Standing at the front of the room (Y/n) let out a sigh, Her tired eyes traveled around the room and the people sitting around in a circle, There were nine people, Ten together with her.
"Settle down" (Y/n) said as silence fell over the room which was the Council Hall
Slowly each one of the Keepers sat down in their chairs, Thomas who wasn't a Keeper sat beside Newt who gave the (H/c) a nod of approval
"As the First in Command" (Y/n) stood up from the chair in the front, Her voice ringing through the quiet room
Sitting beside Newt, Thomas's eyes slowly widened at the realization of the girl's title
"I announce the Gathering in action" She looked between the boys who didn't dare speak "Newt, Say what you have to say," She said before sitting down
"As you all know, The last few days have been bloody crazy" Newt spoke, Anyone could see that formalities weren't his thing "And quite a bit seems centered around our Greenbean, Tommy, Seated before us"
When Newt said that all eyes turned to Thomas, The teen looked down, Cheeks flushed in embarrassment from the sudden attention which had been brought on him
"He's not a Greenie anymore" Gally grumbled as he crossed his arms and rolled his own eyes "He's just a rule breaker now"
At the mention of rule-breaking, The Keepers started talking with one another. (Y/n) rubbed her temple while resting her elbow on the armrest of her chair, Her tired (E/c) eyes glared at the members of the council
"Did Newt finish speaking?" She asked, Her voice stern yet quiet and Thomas was almost surprised that the guys even heard her
"I wouldn't recommend blabbering your shucking mouth every time I say something," Newt said as he glanced at Gally "If you do you can go ahead and leave because I'm not in a very cheerful mood"
"Let's keep it civil for my sanity" (Y/n) muttered as she continued rubbing her temple while her head felt like it'll split in two
"At least we got that out of the way" Newt rolled his eyes after he saw Gally lean back in his seat "The reason we're here is that almost every lovin' kid in the Glade has come up to me this whole morning either boohooing about Thomas or beggin' to take his bloody hand in marriage," Newt said making (Y/n) bite back a smile "We have to decide what we're gonna do with him
At the silence the female heard she looked up from the ground, She let out an exhausted sigh and glanced at Thomas who was already staring at her with his big round brown eyes
"Alright, I'll start" She whispered and looked between each Keeper "He broke a rule, A rule that has kept all of the none Runners safe," She said as some nodded "But he was certainly a big help in Minho's and Alby's survival"
(Y/n) glanced at Minho who also gave her a nod
"I believe Thomas is reckless, Stupid, Naive" She counted while the Greenie couldn't keep his eyes off her as she insulted him "And shucking brave, So if there's one thing I'm sure of is that I'd like to offer a place on the council for him" She finished making Thomas's eyes widen
"What?! You can't be serious (Y/n)" Gally said as he stood up
"M-Maybe we're moving a bit fast here?" Frypan asked with a laugh as he looked between the other Keepers
"Let her finish," Newt said sternly as he crossed his arms before giving the (H/c) a soft smile
"Even if we get Thomas into the council" (Y/n) paused as silence fell, Her tired eyes looked at the ground as the lack of sleep from the previous night finally caught up to her "I want him to be punished... A week in the pit, Food every two days"
"Now that's a bit harsh..." Winston wondered
"Harsh doesn't even come close to her suggestion," Gally said "Make it two weeks"
"Gally." (Y/n) said sharply "It was my suggestion, You'll have your turn," She said before letting out a sigh and glancing at Newt "That's all..."
"All right" Newt mumbled as he wrote down her suggestion "You're up next, Zart the Fart" Newt nodded to the Keeper of the Track-Hoes who was leaning back in his chair while a few snickers were heard
"Well..." Zart began, His eyes traveling around the room as if waiting for a suggestion "I don't know, He broke one of our most important rules. We can't just let people think that's okay" He paused and looked down at his hands, Rubbing them together "But then again, He's... Changed things. Now we know we can survive out there, And that we can beat the Grievers"
"Oh, Give me a break" Gally rolled his eyes "I bet Minho's the one who actually got rid of those stupid things"
"Gally, Shut your hole!" Newt yelled and harshly stood up "If I hear one more buggin' word out of turn from you, I'll be arrangin' another Banishing for your sorry butt"
"Let's not take it too far" (Y/n) said as she leaned forward in her chair "Gally, Please, We're trying to decide on something, and your negative attitude's only slowing us down"
"Please" Gally whispered sarcastically but when he saw how intensely she was looking at him, He let out a sigh and slouched back into his chair again
Newt also let out a sigh and sat down in his chair "Is that it? Any official recommendations?" He asked while turning to Zart who only shook his head "Okay, You're next Fryapn"
Frypan smiled and sat up straight "Shank's got more guts than I've fried up from every pig and cow in the last year" He paused, As if expecting a laugh, but the only laugh was the breathless chuckle from (Y/n)
"How stupid is this — He saves Alby's life, Kills a couple of Grievers, And we're sitting here yappin' about what to do with him. As Chuck would say, this is a pile of klunk"
"At least his not cursing..." Muttered (Y/n) while rubbing her temple
"If he could, That kid would be cursing like a sailor," Frypan said with a laugh while (Y/n) bit the inside of her cheek "Don't tell him I told you that..."
