Silence was in the air with the shuffling of leaves, The baaing of the sheep, And the mooing of the cows slowly waking up the Glade. Normally you'd hear the chirping of birds but sadly there are none in the Glade, That is if you don't count the chickens who are indeed clucking very annoyingly
Leaning forward in the uncomfortable chair, (Y/n) felt her head banging in pain from how much moonshine she consumed the previous night. Her back was slouched as it ached from sleeping in the chair in front of Ben who was still unconscious...
His lips were chapped, Even though he constantly stole (Y/n)'s chapstick, His blond fluffy hair was stuck to the already dry cloth on his forehead, His veins were showing from under his paper-thin skin and his breathing was shallow and uneven
Letting out a sigh the female stood up from the chair before stretching her back which clicked in pain, As if she was the one going through the Changing. She didn't even remember how she ended up back here in the Homestead in front of Ben but the bags under her eyes certainly remember until what hour she stayed up that night...
Picking up the white cloth (Y/n) washed it under cold water, Rested it back on his forehead, And moved away his now dirty blond hair. Leaning away from the injured boy, (Y/n) let out a sigh and walked out of the room before closing the door, Softly.
"My shucking back hurts..." She groaned while placing her hands on her waist and tilting backward as if the pain would disappear from that stretch, It didn't "At least he's not screaming and rolling around in pain anymore" She whispered as she walked down the stairs before exiting the building
The cold morning air kissed her flushed cheeks, Eventually, The Glade started to wake up with different Gladers leaving their respective huts to head for breakfast. The background sound was the same as before only now there was also the scratching of stone that filled her ears.
"Right, Right, I completely forgot" She mumbled while placing a hand on her forehead as in the distance she saw The Gre— Thomas, Carving his name on the wall. There were many names on the wall some were written in small letters while some were written in big ones... Ahem, Ahem, Minho.
Coughing a bit (Y/n) let out a groan, Her head was still banging from the hungover that she chose to ignore. She slowly walked down the stairs of the porch before she turned to give one final glance to Thomas when—
"Morning, (Y/n)" Alby suddenly said as he appeared before the (H/c)
"Shu— Alby! You can't just walk up on people like that..." She whispered at him while slapping the Leader's arm
"I'm building up your fear tolerance," Alby said with hands on his hips, Sounding so proud as if he was the one who created the phrase
"Building my... Fear tolerance?" (Y/n) scoffed with crossed arms as she glanced at Thomas "So, How are you feeling Greenie?"
"Thomas." The raven-haired male said as he nodded at her "That's my name, Use it," He said with confidence before he saw Alby cross his arms disapprovingly
"Don't get cocky Greenie" Alby said "She'll call you whatever she wants to call you, And you'll like it" He ordered in a stern voice
"Hey, It's alright" (Y/n) chuckled with a soft smile as she placed her hand on the angry teen "If Thomas doesn't want me to call him a Greenie I'll respect that decision" She then turned to Thomas whose frown slowly turned into a smile "There are plenty of other options, Tommy, Tom, Green Bean, Newbie—"
"Ok, Stop, I get it!" Thomas breathed out as his cheeks were red from the embarrassment while (Y/n) just continued laughing with Alby letting out a snicker "Fine, Greenie is fine" He groaned
"Good" The female grinned from ear to ear before she glanced over her shoulder "Perfect timing, Hey! Zart!" She waved to the curly-haired blond who started looking around before his eyes landed on the three
"(Y/n), Alby" The Track-Hoe Keeper smiled at the two, His eyes half open either from tiredness or boredom "What's up?" He asked, He was wearing a cyan almost blue hoodie with the hood over his head that still revealed his blond locks "What can I do for you?" He smirked with hands in his pockets
"Wow, Such a gentleman" The (H/c) smiled and rolled her eyes as she placed her hand on Thomas's shoulder before looking at Zart "Our Gre— Thomas" She quickly corrected herself as she gave the so-called male a sheepish smile "Is your responsibility for today"
"Really now?" Zart looked between the two in boredom and crossed his arms "Shouldn't his first day be with the Slicers?"
"Winston is..." Alby uttered as he looked between (Y/n) and Zart "Hungover" He said "Plus we need extra help with cutting down the trees to expand the Homestead"
"I trust that you won't cause any trouble for Zart, Right, Tomathy?" She raised an eyebrow and softly squeezed his shoulder "We don't like to trouble Zart..." She smiled
"Y-Yeah... We don't..." Thomas uttered as he felt the female's grip tighten on his shoulder "We don't..."
