The next day has come. Isabelle woke up and decides to walked downstairs to get some breakfast. But before she does, she passes by her dad's room and sees a big photo of him and her mom. Although it's been 2 years, she misses her. But she's trying very hard to let go of that pain. Isabelle's kwami Loli tends to her owners tears, feeling sorry for her. Especially since investigating her mother's death is what made her what she is now.
Later, as Isabelle walked downstairs, her dad Ken was already getting ready to go to his job at the police station. "Morning, Izzy."
"Ohayo, dad." Isabelle replied.
Ken took notice of Isabelle's face. "You saw that photo of your mom and me in my room, didn't you?" He assumed.
"You know me so well, but yeah." Isabelle sighed.
Ken walked to Isabelle's side and placed his hand on his daughter's shoulder. "I understand, baby girl. I miss her, too."
"Ever think of taking that big photo of you and her down?" Isabelle asked.
Ken shook his head. "I wanted to, a few times, but that's not the right thing to do. We have to move on, but that doesn't mean we forget her."
"Yeah, I know, I know." Isabelle said. "I just wished she was still here. I bet she'd be proud that I'm a superhero like you and her now."
"I'm no superhero, Izzy." Ken replied. "I'm just a normal police officer keeping scumbags off the streets. If anything, I'm just a regular hero."
"Just because you're a police hero, that doesn't mean you can't be super, as well." Isabelle added. Both she and her father laugh.
Later after breakfast...
Isabelle and her dad, Ken, were watching some TV while finishing up their breakfast of bacon wraps. Listening to the news anchor about what has happened last night regarding Mysterious and the other damaged victims like Isabelle was.
"... Due to the brave efforts of Officer Ken Parker, the ninja vigilante Midnight Fire, and Neo-Tech City's newest superhero from Paris name Spider-Tsundere. The mayor of Neo-Tech is opening a big ceremony to commemorate the new heroine for defeating Basil Covax, the former member of the Neo-Tech Foundation now turned into a robot called Mysterious, and saving innocent teenagers from a fate worse than death. The ceremony is to welcome Spider-Tsundere with open arms and she'll be given the key to the city. The ceremony will start at 12pm sharp. Don't miss it."
"Not bad for a rookie. Am I right, daddy?" Isabelle asked.
"Well, you did take down a mad scientist turned into a robot with a brain, and Midnight Fire is a ninja. All you need is a turtle and it will feel familiar." Ken laughed.
"Dad!" Isabelle punched her dad's shoulder, feeling embarrassed that he's comparing her to the ninja turtles.
"Come on, Isabelle-chan was amazing last night. Those turtles have nothing against her." Loli said, popping out of Isabelle's hat.
"Okay, I get it." Isabelle said.
"Okay, time to go to work." Ken said.
"Same with me." Isabelle said. "Loli, web on!"
Isabelle transformed into Spider-Tsundere cause she was gonna do some patrolling before being given a key to the city for defeating the crazy scientist known as Mysterious and saving the prisoners he was guarding.
"See you at the ceremony at City Hall, dad." Spider-Tsundere said, as she was getting out the window.
"Be safe, Izzy." Ken replied, as he left through the door to his police car. "And see ya there."
Both Ken and Spider-Tsundere left to their jobs. For a police officer and a superheroine.
As Spider-Tsundere was web swinging through Neo-Tech City, she thinks to herself. She is honored for her heroic duties and defeated a supervillain. But there are others that don't know it was the Osborne Twins who hired Mysterious to guard the other damaged teenagers. But she knows she can't expose them too easily, so she just had to play along until the day comes to sue the Osbornes. Her dad, Ken, will also be discussing the evidence with his lawyer, Rufus Yokuza.
Spider-Tsundere sees a local Bodega being robbed and, like a streak of light, she arrived just in time before any harm can be undone. "Hi, there."
The first robber looked around and sees Spider-Tsundere. And he laughs. "Aww, Look. It's a little girl in her pajamas."
"Wait, it's... Really, is it just a little girl?" the 2nd robber said in confusion.
"Ha ha ha ha, she's adorable. who are you supposed to be? Some new mascot ready to replace Hello Kitty?" the first robber said.
"Why don't you leave, kid?" the 2nd robber said. "Or else you'll regret this."
