Chapter Twenty-Four

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"Come and visit soon," Frigga requested of her sons, giving them one last hug goodbye.

I smiled at the moment. Odin had said goodbye in the throne room, but Frigga decided to come to the Bifröst.

"It was lovely meeting and working with you, y/n," Frigga said, giving me a hug.

"Likewise," I said, hugging back.

The trip down the rainbow bridge was only slightly less sickening than going up it. As soon as we landed on the roof of the tower, FRIDAY alerted the team that we had arrived home. I hadn't even reached the door to the roof of the tower when Pietro burst through it, holding Wanda in his arms. He put her down and ran to me, engulfing me in a hug. Wanda joined soon after. I hugged them both back tightly.

"I missed you," I said, not wanting to let go.

"We missed you, too," they both said.

After a minute or so of hugging, the rest of the team arrived at the top of the tower. Except one person.

"Where's Nat?" I asked.

Everyone went silent.

"She's... out," Tony said shadily.

"What's that supposed to mean?" I asked.

Was she okay? Had something happened to her?

"She's doing stuff. For SHIELD," Steve said, not looking at me.

I looked to Clint for answers.

"She's on a mission," he said.

"Why didn't you just say that?" I asked suspiciously.

"It's top secret," Bucky said.

"Secret enough to be kept from another Avenger?" I asked.

I heard Thor clear his throat behind me.

"Two other Avengers?" I corrected.

Tony sighed deeply.

"It's a surprise, kiddo. She'll tell you when she gets back," he said, and then walked off the roof. Not through the door, actually off the roof. I rolled my eyes at his dramatics.

"Imagine not wanting to be apart of a conversation enough to jump off a roof," my brother said chuckling.

He may be the fastest person in the world, but he was too slow to dodge my smack to the back of his head.

"A week without me and this is how I am treated?" he said dramatically, before zooming off.

He came zooming back a second later.

"How did it go?" he asked me sheepishly.

I lifted up my arm to show off my bare wrist.

"I don't need them anymore," I said happily.

Everybody cheered. Sam texted Tony, letting him know what I'd said because he'd jumped off the building.

I eventually got to my room after socialising with everyone and collapsed on my bed. I was so happy that I could now control my powers. I lifted a hand and watched as water twisted and twirled through my fingers. My eyelids began to droop and before I knew it, I had drifted off to sleep.


"Y/n! Natasha is here!"

I snapped my eyes open. I jumped out of bed and raced down the hall, finding Natasha in the kitchen. I ran up to her and gave her a big hug. She hugged me back tightly.

"I have news," she said as everyone else gathered around. "I spoke to Fury and he said that Loki may become an Avenger. If that is what he wants."

My jaw dropped and I turned to look at Loki. His face showed shock, which turned to confusion, which finally turned to pride. He looked at me and smiled softly.

"I'd love to," he said, maintaining eye contact with me.

I squealed and jumped into his arms.

"This means an officiation ceremony and a press conference," Steve said.

"But more importantly... a party!" Tony interrupted.

We all groaned and rolled our eyes.

"Can't wait," I muttered sarcastically.

A loud rumble rang through the tower. I thought we were under attack until I saw Pietro clutch his stomach.

"Who's making dinner?" Pietro asked.

"Dave," Bucky said.

I looked at him in confusion.

"He's the pizza guy," Bucky added.

"I – how do you... okay," I said, giving up on that situation.

But in all seriousness, how the hell did Bucky know the pizza guy?


"Are you ready?" I asked, clutching Loki's hand.

He was wearing his black suit and had his hair slicked back. I was wearing a pretty blue dress.

"As ready as I'll ever be," he muttered.

I squeezed his hand once more before letting go. We all walked onto the stage and the crowd cheered. Once we were all in position, Tony began to speak. He spoke about Loki, letting the world know that he wasn't as bad as everyone thought he was. Tony told them about how he'd helped us fight 'evil' and that he was now a part of the team.

There were questions at the end. Tony answered a few before turning them over to Loki. The first question he got was... interesting, to say the least.

"Is it true that you are in a relationship with another Avenger?"

Loki merely smiled and handled it better than I would have, by calmly saying that it was none of their business, but in a politer manner.

Once we got off the stage, I let out a giggle.

"That was interesting," Clint said.

"Very much so," Thor said, chuckling.

We made our way to the party, where Loki and I hung out in a booth.

"We should prank someone," he said out of the blue.

I quickly nodded.

"Do you have anything in mind?" I asked.

He shook his head. We thought for a while before I came up with the most spectacular idea.

"This is my idea..."


Thank you for reading chapter 24! I hope you enjoyed!

P.S. Meme isn't mine <3


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