Chapter 2: Lunch And Recent Events

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The first few classes went by as a breeze, as Jake paid attention in class paying attention and making notes, however the class and teacher seemed to notice just how bad his ADHD was, as he constantly bounced his left leg in a rapid succession while taking notes. After the first few classes finished, Jake walked up Chabashira-sensei giving her a piece of paper that had his measurements for his uniform that Chabashira-sensei looked at and nodded, thanking the boy.
The lunch bell has just rang as Kushida and the group of girls approached Jake's desk, causing him to look with smile.
"Hello Nii-chans." Jake said with a smile, causing the girl to awe at him
"Must protect cutie!" The girls thought, as they look at the smiling boy, as Karuizawa and Hirata walked up the group.
"Hey you guys, ready to go get lunch?" Hirata asked, as Jake slipped on his backpack and stood up.
"S-sure Hirata-nii." He said as he grabbed his water bottle from his desk, and followed the group. As the group walked down the hall, Jake noticed he was surrounded and in a diamond formation with him in the middle. Upon entering the massive cafeteria, Jake's eyes widen as his breathing became laboured, as he held the water bottle closer to his chest. Hirata took notice of Jake's discomfort, and rested a hand on his head, causing Jake to look up at him.
"Don't worry, we're right here Jake-kun." Hirata said giving Jake a small smile, as Jake relaxed a bit as he popped his right index finger with his right thumb. Being lead to the line, Jake pulled out his phone and slipped on one of his ear phones, leaving the other above his free ear, as he listened to Gummo by 6ix9ine.
Chiaki who was next to Jake leaned her head down and listened to the beat of the song, however not able to hear the lyrics, which Jake saw.
"D-do you wanna listen? My music isn't for everyone." Jake asked, causing Chiaki to smile and nod as Jake pulled out a small black case from his pocket and slipped his head phones back around his neck, as he passed the left ear bud to Chiaki who put it in as he put in the right, and restarted the song.

Chiaki who was listening to the music, eyes widened at the lyrics but also found the song good as well as she started slowly bob her head along with Jake.
"Hey what yah guys listening to?" Kushida asked, as Chiaki passes her the earbud with a grin, as Kushida took it and listened, her eyes widened and frowned at Jake.
"Jake-kun, you shouldn't listen to music like that, you're to young." She said, as the others attention was gained.
"Well what's he listening to?" Hirata asked, as Kushida gave him the ear piece as he held it to his ear.
But sadly the song changed to something much worse.

As Hirata listened to the song his face began to redden with a furious blush, as Chiaki and Kushida noticed the blush, wondering what song is playing now.
"J-Jake-kun you really shouldn't listen to such music, you're only 15 listening to songs about sex isn't okay." Hirata said, causing the girls to blush, as Jake looked down at his feet and played with his fingers.
"I-I'm sorry Hirata-nii, but I like this type of music." Jake said, as Hirata sighed and passed him back the earbud, and nodded.
"It's okay, just try to slowly get yourself from listening to things like that." Hirata said, getting Jake to nod.
"Sorry Jake-kun, I didn't mean to get you in trouble." Chiaki said softly, as he smiled at her.
"It's okay nii-chan, you were just curious." Jake said as Chiaki smiled down at him and put a hand on his head, causing Jake to flinch a bit.

