Chapter Twenty

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I woke up in Tony's lab. I groaned. Why did I keep waking up like this?

"Y/n! You're awake!"

I barely had a moment to figure out who said that before multiple pairs of arms wrapped around me.

"Woah, woah, I'm suffocating!" I wheezed.

The people pulled back and I recognised them as my siblings, Natasha, and Clint. I smiled weakly at them. I looked around the room, spotting all of the Avengers and Loki. I smiled at Loki and he walked up to me and took my hands. That's when I noticed the metal band around my wrist.

"What's this?" I asked, removing one of my hands from Loki's and lifting it to my face.

"It's a limiter," Tony said distractedly, looking at something on his computer. "it should keep your power how they used to be."

"Used – used to be?" I asked.


Loki ran a hand down my cheek.

"That man... he did something to you. Your power has become a lot stronger, and there's a lot more of it. You can't control it," Loki said, rubbing soothing circles on my hands.

I stayed silent. My powers... were out of control. I couldn't control them. They were really the only thing in my life I had control over, and now... now I had no control.

Wanda grabbed the other hand that Loki wasn't holding.

"It will be alright," she murmured. "You have us. All of us."

I looked around at my team, except, they weren't my team. They were my family. From my blood siblings, to people I considered family, and... Loki. The man I had such feelings for. The god who held my heart.

Suddenly, I felt better. Knowing that all these people were there for me made me feel safe. Protected. Loved.

~ Time skip ~

"Asgard?" I asked, excitedly.

Loki rolled his eyes at my enthusiasm.

"Yes, Love. Asgard," he said.

I jumped up and down excitedly. I had always wanted to see Asgard. Thor and Loki had told me about it, and it sounded wonderful. The castle, the meadows, the mountains and, most importantly, the rainbow bridge.

Loki looked at me fondly.

"What?" I asked. "I'm excited for the rainbow bridge."

He snorted and shook his head.

"I love you," he said.

He froze, as if shocked that the words left his mouth. I looked at him, surprised, before grabbing his face and pulling him down for a kiss.

"I love you, too," I murmured, smiling.

Relief washed over Loki's face before he kissed me again.

"Now, off to Asgard!" I cheered.

We walked to the top of the tower, where Thor awaited us. Everyone else stood there, ready to say their goodbyes.

My siblings attacked me with hugs first.

"Don't worry, it'll only be a week or so," I said, although I hugged them just as tight as they hugged me.

Everyone else said there goodbyes, and before I knew it, I stood with Thor and Loki away from everyone else.

Loki wrapped an arm around my waist.

"The trip may be a bit sickening the first time," Loki warned me.

I nodded, holding onto him tight.

"Heimdall!" Thor called, and a cylinder of rainbow encased us.

We zoomed up the rainbow tube. It felt as though we were flying. I saw stars pass us and soon enough we were in Asgard. My knees wobbled a bit, but Loki kept me upright.

"Thor, Loki. Welcome back. Y/n, welcome to Asgard," a deep voice said.

I looked towards the sound and saw a man with brilliant gold eyes. He wore golden armour and looked very Asgardian. I suddenly felt extremely underdressed in my f/c shirt and jeans.

"This is Heimdall," Thor said.

I smiled at him and held my hand out. Heimdall shook it and returned my smile.

"Come, Love, we can see your favourite part of Asgard first," Loki said, referring to the rainbow bridge.

We walked out and honestly; I was not prepared. The rainbow bridge was better than I imagined. It wasn't like a normal rainbow. In fact, it was better. There were splashes of different colours everywhere and it sparkled like glitter.

"It's so... pretty," I whispered, knowing that the word, 'pretty,' didn't describe it enough.

Loki just chuckled and tugged me towards a pair of horses. One was white while the other was a majestic black. I walked up to the black one and gave it a pat. I turned back to see Loki and Thor staring at me in shock.

"What?" I asked.

"Alvis doesn't like people. He barely tolerates me," Loki said, still shocked.

I shrugged, continuing to pet Alvis.

"I'm good with animals," was all I said.

After getting over their shock, the two gods walked over to the horses. Thor mounted his in a fluid movement. Loki grabbed my hips and helped me sit on the horse before sitting on in front of me. We trotted down the bridge and towards the castle.

Loki was helping me off the horse when I heard four people call out Thor's name. I turned in the direction on the voices and saw three men and one woman walking towards Thor.

Thor greeted them happily, hugging and punching their shoulders.

"Now, before I forget," Loki said, grabbing my shoulders.

He wiggled his fingers and a green light flashed and then was gone.

"That was a temporary Allspeak spell," he explained. "You can now fluently speak and understand Asgardian."

"Lady y/n, you must meet my friends, the Lady Sif and the warriors three!" Thor called to me, dragging me into the conversation.

"Hi," I said shyly, feeling underdressed once again.

I looked back towards Loki, seeing that he was in his Asgardian clothes. He looked pretty hot in these clothes. I made a mental note to make sure he wore his Asgardian clothes more often.

I was introduced to the warriors three, who's names were Hogun, Volstagg and Fandral. Fandral reminded me of my brother. He seemed to be the flirty type and was the only one to kiss my hand as we were introduced.

"So, y/n, why are you here?" Sif asked me as Loki came to my side.

"I – uh..." I trailed off, not really sure how to explain it.

To be honest, I wasn't really sure why I was on Asgard.

"She needs help from Mother," Loki said simply.

I nodded, agreeing with him.

"So you couldn't help they lady?" Fandral asked cockily.

"I need Mother's expertise," Loki ground out, glaring at Fandral.

I put an arm around Loki's waist, calming him. I saw Sif and the warriors three glance between each other, but I ignored it.

Two maids came out of the castle and towards us.

"Ah, Love, before you meet my... parents, you might want to wear something Asgardian," Loki said. "This is Astrid and Thyra, they will show you your room and help you get dressed."

Loki pressed a kiss to my temple before I was taken away by the maids. We walked through the halls in silence. We eventually reached my chambers. Astrid and Thyra opened the doors, and I gasped.

The room was bigger than my one in the Avengers Tower, and that was saying something. There was a massive four poster bed with green curtains and bedding on the left of the room. In the right corner closest to the doors was a small library and a couch. A massive balcony was directly ahead of me, and there were two doors to the right which I assumed were a bathroom and a wardrobe.

The maids walked towards one of the doors and pulled it open. Astrid beckoned me forwards, and I followed her into the room. The wardrobe consisted of hundreds of gowns. I gaped and ran my fingers over the fabric.

"We will help you put on the dress that you choose," Thyra said, bowing.

I pulled out a beautiful green one.

"I'm sure I'll be..." I began but stopped when I saw all the laces at the back.

"You know what, maybe I do need some help," I said, giggling nervously.

Astrid and Thyra helped me into the gown and sat me down at the vanity and begun doing my hair. They twisted it into a braided crown atop my head. I looked like a princess.

There was a knock at the door, and they opened to reveal Loki.

"You look ravishing, Love," he said, looking me up and down.

I blushed scarlet and looked down at my feet. Loki chuckled.

"Are you ready to meet the king and queen of Asgard?"


1k reads??? Number 2 in the lokilaufeyson tag?? I am so grateful to all of you for reading, voting and commenting on this story. It really means a lot to me.

Anyways back to the story. The chapters I've written about Asgard are a bit longer than I usually write them. So... yeah. Anyways, thank you again for reading, lovelies!

P.S. Meme isn't mine <3


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