Chapter 1

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The cold metal against her body froze her in fear as she felt heavier than she should have while sprawling on the bottom of the metallic box.

Groaning, She closed her eyes shut from the bright white light that burned her eyes. The air seemed to be pulled out of her lungs as the box came to a harsh stop making the female sit up and gasp for air like it was her last moments 

She didn't know what time of the day it was, She didn't know how long she's been in this... Box — She didn't know anything as her eyes darted around the metallic cage, Her breathing was quick and uneven as her fingertips trembled while she lifted her palm to look at it

Her skin tone was (S/c), At least she knew that... She didn't know anything else, Not her age, Not her name, Not her likes or dislikes. Her breathing got quicker and quicker as tears were about to pour out of her eyes when suddenly the box came to yet another harsh stop and she crashed into one of the walls

"Damn it" Cursed the girl as she sat on her knees with one hand holding her aching stomach, Feeling like she'll throw up at any moment, Her other hand rested on a barrel beside her that spelled "W.I.C.K.E.D...?"

Then, Warm air flowed into the box as it opened up making the sun's rays shine straight into her eyes as she shielded them

"Well, Would you look at that," A loud voice said as more light shone in the box from it opening up, It was almost painful to look up "Hm... You're not a guy" The voice noted as (Y/n) slowly adjusted to the lighting and the figure which appeared above her "You're... A girl"

"A girl?"

"Are you sure? Maybe he just looks feminine"

The box jerked as somebody jumped in it. Leaning back between one of the walls and a barrel, the girl looked up at the guy in front of her who was offering her his open palm

"Morning 𝘎𝘪𝘳𝘭𝘺, Welcome to the Glade" The figure which now blocked the light from the girl turned out to be a guy, Seventeen years old — Not older, He was tall with broad shoulders "You're quiet" He laughed as he still offered his open palm to her

"Thanks..." She hesitantly grasped his palm and stood up, Her vision got blurry and her head felt like it'd split in two from how quickly she did it "I think I'm going... I'm going to throw up" She mumbled while clinging to her head which pulsed in pain

"You wouldn't be the first one!" Another guy laughed as he looked down inside the box "Bring her up, 𝘎𝘦𝘰𝘳𝘨𝘦"

"Watch who you're ordering around, Nick" George laughed as he climbed out of the box "Come on, Girly," He said as he helped her out as well

'Where am I?'   Was the first thing the female thought as she looked around herself but the only thing she saw were... Walls, Four tall walls that wouldn't even budge by the strongest of winds

"You're wondering where you are, Huh?" George asked as he placed his hands on his hips while standing proudly beside her, As if this whole place was his creation "This is... The Glade"

"What's behind those walls?" The female whispered as she started walking towards them, Her gaze fixated on them, She couldn't look away, She wouldn't look away.

"We don't know, But we'll find out eventually" George grabbed her wrist as he prevented her from walking further away "Let's introduce you first, Although I'm surprised you're not freaking out"

"Not... Freaking out?" She repeated with a confused look and a tilted head "You mean it's not normal to n-not remember anything after coming here?" She asked, Eyes watering as fear flashed in her (E/c) eyes

"She's a quick one!" Laughed Nick as he walked over to the two, He had blond hair and stood tall, He was the tallest out of them "The name's Nick, Always at your service" He winked at her

"Buzz off" Laughed a third male, He had dark skin and he looked strong, Almost as strong as the four walls that kept them from freedom or at least... That's what the girl guessed was on the other side "Leave the poor girl alone, Otherwise, She'll really throw up" He laughed before smiling at her "Name's Tycen"

"Something tells me I will throw up" She mumbled with a hand over her mouth while the three laughed

"Like this?" The female wondered as she closed one of her eyes

"Yep, You're doing great!" Smiled Nick as he stood beside her while showing her how to properly hold a bow "Not bad Girly"


"What?" Nick's smile fell as they stood in silence but the female continued smiling

"My name is (Y/n)" She lowered the bow and turned to look at Nick with a beaming smile "I finally remember it!" She laughed at his shocked expression before his lips broke into a smile

"That's great!" He laughed as he wrapped his arms around her and started twirling her around "Oh, That's amazing!"