"I'm not gonna hurt you Jake-kun, don't worry." She said worriedly as he nodded slightly, before suddenly another voice was heard.
"Watch out defects, Class C coming through." A green haired boy said as he cut in front of the Class D group, it was the green haired boy, a tall black male, a short girl with blue hair, and in the middle was a guy with purple like hair, with a smug look on his face.
"H-Hey! Hirata are we just gonna let them cut in front of us?!" Karuizawa asked Hirata irritatedly, who sighed and looked to the other class.
"Please let's not do this, please get in the line properly, your not setting a good example for those younger then us." Hirata said, getting the class C students to look back at the D group, as they spot a young white haired boy with blackish grey eyes.
"Ha?! You gotta be kidding! Class D is now just a group of babysitters now? Hahaha!" The green haired boy laughed loudly, causing the cafeteria to go quiet and look towards the situation, as Jake began to fidget with his hands, Kushida and Chiaki pushed Jake behind them as they stood behind Hirata.
"Awe look guys the little brats scared, awe the little defect is so small and tiny, Ryuuen is going to crush your class little man, and then when they're defeated, who will protect you then?" The green haired boy pushed the girls aside and got into Jake's face, his hands fidgeting with themselves as he looks away from the aggressive teen.
"Diachi, that's enough!" The blue haired girl yelled, causing the guy to grin.
"Awe c'mon Ibuki, I'm just having some fun." The now named Diachi said, as he suddenly grabbed the boy by his face, causing Jake's eyes to widen as a single tear rolls down his face, as his face was turned to look at the teen.
"Awe, he's crying! Haha! Ryuuen get a load of this brat I-" Diachi was interupted by the shuddering of the boy, his breathing picking up drastically, as he squinted his eyes closed tightly.
"J-Jake wants y-you to go a-away." Jake said softly, his eyes widen as his eyes glazed over.
"Jake-kun... Okay that's enough!" Chiaki and Hirata pushed Diachi backwards, as he went into the tall black teens waiting hands.
"I was just playing around guys, it's not my fault the little brat can't take a joke." Diachi stated with a snicker, as he suddenly winced in pain.
"Ow Albert what the hell?!" Diachi cried out, causing the taller teen to look down at him.
"You need to stop talking punk." He said, as Ryuuen stepped forward, causing the small group to tense, before kneeling in front of the boy younger teen.
"Hello, I apologize for my classmate, I'll make sure he gets his punishment, are you hungry?" Ryuuen asked, surprising the other first year classes as well as his own class.
"J-Jake is hungry, b-but Jake doesn't know i-if he should t-trust you." Jake said, as he whipped his face with the back of his hands, his body trembling.
"You're a smart boy Jake-kun, how about your friends sit with us and I'll buy you food." Ryuuen stated, getting the class D group to narrow there eyes in suspicion, before Jake felt a hand fall on his shoulder causing him to jump and push the hand away, and take a few steps back.
"Sorry for startling you Jake-kun, but I think why not hmm? Maybe you can make more friends." Kushida said, as she held the hand Jake smacked away.
"Jake's classmates c-can come with him?" Jake asked, getting Ryuuen to nod with a small smile.
"Of course." Ryuuen said, as he looked to Hirata who nodded before Jake looked back at Ryuuen.
"J-Jake agrees t-to your terms." Jake said as Ryuuen nodded and stood up.
"What's your favorite food Jake-kun?" Ryuuen asked something that even class D wanted to know.
"M-miso ramen, like Naruto." Jake said with a small blush, getting a 'hmm' from Ryuuen, as he tilted his head to the side, persed his lips and quirk an eyebrow.
"So you like Naruto huh? Who's your favorite character?" Ryuuen asked as he got back in line followed by Jake, with Hirata and the others standing behind the boy.
"Hmm I like Rock-Lee the most, he worked very hard every day and eventually reached his dream, but also Itachi, he sacrificed almost everything except his little brother for the village, that takes strength." Jake said, talking normally again as Ryuuen raised a brow.
"I didn't expect that kind of answer from someone your age." Ryuuen said honestly, causing Jake to smile.
"Age is just a number, it's the wisdom and experience that counts." Jake said sagely, getting a few eyes to widen at the young boys words, causing Albert to smirk.
"Boss, I'm starting to take a liking to little man." Albert said, getting class D and Ibuki nodded.
"I as well, come Jake let's eat." Ryuuen said as he approached the lunch lady who took the orders, and gave Jake a rather large bowl of ramen, causing the boy to smile up at her.
