Tensions of uncertainty

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"Are you not speaking to them?" Soobin asked beside Soona; she didn't talk to Beomgyu nor Yeonjun this morning. She didn't want to risk lashing out to them. The soft sound of rain filled bear ears outside the windows. She enjoyed the rain, from the sound sight to even the smells.

"No." She says blankly scribbling in her notebook.
"I see." Soobin says, watching her draw; Beomgyu eyed her from across the room; he felt his chest become heavy.
He didn't know why she acted so cold toward them, nor did he want to ask for the fear she'd become angry again.

"Soona, Yena told me to give you this." Kai brings the banana bread and sits it on my desk.

"Oh that's my favorite one." Soobin says eyeing the bread.

"Here let's half it." Soona opens the plastic wrapping and takes out the bread; she breaks it into two pieces.
"Thank you." He says, taking the bread in his hands.
"So cute." Soona says pinching Soobin's cheeks.

Yeonjun and Beomgyu watxh with a disgusted look on their faces.
"What a joke." Beomgyu says, looking away; he didn't want to see any more of the horrible scene ongoing now.

"I heard you two are dating right?" Kai says beside Beomgyu.

"Yes we are." Beomgyu quickly cuts Yeonjun off.

"That's so cute~ Oh i'll be late for class! have a good day everyone!" Kai says before leaving.

Soona rolls her eyes and faces her body away from their sight; she felt trapped inside the room.

"Class I want you to do the assignment with the person beside you. You have 20 minutes."

"Looks like we're partners." Soobin scooted his chair closer toward her.
"Question one; If you were inside a comic for a day, what's yours one thing you'd accomplish?"
"Me, I would want to become a main character."

"I think I would be fine being an extra; I don't like spotlight." Soona writes both their answers down.
"I'll read question two, How do you know who to chose between two good characters?"

"I would base it on morals, how their attitude is toward everyone." Soona answered, Soobin thinks for a moment before opening his mouth.

"I would put them both to a test, to see their true intentions."
"That's a good one." She complimented
he and he writes the answers down this time.

The time ticked away as 10 minutes because 15 and they were finishing the 2nd to last question.
"Would you sacrifice your main role to an extra character?"

"Yes." Soona says without hesitation.
"It depends on how the person was, sometimes I would be selfish.." Soobin says, laughing.

"Selfish? I didn't expect that." Soona laughed along with him.

Beomgyu and Yeonjun were sulking in the corner; they were watching them both after they finished the questions. Beomgyu tapped the pencil on his desk; he looked out the window to see the rain falling. He wanted to run outside and just lay there, letting it fall upon him.

"Did you hear what I said?" Yeonjun asked, Beomgyu jolted back a little, realizing he was in a daze.
"Sorry; What was it?"
"I want to change my answer for the first question." Yeonjun grabbed the pencil and erased his initial answer writing a new one.

"Why all of a sudden?" Beomgyu asked trying to read his answer.
"It felt more honest."

"Alright class time is up, Soobin please take all the papers and place on my desk."
Soobin slides his chair backward and stands up, taking their papers first.

"Are you sure of all your answers?" Beomgyu asked Yeonjun one last time before he handed it to Soobin; Yeonjun nodded.

"While i'm grading your papers, I would like you to read it together but individually to do one last thing; I will pass out the story summary. You will write your feelings about this story and how you would react. You have a hour." The teacher handed out the new papers to everyone.

"It's a sad story." A classmate says covering her mouth.

"Oh this is really sad." Soobin says sniffling.

"Is it that sad?" Soona says taking the paper.

"Imagine you are standing at a distance from a cliff, the cold midnight air passing through your hair and clothes. Above, you see someone standing, a familiar person who means the works to you. You walk forward to see their face better but as you got closer; Their foot slips.
You rush forward to grab their hand, you're both hanging by each other. Would you pull them back up knowing your bond could fall apart at any time or instead let them go without ever never knowing?"

"Ah you're right this is certainly..." Soona says, never blinking as she read. She was in deep thought imagining it in her mind.

"What do you think?" Soobin asks.
"I think, You'll see later." She says grabbing her pencil and began writing her thoughts.

"Alright class times up, please pass your papers forward. Our class party is tomorrow as you all know, please bring your desired dishes. Tomorrow I will chose 2 people to read their essays in class." The teacher picked up everyone's papers, the bell rang, signaling it was officially the end of school.

"Are you going home? I'm going to get coffee with Kai if you want to join." Yena asked appearing beside the locker.
"I think I'll head home I'm not feeling so great, thank you, though." Soona closed her locker and repositioned her bookbag.

"I hope you're fine; text me if you want me to bring anything to you!" Yena pats her back and Kai comes throwing a arm around Yena.

