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    They're carrying a 2 basket each of them

Lisa: goshh I think it's really a long day *mumble*

Jisoo: get your ass up and you'll going to fit all of this

    I gulp and they pull me to the fitting room and I fit all of them and I'm really tired and we got put and go back to the boys to find them using their phones

Rosé: woah all of this are fit to you Lis we should buy this unnie

Lisa: ani ani I can buy them

Jisoo: no no no and no buts understood

Lisa: ohh ok *nod*

    I was about to sat but Jisoo unnie pull me up and I groan

Rosé: *gave her black card to one of the royal guards* pay all of them and carry

    The royal guard nod and went to the cashier with the other 2 royal guards who carrying the 4 baskets

Jisoo: lets go now we'll send all of you to wheree village you guys are staying cause I want to know where it is

    The boys stood up and we went out and the guard gave to Chae her black card and we went back to where the van is and went inside

Lisa: I felt like my soul left my body

    They just giggle at me

[Skip Time]

    Once we arrive we got out and I'm confuse was there's a truck infront of our house and there's a 4 men putting what that inside of the truck infront of our house  which is there's a empty building that have 2 floors

    I saw Unnie got out and I immediately approach her

Lisa: what's with that unnie?

Jennie: do you remember that I tell you once that I bought a land

    I nod and realization hit me causing my eyes to widened

Jennie: yup that was the land that I bought and that was a convinience store and what we online sell up to the 2nd floor

Lisa: but how about your work? *rose my eyebrows*

Jennie: I resign earlier and your photoshoot was my last project *smile*

Lisa: ohh ok btw unnie Jisoo unnie and Chae was here *look to my back* I'll go change unnie

Jennie: hmmm *gummy smile*

    The 4 royal guards that holding the paper bags follow me and we went upstairs and once we reach my room I told them to put down to which they nod

    And after that they got out and I saw a 4 box ontop of my bed so I went to my balcony and shout

Lisa: unnie who send this 4 box to me *shout*

Jennie: I dont know earlier the delivery man just send that and also the bouquet at your study table *shout*

Lisa: ohhh ok thank you *shout*

    I felt like someone was watching me so I try to find who was that and found nothing so I shrugg it off and I went back inside and there unnie was right there's a bouquet so I grab the letter that attached on it and read it

    Hi Lisa noona my name was Lucas I'm one of your follower's at all of your social media accounts hoping that I'll got notice by you thank you noona cause because of what you said back then that we should work hard for our dream I became a valedictorian this graduation of mine thank you

    I took a picture of the bouquet and open the 4 box and took a picture of it

-J E N N I E  P O V-

    Chae went to me and hug me and Jisoo unnie just smile to me

    After a minute Chae pull away and smile at me

Jennie: did you already know the truth? *rose my eyebrows*

Jisoo: hmm dont worry it's safe *heart smile*

    We heard Lisa shout and I answer back

Jennie: let's go inside Thea and Tae might be awake right now

    They nod and we got inside while the royal guards was outside

    Once we got inside and there we found Tae and Thea satting while rubbing their eyes while pouting

    What a cute babies

Rosé: Thea *cute voice*

    Tae and Thea stop what they're doing and turn to look at us and once Thea saw Chae she ran to her and hug her cause Chae was already crounching down

    After a minute they pull away and Thea greet the others

Thea: mommy she's the one that I'm telwing ywou she's aunt beauty *point at Jisoo unnie*

Jennie: you guys knew each other?

Jisoo: hmm one time Lisa bought her to the cafe

Jin: then Thea that means I'm uncle handsome?

Thea: ani my daddy was handsome *went to Tae*

Jin: yah you dont know me Thea I'm WWH

     Because of that we giggle

Jk: hyung stop that she's just telling the truth

Jimin: yeah Jungkook was right

Jin: yah the both of you come here huh *start to chase the 2 who's laughing*

    While me and the girls sat down and start exchanging topics

-L I S A  P O V-

    I change into this

    And I also unpack the clothes and arrange them on my walk in closet

    After a half of hour arranging someone enter and I peak who it was

Rosé: my parent's agree that I'm staying tonight here can I stay to your room

Lisa: ne of course I would love too

    She went to me and sat beside

Rosé: my parent's didnt agree that I'll change my classroom to your section at first but when I said you'll going to help me so that my grades will be high and when the first grading my grades went up because of you that's when my parent's start to like you and tell that I should bring you to the palace and when I call them that I'll stay here with you tonight they agree I'm so lucky to have you Lili *smile*

Lisa: I'm also lucky to have you *smile*

Jennie: Lili can you come downstairs and help me to arrange on what we need to the convinience store *shout*

Lisa: ne coming *shout*

    I stood up and offer my hands to Chae

Lisa: do you want to experience new things? *smile*

    She held my hands and stood up

Rosé: of course I would love too

    If the world made me comeback to my first school I would love to not choose ignore her cause she stay by my side even though I'm not a princess like her and she also protect me

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