plss kook protect them and we cant just show up there cause the kidnappers might alarm and harm our daughters and plss kook do all you can to protect them we cant bear to lose them again

Jk: dont worry uncle we'll protect both of them same to Jennie noona's daughter

Uncle: daughter? Jennie have a daughter to whom?

Jk: ohh dad didnt told you Jennie noona have a daughter and we suspect V hyung to be the father because noona's daughter have a look like V hyung

Uncle: then that's good and kook plss gave them what they need

Jk: ne uncle I'll do that with or without you comand

Uncle: hmm I should go now kook were tracking where does the kidnappers staying right now

Jk: ne uncle goodnight

    He hum before hang up and I put down my phone and watch her live

    Dont worry Priya me and hyung will do anything that can protect the three of you

    I smile at that thought

-L I S A  P O V-

[Skip Time]

    I woke up die to the sun hitting my face and I only found myself hugging by my cute niece

    I peck her head and slowly got out of her embrace and I change it to a pillow I smile when she snuggle more to it

    I went to my bathroom and took a shower

    After a minutes of showering I got out only with my robe and went to my walk in closet and wore this

    I do a light make up and just lightly curl my hair after that I got out and grab my white small backpack that have what I need today and headed downstairs only to saw my unnie at the kitchen drinking water so I approach her

Lisa: good morning unnie *smile*

    She looked at me before smiling

Jennie: morning you're beautiful with that dress of yours *smile*

Lisa: how can I when I have a fashionista unnie and bought me this dress

Jennie: aishh btw Tzuyu's order was on the living room now the two paper bag there and dont come home late arasseo grandma and grandpa will arrive later

Lisa: ne bye unnie

Jennie: wait eat this sandwich that I made for you

    I nod and she gave me the sandwich and I took a bite and bid her a goodbye after I grab the two paper bags and headed outside and walk headed through the library cafe that was a little bit far so I always use a bus

    Once I arrive at the bus stop all of the people there was staring at me causing me to be uncomportable

    I stand because the seat was full and I was surprise when all of them stood up

Boy: miss please seat *smile*

    I smile back before satting and cover my legs using the paper bags

Girl: she's on the news last night right *whisper*

Girl 2: yeah she's famous at the social media because of her post last night gosh she's even beautiful at personal *whisper*

    Curiousity is killing me about on what they're talking about so I open my phone and saw a lot of notification on my different social media accounts

    I open one of my social media account and there's a lot of tags so I click one of those causing me to be shock and cover my mouth

    'Lalisa Manoban of Seoul Unniversity was ineeded a living doll she's hella beautiful a lot of netizen like her post because of her stunning look her post last night was really blew the netizen's mind because of beauty'

    I close my phone and didnt continue to read because it's embarrasing to me

Boy 2: uhmm miss can we have a picture with you?

    I looked at my side and took of my hands that's covering my mouth before smiling and nod

    After a minute the bus arrive and as usual there's a lot of passenger

    I step on the bus and again their attention was on me and all the boys start to stood up and I swipe my bus card and headed to the back seat and sat and I'm feeling uncomportable because of their stares so I used my phone

Girl: gosh how can she be beautiful even though she's not wearing any foundation

Boy: I bet she already have a boyfriend because who the hell will not love her

    I look up and saw them (boys) still standing

Lisa: uhmm you guys can seat *smile*

    The smile back and I giggle when I saw them blushing before satting and a girl earlier at the bus stop sat beside me she might notice how uncomportable I am when they're staring at me

Girl: uhmm can I ask you?

Lisa: sure what it is?

Girl: do you have a boyfriend?

Lisa: I dont have *smile*

    They turn their heads to me and I just rose my eyebrows

Lisa: wae is it wrong?

Boy: ani we can just believe you're single because you're hella beautiful

    I shyly tuck a strands behing my ear and I look outside and saw I'm near so I press the button and after a minute the bus stop at the bus stop and I stood up and approach the door to which it's open now and I got out and they're still staring at me and I start walking to where the library cafe was

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