A great day

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Y/ns pov

I hadn't seen her in a little while, so it was funny seeing her again, especially under these circumstances. She's a bit older than Bill and just your average super sweet older lady. I swear her and Bill are perfect together.

We talk a bit about life and what not, I can tell she wants to ask about my parents, but she doesn't want to pry.

I go back up to my room and FaceTime Faye for a bit, since school just finished for her. She told me Sam was asking for me. Then she told me I was blushing. We go back and forth for a bit, then it goes a bit quiet. She asks if everything's going well, she saw from the background I'm at Bills, and I tell her it's complicated, too lazy to tell her the full story.

I put my phone back on charge and stare up at the ceiling for a bit. It's so peaceful just lying there. Bill house has always had that kind of effect on me.
Then I start drifting off.

3 hours later

I wake up to the smell of lasagna, I force myself to get out of bed and use the bathroom. I look down at my legs, I sigh, and memories of last night come flooding in. I dismiss them and go back out to the room. I lay back on the bed and grab my phone. Lizzie had sent a few texts and sent me my lines. I put the little thumbs up thingy on her message and dropped my phone on the bed.

I go down a bit later, bored of staying in bed, and they're both having their dinner. There's a plate beside them, which I'm assuming is mine. I sit down and look over to the tv.

I twirl the pasta around my plate and have a few forkfuls. I've always loved Lucy's cooking. I eat just under half, before saying I'm full. I offer to take their plates and wash up. They laugh and tell me to just relax. It felt wrong, so I got up and helped with the table. They tried to shoo me away but then they just smiled and thanked me.

I stay down for a while, watching the tv and listen in on what was happening in the world at the moment.
I head back up to the room and get in my pyjamas.

I'm watching Toms new interview about his new beer company. That's why there were flowers by his trailer. Then Lizzie calls.

She's telling me about set and stuff I missed, and that she'll give me my script tomorrow when I see her. She then asks where Bill lives so she can pick me up. Apparently she wants to take me to a café near her house tomorrow and told me to be ready by 10.

We fall into a comfortable silence and it's clear she wants to ask how I'm doing and how I've settled in. She's like the third person today.
I'm grateful and everything, but I just want some time to process it myself, and not have people constantly asking me. I know that makes me sound like a selfish brat, but people just really do not know what it's like, unless they've lived it themselves. I zone out for a bit. When I focus back on the call, Lizzies now in her pyjamas, and has some kind of green face mask mud plasters on her face. I think she saw me staring and laughs. "Scar wanted me to try it out, it's from the outset." She says in a posh voice. "I'll have to get her to send you some."
"I'm good thanks Lizzie."

I think we fell asleep on call, because I woke up to Lizzie brushing her teeth.
"Were you watching me sleep?" I smile accusingly.

She puts her brush away and wipes her mouth.
"No y/n/n, but I am glad you're up, I'll be at yours in Half an hour."
Hearing that I bolt up and get ready. Tying my hair back into a low bun, brushing my teeth and splashing my face with water. When I'm done, I check the call is over before changing into some jeans and a tank top.

Lizzie gets here at 10am on the dot as promised.
I walk downstairs and hear her talking with Lucy.
She sees me and engulfs me in a hug. We walk out to her car, and drive to the café.

Lizzie's pov

It's been two days and I could've sworn she's gotten smaller. This isn't good.

When were in the car, she starts telling me about this project she has to work on for school, and I'm honestly quite surprised how energetic she is, you could not expect the same from me if I had gone through what she had, only a couple days ago.

We get to the café and I find a parking. Normally I would've walked, but there's a lot of paparazzi out today, and I get the feeling y/n wouldn't really appreciate that.

We find a seat in the back and read through the menus. We sit quietly for a moment, admiring the small place, the plants, and just the overall aesthetics of the place. A young man comes over and takes our orders. Y/n takes a bit longer, reading through, so I go first. I get a small muffin and some tea, and y/n asks for the same. We talk about set, waiting for our food, and I give y/n her script.

A few girls come over asking for my picture. I look to y/n to make sure she's ok with it. This is meant to be our day. She nods and smiles so I take the photo.

Time skip

After our food, y/n needed the bathroom and when she came back I suggested going on a walk near a stream.
The route was quiet and peaceful. We bumped into a couple more fans, but other than that it was really nice.

We get back onto the Main Street, and it got busier.

She instinctively moves closer to me as people whizzed past us. I couldn't help but notice this  middle aged man, staring at us subtly as we walked. Well, more so y/n. His gaze flicked up and down her as we walked, and briefly looking at her chest. What an asshole.

Y/ns pov

It's so loud I can hardly hear myself think. Lizzie's pace speeds up and she holds my hand more firmly. Then she takes her jacket off and tells me to put it on. I don't question her, and I do it, I guess it is getting quite cold.

Then the paps find us. We speed walk to her car and quickly get in, she asks if I want to do anything else as it's only 12. I shrug and ask her the same. She offers to go back to her house and I agree.

The whole way there I'm thinking of what Lizzies house could look like. Is it more modern and big, or cottage like with flowers? My guess was the later.

We pull into her driveway, and it's a bit of both. While it's big and spacious, it also has an earthly kind of touch to it. She unlocks the door and leads me in. I look at the pictures that decorate the walls, and the plants lighting up the rooms. "Your house is so you Lizzie." I say walking into the kitchen. She laughs and tilts her head. "Should I take that as a compliment? She smirks and starts rummaging through some cookbooks. "What are you looking for?" I take out some gum from my pocket.
"A recipe. I thought we could bake something, how does that sound?" My eyes light up like a little kid. "I think the last time I've baked from scratch was when I was 8, at a birthday party or something."  She looks at me with her mouth open, a mix between sadness and surprise. 

Time skip

The cupcakes are in the oven and they've got a bit over 10 minutes left. We've been playing uno to pass the time. Lizzie decided cupcakes weren't too difficult to make, so we settled on chocolate ones. She said next time we'd have to make something more challenging. I didn't really mind, all I was hearing was that she wanted me to come over again, and so I was beyond happy. Lizzie's company really is the best, there's just something about it.

Lizzie wins and I gather the cards up while she gets the cakes out the oven. She pulls out some buttercream from her pantry and we start icing them.

It's 3pm now and I'm getting my stuff ready to leave, we had a great day, and I'm sad it's coming to an end. I get my shoes on and return Lizzies jacket, I'm still confused on why she gave it to me in the first place. We get in the car and she gives me a small container of cupcakes. "For you Bill and Lucy" she says, handing it to me. I thank her and tell her that they'll love it.

She opens the gate to drive off. But what we weren't expecting, were police officers waiting on the other side.

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