"Yah' you scared me, let's go." She says.

Soona walks slowly, dragging her feet on the paved road; her gaze barely looked up.
'I don't want to go back.'
'I don't want to'
The thoughts filled her head, she tried to shake them but couldn't.

The rain began to fall from the sky, it began as a light shower.
"Just great." She says out loud while looking up at the grey sky.
'Is this your way of telling me you don't approve of my thoughts?'

'I want to stay longer.'
'I've met many great people; it pains me to know they'd have to forget me.'

The rain picked up, it became harder as it fell upon her skin; she didn't flinch one bit.
Her clothes were becoming drenched, but she didn't care; at the moment, she felt nothing.

Splashes of water were heard behind her; a person was running behind; they caught up to her pace and held an umbrella above her. She didn't realize for a minute until she realized the rain stopped touching her. She looked over to see the familiar shoes of her school; who was it?

She looked up to see the familiar red hair; Taehyun.

She wanted to grimace, but she couldn't as she felt nothing at the moment.
'Why is he here?'
'Why is he always appearing beside me?'
'Is he stalking me everywhere I go?'

"Woah, be careful you'll get wet!" Beomgyu says to Yeonjun who was trying to dance under the umbrella.

"Dance with me." He says grabbing Beomgyu'a empty hand.

The two began looking crazy as they danced under the umbrella while walking side to side.
"Hey guys!" Soobin comes from behind running toward them.
"Yes?" Yeonjun asks stopping his dance moves.

"Have you seen Soona? She didn't have a umbrella. I'm worried about her health. Lately, she looked pale."
"We didn't see her on our way.. Do you have her number?" Beomgyu asks.

"No, I tried to call Yena but she's not with her either."
"I'll try to call her now." Beomgyu dials her number, but the phone rings without anyone picking up.

"She didn't answer. Maybe she's asleep at home. Don't worry too much She's a strong person." Beomgyu reassured him.
"Thanks. I'll see you two later." Soobin heads off.

"She's been acting strange lately." Yeonjun says kicking at the puddles.
"Yeah, I hope she's fine." Beomgyu says, looking around, he felt his eyes searching for something, but he didn't know what.

"Do you think he's angry still because of ... this." Beomgyu says.

"I don't know; she's always hard to read." Yeonjun sighed. As much as he wanted to ask her he felt too small compared to her.
Soona was hard to read; she was good at keeping emotions locked away and good at faking them.

"Yeah, A difficult one." Beomgyu looked up at the grey sky that darkened even more.

"Why don't you have an umbrella?" Taehyun says beside Soona but she doesn't even look his way.

"Are you okay?" He tried again, she didn't hear it.

He took his empty hand and flicked her forehead; she grabs it and turns in anger.
"Stop it." She says rubbing the red spot.

"You didn't answer me; why are you walking alone without an umbrella?"
"Because I want to." She says, not wanting to talk, especially to him.
"You're not feeling yourself lately right? I'm not either." He sighed.

"You too?" She says finally glancing at him but looks away quickly. She didn't want to give in so easily; he was too slick.

"You feel emotionless now right?"
"How did you know?"
"I feel it too; I think something is wrong." He says rubbing the sides of his head.

"Yena seems fine however."
"True. It must be between us." Soona makes a disgusted face at his remark.
"Don't say the word 'us." She crosses her arms; he laughed at her sudden change in character.

"Anyways didn't you hear, they're dating now, which means we can return soon."
"I don't want to."
"What? Why? You know it's a crime." He says seriously.

"I didn't say I wasn't; I only said I didn't wish to."
"What's the reason?"
"I don't want to ever leave this place or the people." She sighed, the water rushing between her shoes as she dragged her feet.

"You've made attachments; thats a sin as well. Maybe that's why you're feeling weird." He informed her.

"Then why do you feel bad?"
"Me? because of your energy." He jokingly added; she begins hitting his arm, hearing his remark.
"Ouch' Ok sorry!" He grabbed his sore arm.

"Anyways, when we go back let's do a mission together."
"Together? In your dreams." She laughed sarcastically.

"What? I'm good at them."
"You tried to ruin mine, come on." She scoffed.

"I wanted to only see if you're skilled to handle unexpected stress."
"Oh is that so?" She rolls her eyes.

"What are you bringing to the party tomorrow?" He asked out of the blue.
"Uhm, Sandwiches and the others are bringing Tteotbokki; also a cake."
"Ah, I'm bringing fish cake soup."
"You have weird taste." She teased.

"Everyone will love it just watch."

"It's so cold." Beomgyu rubbed his arms.
"Here, I'll give you my coat." Yeonjun takes off his black coat and wrapped it around Beomgyu.
"Thank you; I feel warmer already." He smiles.
"I'll help you bring the Tteotbokki tomorrow morning." Beomgyu offered.
"Thank you, Ah your face is too wet, here." Yeonjun took his sleeve and wiped Beomgyu's wet face off.

