The dinner

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Y/nn? I hear Elizebeth call out.
I snap out of whatever daze I was in, I compose myself before opening the door to multiple concerned faces. "What's going on we heard a noise" Florence asked. "Oh nothing, I just tripped" I said hastily. I got a disapproving nod from her before grabbing my bag and walking out my trailer. I began walking towards Liam to take me back home when I heard Mark (ruffalo) call for me. "Y/n wait up!" He huffed. "Where are you going we're going to eat dinner?" He questioned. I told him I had to get home as it was getting quite late. Jeremy (renner) must've been eavesdropping, because he too asked where I was going. I was getting anxious, as I've never felt comfortable around men. You can thank my father for that. and it was getting overwhelming.

As if of on queue, I saw Brie (Larson)walking up to us. "come on guys everyone's already left to go to the restaurant." She told us. She must've seen how puzzled I was about the whole dinner situation, and gave me a soft smile. "On the first day of set we all go out for dinner y/n." She said. "And on special occasions too." Mark chimed in. "Yeah like when you get your lines right." The pair joked. Brie pulled me aside and asked if I wanted to go with her to the restaurant. I fidgeted with my hands and told her that I needed to get going as it was very late. "But it's only 5pm?" Brie told me. "Oh I-I know but I n-need to do... my homework?" I said hoping I convinced her enough to let me go. "Nonsense!" She smiled. "Come in it will be funnn." "I can drive you, Scarlett and Lizzie are already waiting in my car." She reasoned starting to walk. I diddnt see a way out of this so I turned my phone off and hoped my parents wouldn't track my location.

I opened the car door and smiled nervously at Scarlett, who might I add was watching my every move. We had been driving for around 3 minutes before I felt my phone buzzing. "Do you want to get that?" Lizzie asked. "No it's ok, it's probably just a scam caller." I dismissed.

A couple minutes ago by and it starts ringing again. "Really, pick it up we won't mind." Lizzie urges. I saw didn't see a way out of this one so I answered the phone. "H-hello" I breathed out nervously. I was so nervous I could only make out a few of the threats being chanted at me through the phone. I glanced over to the two women opposite me and I could tell that they could hear the aggression in the voice, but couldn't hear decipher what was being said. "Uh huh, yep, will do" I muttered, interrupting whatever was being said on the other side of the phone. Earning unconvinced stares from both scar and Lizzie, I even saw Brie look over at me through the mirror with a worried expression on her face. I hung up the phone

(not realising the punishment I'd be getting later.)

I put my phone back into my pocket, after getting a portable cable from Lizzie so I'd have enough charge to call an Uber to get home, as I assumed Liam had left and everyone would be too busy to take me home as I live quite far. "Who was that?" Brie asked, breaking the icy silence between us all. "Oh just a scam caller" I said nonchalantly. "They sounded pretty angry" Brie said. She heard. "Oh you know how they can be." I tried reasoning. "Lizzie and Brie nodded slowly giving each other subtle concerned looks. But Scarlett stayed silent. She looked as if she was going to say something but got interrupted by the satnav announcing that we had arrived.

I hopped out of the car and waited for the others. We walked towards the restaurant, a couple people were staring at us in disbelief and I assumed it was because they were all famous. Eventually we were seated and I stood awkwardly behind the group, as I was the youngest there and didn't want to get in the way of the adults. Robbert tapped me on my shoulder asking where I wanted to sit. I flinched a little at the sudden touch but quickly covered it up and sat on the end of the booth. I didn't like people watching me eat. A couple people started coming over asking for pictures, even the waitress.

I  was sat uncomfortably waiting for them all to sit back down when I overheard a couple girls, no older than me, saying things like, "who's that girl?" "Is she lost?" "She looks so awkward." I heard them giggling to one another and they were pointing too. I shuffled onto my hands to stop fidgeting when I feel the sofa next to me dent. Paul (bettany)  asked if he could sit there and I nodded slowly. People started ordering their food, so I looked down at the menu and tried sounding the words out like what Chris was doing earlier. I managed to piece together: chicken and fries of the children's menu. Another thing I noticed was that it was the lowest in calories on the menu. Once everyone was done saying what they wanted to the waitress. Paul tried to start small talk with me. "So y/n what's your favourite subject?" He asked curiously. "I- I don't re-eally have one " I stuttered, pulling at my sleeves and picking at my skin. I felt bad for not engaging in conversation but I've never been comfortable with men. He nods and asks a couple more questions, but I'm too distracted in my fingers to answer him. He doesn't get annoyed,but he looks over at Scar who's already watching us, and he just shrugs his shoulders.
She offers to switch seats with him, and he agrees. Once they've switched Scarlett try's to get my attention and after a few seconds I snap out of it.

I look up from my now bleeding finger nails, and see Scarlett. I look over at the opposite side of the table and see Paul. "What happened?" I asked "you were pretty zoned out and so I offered to move seats with Paul." Scar told me slowly. "Is he mad at me" I questioned with a worried expression over my face.
"No, why would he be mad at you hun?" "Oh I-I don't know." I shrugged. Me and scar quickly went into conversation about school and work the next day,
Before a lady carrying four plates on her arms caught my attention. One of the meals was Scarletts, but she refused to start her dinner before mine was served too. So we continued talking about work. I kept peering anxiously at the kitchen door waiting for the lady to come back out.