"I'm not eating that..." Mumbled the (H/c) as she glared at the bowl in front of her

"You rather starve to death?" Tycen scoffed with a laugh as he pushed the bowl back toward her

"Yeah" (Y/n) slid it back to him "I rather starve..."

"Hey, You've got your period. Didn't you?" George asked in a soft tone as he walked towards (Y/n)'s hammock "This arrived with you in the box, Here" He smiled at her gently while patting her (H/c) hair

"Thanks" Mumbled the female as she looked up at him "That's very sweet of you..." She managed to say through gritted teeth 

"Oh come on!" Groaned (Y/n) as George ruffled her hair "Stop that! I just got all the knots out..." She whined and slapped his hand away

"You care about your hair more than us" Joked Tysen as he patted the sheep that baaed in response "And I think that really hurt Nick's feelings" He mentioned to the male who was sitting in a corner sadly

"She... Doesn't care about... Us?"

"That's a bad idea..." Mumbled (Y/n) as she looked up at Nick and Tysen who were grinning down at her "A really, Really, Bad idea"

"Don't sweat it, Girly" Tysen grinned at her while ruffling her hair "We'll be fine, Plus this way we'll finally know what's outside these walls"

"Be safe you two" George said sternly as he hugged both males while standing beside the frowning female

"Will they return before the Doors close? They have to..." (Y/n) whispered as she paced outside the Door to the Glade "What if they're stuck out there... With if the—..." She mumbled mentioning the creatures that were shrieking and screaming during the night but stopped during the day

"Those two are smart guys, They'll come back" Assured Geroge as he sat on a bolder not far from the worried female

"I hope your right..."

"Don't go" Pleaded (Y/n) as she gripped George's sleeve "I can't lose you, 𝘎𝘦𝘰𝘳𝘨𝘦" She whispered

"I promise, I promise I'll be back," The male said as he placed his hand on (Y/n)'s shoulder in a comforting manner as his warmth spread and warmed (Y/n)'s worried heart "They've probably just found the exit, I'll be back"

Petting the sheep, (Y/n)'s eyes were sad as the sun was right above her head, Burning bright and hot while she moved to pick up a shovel she guessed Nick left lying around

"Idiot" She chuckled as she set it aside while the sheep followed her "Hm?" Something caught her gaze as she saw a person walking up toward her "...George?" She whispered as her eyes widened

A small smile appeared on her face — He kept his promise, He came back. But what made her worry was his lack of response

"George?" She repeated when she saw he wasn't answering but fear quickly appeared in her eyes "𝘎𝘦𝘰𝘳𝘨𝘦!" She screamed in fear as the male started running toward her

Turning around (Y/n) was about to run only to be knocked onto the ground and slammed into the grassy earth with George on top of her, His bigger body pressed her onto the ground as he grabbed both of her wrists and pinned them onto the grass making her wince in pain

For the first time since he returned (Y/n) saw his eyes which were bloodshot red and the veins on his face and neck were painfully visible

"George..." She repeated, Quietly, She had no idea what was going on, She had no idea why he looked at her like she was his last meal, Why when he licked his lips she could see the saliva drip down his chin as if he was a wild animal

"GEORGE!" She screamed in fear as if hoping he'd regain some sense of humanity which was sadly long gone "STOP!" She begged as tears filled her eyes when his grip on her wrists became painfully tight while he leaned closer to her face, Spit dripping on her cheeks

His hands gripped both of her frail wrists which he pinned down, His dirty short nails dug into the skin of her wrist making her wrist color itself blue she felt her eyes stinging in pain while blood escaped her body in the most painful way possible 

Tears streamed down her cheeks before she glared at him and his hurting gaze, Biting her lip (Y/n) shut her eyes before repeating all the prayers she knew and then smacking her forehead against his nose

"Augh!" The male moaned in pain as he let her go and sat on his knees while clinging onto his now broken and bleeding nose before glaring down at her, That was not 𝘎𝘦𝘰𝘳𝘨𝘦.