"This way Jake-kun." Ryuuen said, getting the boy to follow after them as he was followed by his group, after everyone sat down Jake clapped his hands together, before saying a silent thank you for the food, then broke apart his chopsticks.
"I see you know some of Japan's traditions Jake-kun, you're quite amazing." Kushida said, causing Jake to blush a tad.
"N-no, I'm just doing what characters do off of anime." Jake said bashfully, as he took his first bite of ramen, before his eyes sparkled and widened.
"W-wow." Jake said before he began to devour the bowl, setting the bowl in his lap as he hunched over the bowl.
"Jake-kun, slow down, no one's going to take it from you." Hirata said, putting a hand on his left shoulder, causing Jake to flinch a bit but nod, as Chiaki put the bowl back on the table in front of him.
"Let me ask you Jake-kun, why are you in this school?" Ryuuen asked, causing Jake's head to shoot up from his bowl.
"O-oh well, it has a 100% employment and college acceptance rates, and if I want to get the job I want, I have to study hard and be the best." Jake said with full confidence, getting Ryuuen to raise a brow.
"Oh? And tell me, what job is that?" Ryuuen said, getting Jake to think about it.
"W-well I want to be a detective, or maybe a general or admiral, but I also love writing and making music... Ugh so many choices." Jake pouted, and rested his forehead on the table.
"A detective hmm?" Ibuki asked as she took a sip from her canned coffee.
"What makes you want be a detective Jake-kun?" Hirata asked, getting the boy to adopt a look of determination.
"To help and protect those who can't help themselves, for that...was my dream." Jake said, as he slowly lost his determination, as he eyes became clouded for a second before shaking his head.
"Is my dream, I want to help and protect others, right now there's so much going on in the world, last year the number of murders in Japan was 853, the number of rape victims in Japan last year was 1.66 thousand cases, 390 cases of kidnapping or human trafficking. I might not be a huge help to people but that doesn't mean I won't stand idly by if I hear of or see something wrong happening." Jake said with conviction and determination, getting both groups respect in the boy to sky rocket.
"Very admirable of you, I see you have a hero complex." Ryuuen said, before Jake's eyes widen a tad and suddenly darken.
"I see, you're trying to map me out figure out what makes me tick, tell me, is it just to get to know me? Or is it that you want to find ways to disrupt me?" Jake said with a monotone causing Ryuuen's eyes to widen a tad, before smirking.
"Intelligent indeed Jake-kun, I'll let you be the judge of that, Diachi, apologize to the boy for earlier." Ryuuen said, getting the boy to about to object, before Albert cracked his knuckles.
"Listen brat, I mean Jake-kun, I'm sorry for scaring you so bad earlier." Diachi said, as Jake scooted closer to Hirata a bit, causing the boy to smile.
"J-just make sure it doesn't happen again, p-please." Jake said softly, getting Ryuuen to nod.
"You have my word that he will not bother you again." Ryuuen said as he and his group started to walk away, before Jake smiled darkly and stood.
"That's smart on what you're trying to do to Soudo, make him seem like the attacker to see if we can still try to become class A with one of us being expelled, however there was a small detail you over looked." Jake suddenly said, getting Ryuuen's group to freeze in shock.
"Why would Soudo, even though he's a hot head, provoke three people in a fight, where there are no cameras? Now no offense to Soudo, but I've seen how he observes things, and let me tell you, he wouldn't know if there's cameras or not. Do not make an enemy of me Ryuuen, you won't win." Jake said confidently, getting Ryuuen to chuckle before he errupted in loud laugh.
"Excellent Jake-kun, you truly are intelligent, I'll have my bozos drop the whole thing." Ryuuen said, getting his group and Jake's group eyes to widen.
Jake sat down as his he watched the other group leave, as Hirata and the others at the table turn to Jake, before Hirata gains a large smile.
"Quite the detective you are Jake-kun, great job." Hirata said, getting Jake to suddenly become timid at the praise he received.
"How did you know Soudo's observation capabilities?" Satsuki asked.
"I didn't, I bluffed based on the intelligence you guys told me, and made an educated guess and rolled with it." Jake said, causing there jaws to drop.
"Simply amazing Jake-kun." Chiaki said, getting Jake to smile, close his left eye, and stick out his tongue a tad.
"I maybe small, but I'm super smart." Jake said as he goes back to eating his ramen.

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