Chapter 5: Flash Floods! Part 2

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Spider-Tsundere and Dualshock got back up, getting off the watery road. Spider-Tsundere then shoots webbing at Floods face, backflips to the wall behind he, and looks at her friend Dualshock, who was levitating in the air.

"Dualshock, you okay?" Spider-Tsundere asked with caution.

"I am now," Dualshock quickly replied. "Thankfully, I didn't trigger my powers."

"That's good to hear." Spider-Tsundere said, as she then turns her head to Floods. "Best we don't use our electric powers, for now."

"Yeah. I guess we'll have to deal with this avatar wannabe the old fashion way," Dualshock added, as Spider-Tsundere gets ready to pounce.

"Let's go!"

Floods blasted water from her hand into her face where she washed off the webbing and could see again.

"Sneaky little pest, aren't you?" She said, looking at Spider-Tsundere.

"It's a gift." Spider-Tsundere said. She then lunges at Floods but was pushed back with Floods bending some water and shot it back to Spider-Tsundere that sent her flying to top of the building she was sticking to.

"Now you're in trouble, Hydro-Girl." Dualshock said, trying to do a foot dive kick on Floods, but she got hit with the water Floods was bending and she went flying in the air. Since Dualshock can literally fly, however, she tries to steady herself. And flew back down to fight Floods.

Spider-Tsundere sees Floods focusing on fighting Dualshock in the air, and Floods was using the water to keep herself airborne. So, the Spider-Girl then leaps in the air with her super jump and grabs Floods from the back.

"Gotcha!" She said, punching Floods on the cheek. "Get ready, Dualshock! We're finally gonna give this water bender a shock of a lifetime!" Tsundere then activated her power. "Venom shock!"

"Oh, yeah! You read my mind!" Dualshock said. "Bioshock!" She then prepared her attack power.

Floods was being yanked back down to the ground, but then gives a sinister grin and a small chuckle. "What's so funny?" Spider-Tsundere asked in confusion.

"I'm not getting the shock of a lifetime..." Floods said. "You are!"

Just then, Spider-Tsundere's spider-sense went off, and before she could react quick enough, she was pushed off Floods's back by the water pressure. She then did the same with Dualshock and moved them around with the water she's controlling with her hands.

"This is what happens when people in costumes meddle in my plans!" Floods exclaimed, moving both water pressure holding Spider-Tsundere and Dualshock and pressed them against each other, Shocking them both with their own powers. Both heroes screamed in pain, as their electric powers and the water gave a deadly mix.

Water and electricity don't mix well together. Floods laugh maniacally as she sees the young girl heroes screaming in pain and agony. They then fell to the ground. Landing with a painful thud.

Spider-Tsundere and Dualshock were both cooked, but thanks to Spider-Tsundere's healing factor, she recovered a bit quicker then Dualshock. Unfortunately she was still unconscious, and Spider-Tsundere was still weak from being shocked. She can survive blows thanks to her healing factor but that doesn't mean she can recover from intense pain from her body.

"Sasha...?" Spider-Tsundere tries to reach out to he friend... But she couldn't respond. Floods then levitated down with the water. And she all the water that was flooding Tokyo Old Quarter. "You...!" Spider-Tsundere tries to get up but she was still weak after being fried.

Floods looks at Spider-Tsundere. She then scoffs. "The reason I'm not finishing you off is because I got plans of my own. That was just a taste of my water bending power.

Spider-Tsundere then took a quick look at Floods. "You're...working for someone...Aren't you?"

Floods noticed Spider-Tsundere's assumption, but she ignored it. "That is none of your business. See ya." Floods fled, leaving Spider-Tsundere to wallow in her failure.

The kawaii wall-crawler then crawled over to her unconscious friend. "Dualshock? Sasha? Wake up," She said, moving her shoulder, trying to make her move. Spider-Tsundere was then worried, she felt Dualshock's neck and she still feels a pulse. She then took a side relief. Her friend was still alive. But she wasn't responding.

Just then, a policeman found them, wet and covered in smoke. "You okay?" He said.

"Yeah. I'll be okay." Spider-Tsundere replied. "But my friend is not waking up."

"I don't know about your friend though." The policeman pointed out. "Who is she?"

"Her name is Dualshock. She's new. Me and her were helping everyone at the old courts or get to the Foundation's safe houses but we got trampled on by a water-themed supervillain named Floods." Spider-Tsundere said.

"Floods, the hydro girl?" The policeman asked in shock.

"Yeah? Do you know her?" Spider-Tsundere asked.

"Yes. Floods is public enemy number 3 in Neo-Tech. She's one of the most wanted criminals with hydro-kinesis. The NTPD has been tracking her for a while but she escapes into the water." The policeman said. "Until today."

"Yeah, surprisingly, she hasn't finished me or Dualshock off, I think she's working for someone and this flash flood that she was doing must be her way getting my attention. That's what I noticed, and when I asked her, she just left."