"G-Get away!" Cried out the female as she moved back, Her hands shook under her as they trembled every time she placed her palm on the grassy ground to backward crawl away from him, From her friend who turned into her predator.

"Please, Stop!" She shouted, Trying to get him to regain his senses she finally scrambled onto her feet and her back crashed into the bolder that had the shovel rested against it, Grabbing the shovel she previously set aside she pointed it at him "I-I'm warning you!" She yelled, Cheeks wet from tears

"AAGH!" George screamed as he leaped at her

The sound of the ringing of metal echoed through the male's ears as (Y/n) hit him straight in the head with the shovel as she successfully... Killed him.

. . .

Silence filled the air as (Y/n) stared at the grave in front of her, Tears streamed down the female's cheeks and her eyes were puffy red as she sniffed quietly, Her wrists were still bloody, Aching and her nails were dirty from digging out the grave for a person she sadly still considers a friend

"I'm sorry..." She whispered into the night air, More tears rolled down her cheeks as her bottom lip trembled 

The silence was cut off by the shrinking of the monsters outside the closed doors — Grievers, That's what (Y/n) decided to call them from how much grieving they caused her

"I'm really sorry, I-I'm sorry I couldn't save you" She breathed out as she let out a sigh while placing flowers on the grave "Not you, Not Nick, Not Tycen... I'm sorry, I'll do better, I'll—"

The screaming of the Grivers became louder and the scraping of metal filled her ears as she hugged herself while tears streamed down her face, She was alone, Tysen was gone... Nick was gone and Geroge was gone... All three of them were gone

"—SHUT UP!" She finally snapped, Her broken voice screaming into the night as the scraping of metal became too loud for her ears "Just shut it!" She pleaded as she placed her hands over her ears that could hear the beating of her broken heart

. . .

"Alright, I've got this!" (Y/n) smiled hopefully as she started setting up the hammock "Nevermind" She groaned as the branch of the tree broke

"What am I supposed to do with this?" The female wondered as she held the book "A book about technology... I don't fucking need this, I need answers, Not more questions!"

"Dammit!" Cursed the (H/c) as her finger started bleeding from the uneven wood "I can't do this..."

"I can do this!" Cheered (Y/n) as she lifted up a hammer to hammer two pieces of wood together "Fuck!" She cried out she hit her finger

"Ew, Ew, Ew" She mumbled as she quickly sat up from the grass where she saw a Beetle Blade crawl towards her "Get away! Please! I'm sorry!"

"Well... They did say that every month a new person comes up" Smiled (Y/n) as she stood around the box and waited for it to come up "I hope they get here soon...!" She whispered excitedly

The loud ringing filled her ears as she saw the box come up, She happily ran towards the side and lifted a lever to open the box but her eyes became dull when it was empty except for more stuff she definitely needed

"Nobody came...?" She whispered as she jumped in "How weird..." She mumbled when she saw an envelope on top of one of the barrels "What is that?"

𝘕𝘰 𝘰𝘯𝘦'𝘴 𝘤𝘰𝘮𝘪𝘯𝘨

(Y/n)'s heart dropped to her feet as she stared at the paper which said those exact words, No one was coming... She is stuck here, Alone.

"At least I can cook well" (Y/n) chuckled dryly as she cooked some food over the fire "Hey, Nick, Come take your—... Portion..." She uttered as she offered a plate to an empty space next to her

"This is just sad" She whispered to herself as she wiped away a tear when she noticed she made food for four people, Not one "And wasteful..."

"Maybe... Maybe I'll just jump?" She wondered as she stood on top of the Maze while looking down "What's the point? I can't survive anyway..."