"Right, Come on then Greenie" Zart mentioned to the raven-haired teen to follow him as he started walking "Ain't got all day, Oh and by the way" The blond stopped as he glanced at Alby and (Y/n) "Frypan saved some fried chicken for the both of you, But I'd hurry since Adam is eyeing your fair share!" He said with a laugh as he furthered away from them
"Something makes me believe that he already ate our share..." (Y/n) chuckled as she ran a hand through her hair
"That shank knows better than to eat our food," Alby said with crossed arms
"You're way too strict with them" The female giggled as she started walking with hands behind her back
"And you're way too soft with them" The male chuckled as he nudged her
The two walked through the Glade as the sun started shining from over the wall, The grass was colored yellow as the two greeted the different boys that either looked as ready as ever to start the day or either looked like they rather be the Grievers dinner
"Let's give Minho a day off" (Y/n) offered as she played with the rice on her plate before scooping some in her spoon and eating "Ben is his running partner and Minho hasn't taken a day off in a long time..." She murmured while chewing
"I guess we could" Alby let out a sigh as he took a sip from his water while sitting in front of the (H/c) "Let's hope he didn't leave yet..."
"I sure hope he didn't" (Y/n) then stood up with her empty bowl in hand "I'll go to check on Ben, He should have woken up by now" She smiled
"Good that"
. . .
Walking through the Glade, (Y/n) made sure to walk through the side with the forest to keep herself protected from the burning sun, She walked under the trees as her boots kicked the leaves under her feet
Skipping a bit in her walk she hummed a melody she didn't know the owner of, Her hands trailed the trees as she felt cool air hit her flushed cheeks as she continued smiling
"(Y/n), There you are," Clint said as the so-called female placed one of her legs on the first step to the porch of the Homestead "Did you take Ben somewhere?" He asked
"Ben? No, I left him to sleep in the room..." She said as her smile slowly fell
"I searched the whole Homestead" Jeff's voice came from the other side of the door before he walked onto the porch "I can't find him..."
Silence fell between the three before a distant 'Hey' could be heard, Usually (Y/n) would dismiss it as background noise but this call was desperate for help
"Help! Hey!" The screaming continued "Help!"
"Where is that coming from...?" Jeff wondered as he walked down the steps of the porch and stood in front of (Y/n)
"It sounds like the Greenie" Clint pointed out as (Y/n) stayed silent, Her heart twisted in a knot "Is that... Ben? Ben!" Clint waved to the male who was running, He looked brand new if it wasn't for him chasing—
"Thomas!" (Y/n) shouted as she broke into the spirit and ran past Jeff
"Help! HELP!"
Running on the leaves (Y/n)'s eyes were fixated on Ben who chased after Thomas like a wild animal, The two boys made it into the clearing of the Glade where the rest of the guys could hear Thomas's cries for
(Y/n) was now running toward the two when she saw Thomas stumble over his own two feet and Ben pinning him under himself
"I'll kill YOU!" Ben yelled in anger "It's you! It's all your FAULT—"
(Y/n) ran straight into the blond with her shoulder to his chest as he fell back onto the ground with a thud
"Augh" Ben grunted and when he was about to get up on his feet the female swiftly pinned him down under her
"Ben!" (Y/n) stared down at the Runner, Her eyes opened wide while her grip tightened on his wrists, His cheeks were stained with tears as her grip softened "Ben...?"
"Hold him down!" Newt ordered as he, Zart, And Gally pushed down the guy while (Y/n) slowly got off him, Her eyes staring at him in shock as her eyes glossed at the sight of Ben's frail figure
"Clam down, Ben!" Gally ordered as he pinned the teen's arm
"What the hell happened?" Frypan asked in shock as the Gladers stood in a circle
"Yeah..." Standing up (Y/n) wiped her forehead from any sweat as she stared down at Ben "I'd like to know what happened as well," She whispered, Voice shaking as everyone turned to Thomas
"He just attacked me!" Thomas said as he looked at (Y/n), His eyes filled with fear before her own (E/c) eyes traveled to his wrist
"Are you alright?" She asked, Her voice now soft as she gently grabbed Thomas's arm "Ben, What happened?" She whispered as she glanced at the blond from over her shoulder
Ben's eyes were bloodshot but she could see his face turn as white as a ghost when he realized it was her standing above him, He quickly started shaking his head as he tried to get out of Gally's, Newt's, And Zart's hold
"No, No, No" He quickly started saying "(Y/n), Please" He begged as his eyes watered at the realization of his doings "I promise, I saw him! It's him! It's all because of him!" He cried out as he mentioned to Thomas who was standing behind (Y/n) while gripping his wrist which was bleeding
"Get Clint and Jeff" (Y/n) ordered as she didn't break eye contact with Ben's watery eyes "I'll let Alby decide what to do with you, I'm sorry Ben, But you broke one of the three rules," She said, She then blinked a few times to blink away her own tears
"(Y/n), Please! PLEASE!" He was trying harder to resist the Builder's hold as Gally kept him down
"What happened here?" A stern voice asked making everyone flinch, Including (Y/n) "Hm?" Stepping from in between the crowd was Alby as he stood beside the (H/c) and looked down at Ben in disapprovement
"He attacked the Greenie..." Zart said as he looked up at the male
Silence filled the air as (Y/n) could hear Ben's heart banging in his chest as fear covered his whole body when the next words came out of his friend's mouth
"Throw him into the 𝘚𝘭𝘢𝘮𝘮𝘦𝘳"
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