Chapter Eighteen

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Your POV

I woke up to the lights again, but this time they were darker. I looked around and took in my surroundings. I was still stuck on the experiment table with my arms, legs and middle strapped to the table. I tried to access my powers but quickly realised that I couldn't.


There was a door to my right and a whole bunch of fancy looking computers to my left. Next to the computers was a massive lever, which was resting in the middle of on and off.

The door opened and Dr List came waltzing in, clipboard in hand.

"Ah, y/n! You're awake!" he said happily.

I just growled at him in response. He shook his head disappointedly.

"Come on, y/n. You could at least attempt to be happy about this," he said.

"I didn't ask for this," I sneered.

He chuckled.

"Ah, but you did. You signed up for this with your siblings," he said, moving around to the fancy computers.

More scientists entered the room, some with clipboards, others with scary looking machines.

"What do you want from me?" I asked, the fear in my voice slightly evident.

"We want to make you the best you can be," Dr List explained. "You see, you are the strongest Maximoff. You could take anything we gave you. Your brother was the weakest, only being able to take the increased metabolism and improved thermal homeostasis. Your sister was the second strongest, being able to use neural electric interfacing, telekinesis, and mental manipulation. But you..."

He paused, walking towards me.

"You, y/n, you were able to manipulate the elements, heal others and bend metal. But we can still do more. Your body can take it. Your siblings nearly died after gaining their abilities. You didn't."

I just stared at him, in shock.

"You see this lever?" Dr List asked, pointing to the lever sitting next to the computers.

I didn't answer him, choosing to glare at him instead. He sighed at my lack of cooperation and shook his head.

"This lever can control how much power you have," Dr List informed me. "If we push this to the right, it will increase your power. We don't know how much you can take yet, so we're going to take it slow."

Dr List slowly pushed the lever an inch to the right, and I screamed. I felt the power rush through me. It was like fire roaring through my veins, but also cold like ice. I coughed up blood and started chocking on it. A few of the doctors turned me to the side so I wouldn't choke and die.

"Fascinating," Dr List murmured, looking at something on the screen. "I think we'll leave you for a bit to get accustomed to this power, but we'll be back. Don't worry."

Tears were still in my eyes, making everything blurry.

"Don't cry," Dr List cooed, before sticking another needle in my neck. "You're going to change the world."

He walked out of the room, the rest of the scientists following. I stared at the computer screens left running. The time said 9pm. I looked to the ceiling, the tears in my eyes falling down the sides of my face.

Stay strong.

The strongest Maximoff.

My siblings nearly died.

I might die here.

I would rather die here than stay here and become a monster.


They came back after a while. I looked at the clock, and it read 4am. They had left me for seven hours. Dr List said hello to me and pushed the lever a bit more. The pain was a worse than before, and I screamed once again.

The scientists left after checking the results on the computers.

It became a routine.

After seven hours, they'd come back again.

Sometimes they gave me longer to rest.

Sometimes I would pass out from the pain.

I thought I was going to die there.

Then I heard a bang out in the hallway.


Thank you for reading chapter 18 lovelies! I wonder what that bang was? Anyways thanks again for reading!

P.S. Meme isn't mine


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