"Okay." Spider-Tsundere said. "But there's a small correction." Then, with a swift move, she punched the 2nd robber in the stomach. And the robber flew towards the beverage isle. "You're gonna regret this."
"Did she just..." One of the victims asked while the others nodded.
"It's that Spider-Girl from the news this morning." The other victim stated. "The one that beat up Mysterious."
The first robber was shocked to his core, and he tried to give an intimidating glare at Spider-Tsundere. "You brat!" He started shooting his gun at Spider-Tsundere. Fortunately, Spider-Tsundere evaded the bullets and was moving fast, and she quickly punched the first robber in the face.
The second robber recovered quickly and sees his partner getting beat up, so he tried throwing some food packs at Spider-Tsundere. But thanks to her spider sense, she thwips the can of chef boyardee and throw it at the 2nd robber's head. Spider-Tsundere then web swing kicks the first robber so hard in the face, it made him spiral towards the 2nd robber, knocking them both out.
"You know what we call that? We call it a web swinging, butt kicking." Spider-Tsundere stated. "You're lucky I didn't go bananas. You would be wetting your pants." She saw everyone cheered for her stopping the robbers. She then took them outside and tied them up with webbing to leave for the police. She then swings away. "See you at the ceremony." She said to everyone cheering for her as she leaves.
Later, at City Hall...
Everyone in Neo-Tech gather together and cheered for Spider-Tsundere as she swinged in. "Welcome, Spider-Tsundere." Mayor Aizakku Hisui said. "We're here to celebrate your victory over the monster responsible for almost dooming what was left of Tokyo's old ruins to absolute nothingness. Finally, with the monster known as Mysterious finally behind bars and frozen in a top secret room in Lightweight Penitentiary, our special superheroine guest star from France would like to give you a gift for your bravery for saving those kids from Mysterious."
Spider-Tsundere wondered who could be that special superheroine from Paris. Its obviously not Cat Noir cause he's a boy, and heroine means a girl hero. She assumed it must be Ladybug, Bunnix, or even Pigella. Just then, her spider sense is tingling. She sees a gust of wind with someone inside. It seems the person was controling it? The winds stopped to reveal... A woman, in a special red suit, a black and gold spiral dragon as a design, and a red sword. "Konichiwa, Spider-Tsundere. It is an honor to finally meet you face to face on our home turf."
"No way. I heard of you. You're Ryuko. The dragon miraculous wielder of the elements." Spider-Tsundere noticed; she then took a solum bow. "It really is an honor to meet you, Ms. Ryuko."
"Same here. I've heard about how you started being a superhero in France, just like me and my friends Ladybug and Cat Noir. And I also heard how you saved the the universe from destruction on a multidimensional level." Ryuko said. "I am impressed. And just like me, Ladybug had chosen wisely, once again."
"She sees high potential in me. And thanks to her, I got to keep my Miraculous when I moved back home. And now I can fully keep Neo-Tech City safe." Spider-Tsundere said, showing Ryuko her bracelet.
"I, too, was also be given the dragon Miraculous to protect all of Paris many years ago, and for a little while, Neo-Tech, as well." Ryuko said. "You see, Mysterious was very dangerous. I've been destroying every secret lab he has built for the last 2 years, but I'm honored to hear his actions have been put to rest. Anyway, Mayor Hisui and I agree to share this opportunity with you." Ryuko and Mayor Hisui gave Spider-Tsundere a medal...but that's not all. "Spider-Tsundere, Savior of Paris and now protector of Neo-Tech City. I, Ryuko, holder of the miraculous of the dragon, present to you the key to the city. Congratulations." Ryuko said. She gave Spider-Tsundere an honorary handshake. "Ladybug is proud of you."
Everyone clapped and cheered for the heroes. Spider-Tsundere even sees Midnight Fire outside of the ground under the shade of a shadow giving Spider-Tsundere a wink and a thumbs up. She even sees her dad Ken and his lawyer Rufus.
"Thank you so much, Ryuko." Spider-Tsundere said. "I promise, the city that was once Tokyo will be in safe hands since me and my partners, Detective Ken Parker and Midnight Fire will be protecting it."
Ken was in the crowd and he smiled at Spider-Tsundere. And from a distance building, Midnight Fire watches from the shadows. "That's my girl." He quietly said to himself.