"Thank you, I feel bad your sleeve is wet now."
"It would be eventually, don't worry." He rubbed Beomgyu's head.
"Let's stop and get coffee."

Yeonjun and Beomgyu walked inside a small cafe, there was Yena and Kai in the corner.
"Oh you two are having a date?" Yeonjun says walking toward the two.
"Ah, No, we are just having coffee, don't misunderstand. What about you two!" Yena's face became flushed.

"We got cold so we stopped for a coffee."

"Did you see Soona on your way?" Yena asked.
"Soobin was looking for her; no one has seen her," Beomgyu says, looking at his coffee.

"I hope she made it home." Yena says nervously.

"I'm sure she did, she's probably sleeping." Kai reassured them all.

"Where's Taehyun?" Yena asked.

"Oh actually, He left separate from Soobin. I don't know." Kai says, furrowing his eyebrows.

"That jerk, he's probably harassing poor Soona.." Yena clenched her fist around the cup.

"Don't worry, He's a good guy." Kai says grabbing her hand.

"I don't know about good.." Yeonjun trailed off.

"Do you want anything to eat?"
"I'll eat at home." Soona replies blankly.

"What about coffee?"
"I have it at home."

"Awe come on! I'm trying to know you!" He stopped in front of her so she couldn't walk.

"Why can't i?"
"You're strange." She walks around him and he follows her.

"You never gave me a chance."

"You made me not give you any." She retorted back.

"How do I get a chance then"

"Never." She says, the apartment building finally coming into view.

"Just give me one chance." He says holding his finger up as they stopped infront of the building doors.
"No." She walks toward the entrance doors to the apartment complex's

"I won't ask for anymore after that." He says walking behind her toward the elevator.

"Oh come on, are you going to follow me to my apartment?" She says stopping her steps.


She lets out a frustrated sigh while scratching her head while stomping inside the elevator, and he joined beside her.

"I'm going to kill you." She says glaring.
"You can't." He sticks his tongue out and she flicked it.
"Ouch! That hurt!" He quickly jolted his tongue back inside his mouth.

a few minutes before
"Let's go to her apartment; I need to be sure she's fine." Beomgyu says walking beside Yeonjun.
"I agree let's go then."

"Come on, why must you insist?" She says, riding in the elevator.

"I'm letting you know how desperate I am." He says.

"Ah whatever." The elevator dinged and the doors
opened to reveal the hallway.

As they walked down the hallway, Soona's eyes widened, seeing Beomgyu and Yeonjun coming out of the elevator from the opposite side of the hallway.
She quickly pressed her passcode in, Beomgyu and Yeonjun finally saw them and were about to speak, but Soona suddenly grabbed Taehyun, pulling him inside her apartment.

"Just come on." She drug him inside, leaving the other two outside speechless.

"Did you see?-" Beomgyu says covering his mouth.

"No way, don't tell me.." Yeonjun says with widened eyes.

Soona closes the door in a panic, trapping Taehyun with his back on the door and her hands to both sides of his shoulders.

"Sorry, I saw them, and I didn't want to have to talk to them." She says not catching her breathe.

"Wow, first you don't want me in your apartment now you're forcing me inside like a madwoman. If you wanted me that bad just say so."
"You!" She says, raising her fist but lets out a deep sigh and walks away; she didn't have enough energy to fight anyone.

"Sorry, I was shocked as well." He says clearing his throat.

"Wait a few minutes until they leave." She says, sitting at her bar counter in the kitchen.

"Why don't you want to talk to them?" He says, sitting beside her.

"Something feels off; I don't know what I will say if my feelings take over." She says throwing the bookbag to the floor.

"We saw that right? Taehyun and Soona?" Beomgyu says walking out of the building.
"I'm sure of it, why did she drag him inside like that? It looked crazy." He says taking his phone out and texting Yena.

"I texted Yena; I think she would have a better chance of figuring out what's wrong." Yeonjun says sighing.

It made him angry inside at what he saw, he didn't trust Taehyun.

"Should we stay here until he leaves?"
"No, let's just go." Yeonjun grabbed Beomgyu's hand, intertwining their fingers, and they walked off.

"Oh no, they probably are thinking weird things now." She says, pinching her nose in frustration.

"Even I did at first." He says preparing to be hit by Soona but it doesn't come.

"I don't have energy to hit you anymore." She says laying her head down on the counter.

"I'll leave. Got to rest if you want," he says, standing up but grabs his wrist, preventing him from leaving.

"Just stay, i'm too weak to be by myself." She says.

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