I sat in front of the couch in the common room, watching my favourite tv show. Nat and Clint were sitting behind me and Wanda and Pietro were sitting on either side of me. I heard the sounds of approaching voices and decided to listen to that instead of the tv.
"No, brother, I will not eat with your friends," an annoyed voice growled.
"Yes, you will. We cannot be a team if you do not make an effort." That was Thor, and the other person must be Loki.
"They will not make an effort, so why should I?" Loki demanded.
I only noticed that the tv show had been paused when Thor and Loki entered the room. My siblings and friends were such eavesdroppers. I looked up and made eye contact with Loki. I smiled and my heart fluttered slightly when he gave me a small smile back. We continued staring at each other for a few more seconds before Thor cleared his throat, ruining the moment.
"My brother will be joining us for dinner," Thor said, clapping Loki on the back.
Loki rolled his eyes and scowled, but didn't protest.
"Who's cooking tonight?" Clint asked.
"I think it's Vision," I said, nudging Wanda in the side.
"I'm helping him," Wanda said, glaring at me.
"Ooo- Ow!" I said as Wanda smacked the back of my head.
I rubbed the sore spot glaring at Wanda, and got up, stretching.
"Shouldn't you get to it, then?" I said, winking at her.
Wanda stood up gracefully and walked to the kitchen.
"So, Loki," I began, "have you finished the series yet?"
Loki nodded at me and I squealed.
"Now we can watch the movies!" I said.
I heard Clint mutter something that sounded suspiciously like 'just as excitable as a puppy' but I ignored him. Loki looked at me quizzically. He didn't say anything which made me feel awkward. The awkwardness evaporated when Sam and Bucky entered the room, bickering.
"I'm telling you, two months," Bucky was saying.
"No way. Nah uh. At least a year," Sam said back.
"What are you two talking about?" I asked them.
Their eyes went wide and they both quickly said, "Nothing!"
I scoffed and looked away. My stomach grumbled and I groaned.
"What's wrong?" Clint asked.
I replied by complaining loudly about how hungry I was when I heard a muffled 'shut up!' from the kitchen. I smiled and relaxed against the couch after getting the response from my sister that I wanted.
Soon enough, dinner was ready. I rushed to the kitchen to grab a bowl whatever had been cooking. To my delight, it was pasta. I filled my bowl and sat down, waiting for everyone else to arrive at the table. Pietro and Wanda sat either side of me, while Vision sat next to Wanda. I mentally celebrated my ship starting to sail and Wanda kicked me under the table. I grumbled at her, saying I didn't do anything wrong. Stupid mind reader.
Slowly, everyone sat down at the table. Loki and Thor sat opposite me, and that earned some glares from my brother. I elbowed him and glared back at him.
The meal was tense, to say the least. No one wanted to speak to Loki, although he didn't seem to mind it. He ate his meal without looking at anyone. I felt bad for him. He had to live with us, but we weren't doing much to make him feel welcome.
"So, Loki," I said. He looked up at me and all the conversations stopped. I suddenly felt very put on the spot.
"Uh... how did you like Harry Potter?" I asked.
"I enjoyed it," he said shortly, and went back to his meal.
I nodded and continued eating. The conversation at the table continued, although it was a bit tense. I understood why Loki had given me such a short answer – these people hated him, and he didn't even want to be here.
"Are we still doing girls' night tomorrow?" I asked Natasha and Wanda.
"Yep. Should I ask Pep and Maria if they want to join too?" Natasha asked.
Wanda and I agreed, and Tony muttered something about Pepper liking us more than him.
~ Time skip ~
I almost didn't notice Loki sneaking into the library. I smiled at him as he entered and returned back to my book. I expected him to sit on the couch opposite me, but instead he stood in front of me and cleared his throat. I looked up at him and he looked slightly nervous.
"I enjoyed the Midgardian literature – Harry Potter – that you recommended, and I was wondering if you had any other recommendations," he said, waiting for my reaction.
"Of course," I said. "Follow me."
I led him through the library and told him about my recommendations. I suggested classics like Romeo and Juliet, Wuthering Heights, Lord of The Rings and Percy Jackson.
I could barely control my breathing as he stood next to me, looking over my shoulder at the book I was showing him. Although he wasn't touching me, my heart sped up. He decided on Percy Jackson, because he said he was intrigued by the idea of the Greek Gods.
We walked back to the couch I was sitting on before, and to my shock, he sat on the couch with me. Even though it was the complete opposite side, it still surprised me a bit. He opened the book and began to read. I followed suit, but I couldn't concentrate because I was thinking about why I could barely breathe when he was next to me.
Hey! Thanks for reading chapter six my lovelies! Please comment and let me know what you think! If you could leave a vote as well, that would be greatly appreciated. <3
P.S. The meme isn't mine.
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