"Must be. We've been trying to stop her for 2 months. But she always slips away," The policeman said. "And, just now, we just noticed that the water around Tokyo and quarter is gone, as well as some water around Shibuya. If this is her way of getting your attention, then she must be planning something even bigger, if she's working with someone." The policeman then sees the unconscious Dualshock next to Spider-Tsundere. "You sure you're going to be okay? The doctors will take care of your friend where I can take her to the hospital ASAP."

Spider-Tsundere noticed Dualshock was waking up from being unconscious, as well, and she noticed that her miraculous and Dualshock's were beeping; meaning they've used up their powers and they're going to the detransform back. "Don't worry, officer..." She looked at his tag. "... Kazi. If you hear any activity about Floods, let me know or Officer Parker. I'll try to stop her." She then carries Dualshock in her hands.

"Will do, Spider-Tsundere," Officer Kazi said. "Take care. And thanks for saving everyone. We'll head down to the Foundation safe houses and let them know to stay there until Floods is taken care of."

Spider-Tsundere nodded as she webs away with Dualshock in her hand. She took Dualshock back to her house. They got in through the window, where Daisy was waiting for them. "Let's stop shocking." Dualshock weakly said, as she detransforms back into Sasha. Even her kwami didn't feel so good. "Isabelle..." Sasha faintly said.

"Shh... Don't worry. You're going to rest in the guest room." Spider-Tsundere said.

Daisy was frightened of what has happened to Sasha. "Oh, my gosh! Isabelle, what happened?" She asked.

"We got ambushed by a supervillain named Floods. She has water-bending powers and she knocked me and Sasha out cold." Spider-Tsundere said. "We need the first aid kit."

"Where is it?" Daisy asked.

"It's in the kitchen, underneath the sink." Spider-Tsundere informed Daisy.

Daisy ran to find the first aid kit where Spider-Tsundere rushed to the guest room and placed Sasha down gently.

"Web off," Spider-Tsundere then detransformed back to Isabelle.

"She's going to be okay, Isabelle. She just needs warmth and rest," Daisy said, as she has gotten the first aid kit. "Tell me what happened."

Isabelle explained how they were helping people get to the safe houses the Foundation made, but then they were ambushed by Floods.

"This is all my fault. Sasha was still green. If we had practiced, we could have beaten Floods in no time."

"Isabelle, it wasn't your fault. You didn't know about Floods," Daisy said.

"But Sasha and I didn't know what to do against Floods. We didn't know that she would ricochet our powers against us," Isabelle said.

Just then, Isabelle heard another voice. "It's okay, Izzy. Listen. Sometimes, being a hero will have some unexpected consequences."

Isabelle turned around and saw her dad, Ken. "When you do this job, sometimes the people close to you could get hurt. You've learned that when you lost Lindsay, and..." Ken started to shed a tear. "I've learned that the hard way when I lost your mother."

"Dad..." Isabelle then ran towards her dad to and hugged him. "I know." Isabelle said. "But, she's my friend. And I got her hurt. She's my responsibility." Isabelle then had a determined face. "I'll deal with Floods tomorrow. She'll pay for this. Right now, Daisy and I will just get some sleep."

"That's a good idea, Izzy." Daisy replied, as she then yawned.

As Isabelle and Daisy were about to go back to Isabelle's bedroom, Isabelle looked at her dad. "Hey, daddy, can you watch over Daisy?"

"Will do, hun. You just get some rest." Ken said. "I told the chief of police that I was coming back home early anyways."

"Thanks, Dad," Isabelle replied, as she climbed the stairs.


In a waterfront warehouse, Floods opened the sliding door and went inside. She smiled at the fact she hurt Spider-Tsundere's friend Dualshock. She then got a call from someone.

"What is it now?" Floods asked.

"I just wanna did it go?" The voice in Floods's phone asked.

"It went great. You were right, that flash flood around the Old Quarter did get that bug girl's attention. You should have seen the look on her face when she was fried by her own superpower," Floods replied. "She fried her own friend and vice versa where both are now injured and weak. I don't think they're going to be bothering me anytime soon."

"Good. I'll be sending you our payment for you." The voice on the phone said. "We'll call you again, if we need your skills once more."

"You better. Because this Spider-Tsundere girl is on to me. She noticed that I didn't kill her, or her friend, due to the fact that I'm working for you." Floods added.

"Did you tell her?" A second voice asked, in anger.

"No! She figured that out on her own. I don't even know how she did it." Floods said.

"Then, you need to eliminate her. It's the only way to shut her up." The second voice said.

"Oh, trust me, I have something bigger in mind to deal with her...Permanently. And don't worry about paying me for that. This one's on the house. Plus, I always wanted to see the city turn into a gigantic pool..." Floods smiled. She then looks at her water-bending power and laughs maniacally.

To be continued...

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