I've never told anyone this not even Faye, but I've been struggling with eating for about 4 months now. I blame my parents honestly. It started with the occasional remarks about my body and how big I was. Nothing I couldn't handle, although it did still hurt. But then they would stop making me dinner, told their friends about my weight, and even posted something online about it. I decided enough was enough, so I stopped eating. First it was breakfast, then lunch went, and now I'm only trying to get through the day with some light snacking. But even that's not enough. So as you can imagine having dinner, in a restaurant no less in front of 15 people, was not how I was intending the evening to go.

"What did you order y/n?" I heard Lizzie ask from opposite us in the booth.
Me, Lizzie, Scar, Chris H, Paul B, and one of the directors were all in one booth. And everyone else was in a bigger one next to us, as the restaurant was quite busy. "Um this one" I answered pointed to something on the menu that I thought I had picked. Lizzie and Chris laugh uncertainly and I look at them both confused, and a little embarrassed. "What's funny?" I ask wearily. "Y/n you pointed to an alcoholic drink" Lizzie says smiling. "Oh s-sorry I got it confused." They all shared a look. "That's ok y/n, do you want me to read it out to you and you can tell me which one you picked?" Scarlett said softly. I nodded reluctantly. I hated being babied.

3 minutes later

My food was placed down in front of me and I stared at it for a few seconds before I felt Lizzies gaze on me. I picked up my fork and started trying to spread my food around my plate, giving the illusion that I was eating.

Lizzies pov

I knew what she was doing. I noticed y/n staring and picking round her food, I knew I had to do something. "So y/n" I started. "What school do you go to?" "Is it far from here?" She looked up at me, and sat up before answering. "Oh um I go to y/s/n." "It's a little far, no more then 40 minutes from set."  Y/n answers me.

7 minutes later

Y/n's pov

I'd had around 10 bites of my chicken and most of my chips before I realised what Lizzie was doing. I instantly put my fork down and started picking back at my fingers. "Don't do that y/n it'll bleed." Scarlett mothers, reaching for wipes in her bag. "Oh s-sorry." I mutter shamefully. She hands me the wipe and I clean my fingers. She smiles and puts her hands on mine. A few minutes go by and everyone's still eating. All the adults are talking amongst themselves and I'm silently sat, playing with scars rings. I take this opportunity to leave the booth and go to the bathroom to get at least some of that unwanted food out of my system. I stand up getting the attention of a few of the adults. I excuse myself, and speed walk to the bathroom.

Lizzie's POV

I was talking to Chris about something, when I see y/n get up and leave. I furrow my eyes at scar and she motions towards the bathroom.

She was going to make herself sick.

I shot up and followed y/n to the toilets,receiving a few confused glance from everyone, but I ignored it. I opened the door, to be met with multiple cubicles. "Y/n?!" I called out.

Y/n's POV

"Y/n?!" I hear. Shit . How did she know I was here. "I'm here" I whispered nonetheless. I stood up from the floor, only raising Lizzie's suspicions more. I compose myself before flushing the chain and walking out. I didn't have any time to actually throw up but I didn't want Lizzie getting concerned, so I ruffled the toilet paper a bit, and flushed the chain.
I left the cubicle and smiled awkwardly, before going to was my hands.

We returned back to the table and I saw Lizzie mouth something to Scarlett. Scar smiled sympathetically at me and that's when I noticed all the plates were gone. All but mine and Lizzie's. Paul must've saw me looking at the plates because he told me, "the waitress came when you guys were in the bathroom, and cleared our plates, so we said to leave yours there." Lizzie thanked him and I nodded. I sat back down next to Scar and continued picking at my chicken. The waitress came back over and asked to take mine and Lizzie's plate. Lizzie said yes, and thanked the lady, I too said yes and handed her my plate. Scarlett look as if she was going to say something, but stayed silent.

We all piled out of the restaurant and back into the cars we came from. I was about to ask if I should Order an Uber but there were a few people with cameras outside and I got distracted, I was also getting a little nervous. I gripped onto Lizzie's hand a bit tighter as we pushed through the crowd. My breathing was a little unsettled and she must've pinched up on that, because she started rubbing soothing patterns onto my hand. I calmed down a little and sat in the car. Brie had a glass of wine at the restaurant, so Scarlett opted to drive.
They all lived pretty close to the area, but no one knew where I lived. "Where to y/n?" Scarlett called out from the front. I snapped out if my thoughts and reached for her phone to type in my address. I gave it back to her and she started driving. You were all humming along to the radio, well almost all. Brie was giggling at somthing Lizzie had said and wouldn't stop. I found it quite amusing. My experience with drunk adults were far different to this so it was oddly comforting in a way. I rest my head on my arm and start to feel myself drifting out of consciousness. Before I know it the car comes to a halt. I open my eyes and almost immediately recognise where I am.
I'm "home". I undo my seatbelt and thank Scarlett for driving me. She smiles and says it was no problem. I also say bye to Lizzie. And a now crying Brie, as she thought I was leaving forever. Okay maybe she had a few glasses wines. I timidly walk along the eerie road remembering the threats that had been left for me a couple hours earlier. I get to my door and knock twice before hearing a grunt. My nerves then set in. The door opens and I quickly give a thumbs up to Scarlett to let her know I'm ok. She gives a thumbs up back and drives off, leaving me face to face with my Father.

2387 words
I Hope you're enjoying it so farrr!!
Any notes/ideas ———>>>

Until next time 🙃

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