Looking down the distance grew larger and larger as she stared down while the sun was setting, Dry tears stained her cheeks as she looked down sadly

"No way, I'm way too scared for that"

Walking around the maze she was very cautious as she looked around every corner, The sun was high above her burning her with its warmth. Sweat ran down her body as she bit her lip when she saw a horrendous monster right around one of the corners

"A... Griever" She whispered as she saw his metallic legs which scraped the ground and scared her to death each night she slept alone in fear that the Doors might open up and let those things in...

"Suck it up" Groaned (Y/n) as she swung her arm and took down a tree after about a day and a half of cutting "I did it!" She laughed happily before she turned back to the fallen tree "Now I have to cut it..." She mumbled sadly

"Well, that wasn't... So hard" Lied the female as she looked at the awfully built house in front of her, The house consisted of just planks that rested on the tree's branch, Like a floor "Now I don't have to sleep on the ground with the Beetle Blades" She smiled weakly

Walking around the maze (Y/n) held a piece of paper in her hand with a drawing of the Maze on it, Biting her lip she looked up as if to ensure she was walking in the right direction. Day by day, Week by week, Month by month (Y/n) was exploring more of the Maze, Slowly, But surely.

"I'm getting the fuck out of here"

"Rain?" (Y/n)'s eyes lightened up as she ran into the middle of the Glade where she stood under the clouds letting the water drops hit her face and body "Haha!" She laughed happily as she ran around and jumped into different puddles

"Rain! Rain...!" A sudden idea popped into her head as she ran back towards her tree house where she picked up a big barrel and placed it in the middle of the Glade so it would fill itself up with water 

"I've been here for seven months, Let's see maybe this time they'll send someone up" Mumbled the female as she walked over to the box before pulling the lever and looking down "Nobody again..."

While looking through the stuff W.I.C.K.E.D sent her something caught (Y/n)'s eyes... It was wrapped carefully and hidden from view

"A... A dress?" She wondered as she picked it up, It had W.I.C.K.E.D written on the neck label like always but something was also written inside one of the sleeves. The initial 'T' was written there...

"No one again" Sighed the (H/c) as she looked inside

"Why am I even expecting somebody?" (Y/n) said out loud as she closed the box "I'm not even going to check next time!..."

"One..." (Y/n) read the number that was written on the wall, It was almost the size of the wall itself and it was written with red paint "Is this the exit? Or a section?" She wondered but quickly stopped in her tracks when she heard the rumbling of stone making her quickly turn around and run "Shit!—"

Running quickly the Runner Vest on her back was tight and contained only water and two knives as she took a sharp turn to the left almost falling, Her hands were bandaged up as she used the bandages like gloves while lifting heavy stuff in the Glade, Her pants were cut into shorts and her shirt had long sleeves that were rolled up

The sun was setting surprisingly quickly as (Y/n) was slowing down from the lack of air in her lungs but she continued pushing forward "Just a bit longer!..." She pleaded as the entrance came into view

Her (E/c) eyes then widened when she saw a figure standing at the doors... 
The person looked almost majestic as he stood in the tall doorway, The sun shone behind them making it hard for (Y/n) to make out their gender, Race, Age, Basically anything!

Not slowing down, (Y/n) continued running faster than before but her eyes widened even further when the figure started making its way into the Maze as if to meet her halfway

"Idiot! Turn back!" She screamed but she was quicker than him as she zoomed past him while grabbing his arm and pulling him along

"Hey!—" The male shouted in shock as he was pulled by her into a sloppy run "What the—..." His eyes widened when he saw the Doors starting to close in on them making him run along with her

Leaping forward the both of them made it through the now shut Doors which closed with a boom while they fell onto the grassy ground

"What the fuck..." Breathed out the male as (Y/n) noticed his dark skin and how he was tall with broad shoulders almost reminding her of Tysen "Why are you laughing?" He turned to her

"N-Nothing" Laughed the (H/c) as she sprawled on the grass and breathed heavily before she looked at him again to see his short-cropped hair which had some green grass in it. Smiling softly (Y/n) reached over for a handshake "Welcome to the Glade, 𝘎𝘳𝘦𝘦𝘯𝘪𝘦" 

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