"I know you will, Spider-Tsundere. Ladybug is the one who entrusted you with the Spider Miraculous of Hope." Ryuko said, after giving Spider-Tsundere a hug. "Take care." Ryuko activated her wind powers and flew away. "So long, Spider-Tsundere... Wind Dragon!" She started turning into wind. "Stay safe, Isabelle." Ryuko whispered, as she flew away.
The next day...
At Okami High, everyone was welcoming some new students. Daisy Nagaidesu, Sasha Jōnzu, Leaser Kuwaddo, and Leo Fei. Isabelle recognized them and ran to the office to say hello. "Sasha, Daisy, Leaser, Leo! It's great to see you all looking so well." She said.
"Same to you, Isabelle," Sasha said. "So, any info about you and your dad's case?"
"Yeah, I really hope you got enough evidence to finally put those Osbornes behind bars," Leaser said.
"With them in prison, we can finally feel free," Leo added.
"My dad had uncovered something very interesting today. Come. I'll tell you all about it." Isabelle said. "Hey, Sasha, remember that sash you told me about?"
"Oh, right. I have it right here." Sasha showed Isabelle the sash. "Isn't it beautiful? I got it from my grandma, last year. She told me something about storing some magical creature and when I had it on, out came this cute little blue fairy."
"Ah, so it's a Miraculous, huh?" Isabelle said.
"That's what the fairy told me. How did you know?" Sasha asked.
"My watch. It's that bracelet I had on me when I saved all of you?" Isabelle replied. The others nodded. "It, too, is a Miraculous. I got this a month ago, when I was in Paris."
"That explains why the world news said 'New Kid Arachnid saves Paris'." Daisy said.
"So, you two are miraculous holders. Mind if we see your Kwamis?" Leo asked.
"No problem at all." Isabelle said. "Follow me."
Chad was looking at Isabelle; walking with her friends while walking with them. He wanted to hang out but he was shy. Due to the fact that he has a crush on Isabelle. His friend, Kelly Walker, walked by and startled him. "Are you really that shy that you have to ask her out? For goodness sake, Chad, she's not going anywhere!"
"No, Kelly. It's too early to ask Izzy out. Not until her captors are behind bars." Chad said.
"Well, the others are getting upset. They have someone special. And they want you to have your special someone." Kelly said. "Look, I know you like her, Chad. But remember, Isabelle is going through a tough time since she turned into...that. Right now, she just wants to hang out with the others that are like her. And besides, what if she walks up to you and asks you out?"
"I'm sure that will never happened." Chad said. "Besides, I need to protect her, if the Osbornes tried to hire someone to kill her, just like Mysterious."
"Hey, Chad," Isabelle walked up to Chad, and he was blushing. Kelly giggled a little of the irony that is happening. "Listen, I know I said I swore it off since the Richard incident last month, but my friends, Daisy and Sasha, decided it was time for me to try again and make sure I end up with the right guy. My birthday is coming in a few weeks so I was wanna go and see a movie later today?"
"Told you so..." Kelly whispered to Chad's ear.
"Shut up," Chad quietly said at Kelly's ear. "Um... Sure. I love to."
"Okay, I'll see you at 6:00pm sharp. I can't wait to see the Lion King." Isabelle said, as she walks back to her friends and went to class.
"Looks like she's back in the market." Kelly said.
"All right, all right. You were right." Chad said.
"The grandmaster is kinda worried. You have to be careful with Isabelle. She's a sneaky sleuth. I mean, what if she found out you're the vigilante Midnight Fire?" Kelly asked.
"I'm sure that won't happen, Kelly. I leave no trace in the shadows." Chad said. "Besides, I know she's Spider-Tsundere and I'm not telling anybody. Isabelle herself doesn't know that I know her secret. Besides, I'll talk to the master myself when I have time.
During lunch, Isabelle and Sasha introduced their Kwamis to Daisy, Leaser, and Leo. Loli is the spider Kwami of hope, and Sasha's kwami was new, even for Loli. Her name was Thundereena, the elemental kwami of lighting.
"I was once an elemental deity, until my sisters and I got seperated and I died. But I was given a second chance and was reincarnated into a kwami to give others my powers for the greater good." Thundereena explained. "But I will
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