"So" Newt spoke making the two turn to him "What're ya recommendin'?"
"Put him on the freaking Council and have him train us on everything he did out there" Frypan shrugged with folded arms
Voices erupted from every direction and (Y/n) just watched with a bored expression while Newt calmed everyone down, The opinion wasn't much different from the (H/c)'s but the suggestion that Thomas... The Greenie, Trains everybody made the Keepers voice their disagreement
"All right, Writin' her down," Newt said while writing on a notepad "Everyone keeps their bloody mouths shut, I mean it!" Newt spoke "You know the rules, No idea's unacceptable, And you'll all have your say when we vote on it" He finished writing and glanced to the next Keeper
"I don't really have an opinion," Billy, The Keeper of the Baggers said
"What?" Newt asked angrily while (Y/n) took in a sharp breath
'He really isn't in a good mood...'
"Lot of good it did to chose you for the Council, Then," Newt said
"Sorry, I honestly don't know" Billy shrugged "If anything, I agree with Fry... I guess?" He scratched the back of his neck "Why punish a guy for saving someone's life?"
"So you do have an opinion... Is that it?" Newt asked, Pencil in hand "Winston, The floor is yours"
"I think he should be punished" The Keeper of the Slicers shrugged and turned to Thomas "No offense, Greenie, But Newt, You're the one always harping about order. If we don't punish him, we'll set a bad example. He broke our Number One Rule"
"Okay," Newt said as he wrote down the suggestion "So you're recommendin' punishment, What kind?
"The same one as (Y/n)'s" Winston nodded to the (H/c) who rested her cheek on her palm and her eyes tired from the lack of sleep "One week in the Pit with only bread and water — We need to make sure everyone knows about it so they don't get any ideas"
"Got it, Come on Clint," Newt said as he glanced at the Med-Jack who seemed too lonely without his partner in crime
"Well..." Clint let out a sigh as he looked at the ceiling in thought "I trust (Y/n)'s judgment, He saved two lives and now he knows a way to survive the night in the Maze which is very useful to us" He looked around the room while the (H/c) gave him a nod "I also agree with a punishment, One night in the pit and no food"
"One night?!"
"Gally." (Y/n) sternly said as the male let out a groan and closed his mouth "Well then, What's your opinion Newt?" She asked while turning to the Second in Command who just finished scribbling some words on the piece of paper
"I agree with a lot of ya, He should be punished," He said "But then we need to figure out a way to use him — I'm reservin' my recommendation until I hear everyone out" He let out a sigh before turning to the last two Keepers "Gally, Minho?"
"I think I've made my opinions pretty clear already" Gally began as he looked between everyone
"Good that," Newt said and rolled his eyes "Go on then, Minho—"
"No!" Gally yelled making a couple of Keepers including (Y/n) jump in their seats "I still wanna say something"
"Then bloody say it" Newt replied with a stern look
"Let's give him his time" (Y/n) let out a sigh and rubbed her eyes "Go on, Gally"
"Just think about it" He spoke "This slinthead comes up in the Box, acting all confused and scared. A few days later, He's running around the Maze with Grievers, Acting like he owns the place"
Silence filled the air making the Keeper of the Builders continue "I think it was all an act. How could he have done what he did out there after just a few days? I ain't buyin' it" He said
"What're you tryin' to say, Gally?" Newt asked as he rubbed his own temple "How 'bout having a bloody point?"
"I think he's a spy from the people who put us here"
The silence was quickly interpreted by (Y/n) who broke into a fit of coughs
"What...?" She breathed out in shock and that was all she needed to fully wake up
"There are too many weird things going on, And it all started when this shuck-face Greenie showed up" Gally pointed at Thomas whose eyes were open just as wide if not wider than (Y/n)'s "And he just happens to be the first person to survive a night out in the Maze. Something ain't right, And until we figure it out, I officially recommend that we lock his butt in the Slammer — For a month, And then have another review."
Newt let out a sigh and wrote on his pad while shaking his head the whole time "Finished?"
"Quit being such a smart aleck, Newt" Gally spat "I'm dead serious, How can we trust this shank after less than a week? Quit voting me down before you even think about what I'm saying"
"Alright" (Y/n) spoke making everyone look at her "Gally does have a point," She said making the male nod and sit down "We'll definitely consider it especially since it would make sense for Thomas here to be a spy" She spoke softly as she glanced at the teen before sitting down
"Go ahead, Last but not least" Newt spoke as he mentioned to Minho who was deadly silent the whole meeting
Minho stood up making some of the Keeper raise their eyebrows since none of them stood up
"I was out there, I saw what this guy did — He stayed strong while I turned into a panty-wearin' chicken. No blabbin' on and on like Gally. I want to say my recommendation and be done with it" He said in one go and glanced between (Y/n) and Newt
"Good that" Newt nodded and placed away his pen, Giving his full attention to the Runner "Tell us then"
"I nominate this shank to replace me as the Keeper of the Runners"
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