The Theory

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1.)  The world did end in 2012, just not all of us died.

2.)  The Higgs Boson was discovered in July of 2012, months later it gained so much density that it caused a black hole. 

3.)  The Higgs Boson also affected every particle in the known universe causing mini- black holes to form in there place.

4.)  Those mini-black holes that combusted released energy.

5.)  The multitude of energy caused by the many mini-black holes combustion caused another big bang.

6.)  The black hole that formed destroyed the universe but the living things closest to it travelled through space and time.

7.)  Those beings in question could have landed on close by universe that was only slightly different than ours. 

8.)  The particle in their bodies were then affected by the different universe causing memory displacement.

9.)  Some of this earth's population are from the original universe whereas the others are from this particular earth. 

10.)  Because of the transdimensional displacement, memories didn't match the events of the new universe causing people to question their reality. 

11.)  People brush it off calling it mass hysteria, despite many factors disproving mass hysteria. 

12.)  Soon after FRBs(Fast Radio Bursts) are heard in space, caused by an echo of the original universe's demise. 

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