Chapter Eleven

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"Another party?" I groaned.

Tony had just announced that he was hosting another party. I couldn't drink alcohol yet, so the parties got boring after a while.

"Yes. And I have made an executive decision that Loki can come," he added.

Everyone started at him in disbelief and Loki said, "I beg your pardon?"

"Okay, fine. Thor convinced me to let him come," he muttered.

Suddenly the party seemed more exciting. Nat, Wanda, and I got up immediately.

"Where are you going?" Loki asked.

"We're going dress shopping," I answered, and then left the room after Nat.

We all got into one of Tony's fancy sportscars. We drove to the mall and got started looking for dresses.

"What are you going for?" Wanda asked me.

"I was thinking maybe something... green?" I said but I stopped when I saw Wanda looking at me suggestively.

"Not because of Loki, because I haven't worn green for a while," I said, glaring at her.

"I didn't say anything about Loki," she teased.

I rolled my eyes and continued looking for a dress. Natasha tried on a pretty navy-blue dress but said she wouldn't wear it because she couldn't hide enough guns. Wanda found a beautiful halter top red dress with a slit in the side. She always had this sense about finding dresses, so she always found hers first. Natasha found a pretty off the shoulder black dress which also had a slit in it. As per usual, I was the last to find my dress. None of the green ones called to me.

Wanda's dress:

Natasha's dress:

I was just about to give up and wear sweatpants instead when Nat gasped softly behind me. I turned around to see what she was looking at and my mouth fell open in shock.

Behind me on a mannequin was a gorgeous, green silk dress. It had a gorgeous V-neckline and a slit in the side. I ran my fingers over the fabric.

"What are you waiting for? Try it on!" my sister urged me.

I excitedly grabbed one in my size and rushed to the fitting rooms. When I walked out the girls gasped again. I did a little twirl and they squealed in excitement.

"Yes, yes, yes!" they chanted, making me giggle.

Your dress:

I got changed back into my clothes and bought the dress. I found some nice silver heels to go with it.


On the night of the party Natasha, Pepper, Wanda, Maria, and I got ready in my room. At the moment, Maria was doing Wanda's makeup while she used her powers to curl her hair. Pepper was having her makeup done by Natasha and her hair done by me. I was putting it in a bun with a braid on the side. Soon enough it was my turn. My hair was put half up half down with flowers through it. My eyeshadow was pink, and the rest of my makeup was minimal.

Once everyone was finished with hair and makeup we got onto our dresses. We all 'ooh'ed and 'ahh'ed at each other's outfits.

Eventually it was time to go the party. We all decided to make a grand entrance, so we entered through the door at the top of the stairs. All eyes went to us, but I only cared about one gaze. The emerald green-eyed god's one. I met his stare and he quickly looked away. Was he... blushing? The though made me blush too, but before I could go over to talk to him, I was swept away by Tony.

"Y/n, this is the guy who owns the business I was telling you about, remember?" he said, introducing me to a relatively handsome man.

I didn't have a clue what he was talking about, but I nodded along anyway.

The man stuck his hand out.

"Harrison," he said with a smile.

"Y/n," I said, shaking his hand.

Tony pat me on the shoulder and then walked away.

"So, tell me about your business," I said.

He then started telling me about his business. He made computers. Not really my thing, but I listened out of politeness. Eventually, I got bored of listening to him ramble on about his company.

Need my help, darling?

I smiled at the voice in my head.

Please, I replied back.

Before I could blink, Loki was standing next to me.

"Do you mind if I steal y/n from you?" Loki asked charmingly.

The man – Harrison? – nodded dumbly, letting me go. Loki and I walked away from him and towards the bar. When we got there, I ordered a soda and Loki ordered nothing.

"How did you know I needed help?" I asked him.

"Your thoughts are very loud," he said simply.

I nodded and smoothed down my dress.

"Is there a reason you're wearing my colour?" he asked me flirtatiously.

I giggled to hide the blush creeping down my neck.

"It's my colour too, you know," I said surprising Loki.

To prove my point, I turned my hand outward to show him a green leaf. He shook his head with a smile and rolled his eyes playfully.

"It was mine long before it was yours," he purred, moving closer to me.

My heart started beating really fast. Like, really fast. I honestly thought I was having a cardiac arrest. How can someone be that seductive?

Before anything else could happen, f/s started blasting through the speakers. I squealed in excitement.

"I love this song! Come dance with me," I said, pulling him to the dance floor.

"I do not know how to dance like Midgardians," he said, reluctant to admit he didn't know.

"It's easy! I'll show you!" I said, spinning around. "Just move your body to the beat, like this."

I moved my body, twisting, turning, raising my arms. He copied my actions, and soon enough he was dancing too. We danced until the song was over.

"This is a slow one. Grab a partner," I heard the DJ say as Can't Help Falling In Love by Elvis Presley began playing.

I looked at Loki.

"Want to dance with me?" I asked, slightly nervous.

"You don't usually ask," he said with a chuckle, referring to me dragging him out to the dance floor.

I just rolled my eyes. He moved forward and grabbed my waist, and I linked my arms around his neck. We started swaying to the music.

"You look beautiful tonight," I heard him whisper.

"I do look brilliant in your colour, don't I?" I said, quoting him from the first time we met.

He chuckled, recalling the memory. We continued to dance in a comfortable silence. I turned my head to look at other couples. Wanda and Vision were dancing together, which melted my heart. Pietro was dancing with Maria but kept glaring at Vision and Loki. Natasha was dancing with Sam and Thor was dancing with Jane. I gasped when I saw Steve and Bucky dancing together, looking very much in love. I internally screamed at my sailing ship and lay my head against Loki's chest, enjoying the rest of the party.


Yay! Chapter eleven is done! We love Stark parties so I had to add one! So.... Loki seems to like you, huh? (¬‿¬) Also STucky. We love that.

Anyways I hope you enjoyed lovelies!

P.S. Meme isn't mine and neither are the dresses. 

~ LadyLokiLaufeyson

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