Ginny + Change = Happy Blaise

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I only own Olivia and plot. Netflix and all movies mentioned are currently owned by whoever owns Netflix. Everything besides previously mentioned belongs to J.K. Rowling.

~Time Skip: a few days since last chapter.~

Hermione POV

Yesterday had been the last day before Winter Break. All the Gryffindors were gonna spend a week at the Burrow before everyone headed down to California for Harry and Olivia's wedding.

They agreed on California since the only 'sentimental' places he could think of were Godric's Hollow, which would be depressing, Grimmauld Place, but yet again depressing, and Hogwarts, but all the spots had already been taken by others, and we all wanted to learn about Olivia's past.

I had already packed what I needed, and was sitting in the common room waiting for everyone else so we could apparate to the burrow.

I was reading a book filled with Muggle fairy tales when Harry struggled out of his room with his trunk. He sat down next to me, and sat there in thought.

Soon Neville walked out of his room at the same time as Ron.

We then waited for another fifteen minutes for Ginny. And then dissapparated.

Ginny POV ~Right after Harry walked into the common room.~

I was about to walk out of the room into the Common Room, when Blaise grabbed my wrist, not forcefully, but enough to turn me around so I was looking at him.

He sighed and said, "Ginny I know you don't love me, and that you love Harry still, but I love you. I loved you before I found out we were gonna be engaged. And I still Love You now. I always will, but all I wanna know is why you can't even pretend to like me!?"

"B-because," I stuttered, "I do love you, but I can't! I've always thought one day I would marry Harry! Not anyone else, Harry, Harry James Potter. But I do love you, but I can't, I can't break a promise I made to myself!"

I then broke into hysterical tears, and collapsed onto my knees.

Then Blaise got his knees and wrapped his arms' around me, and I sobbed into his shoulder. He didn't even mind the fact that his shirt was know soaked.

At that moment I knew it was time to let Harry go. I loved Harry, but it wasn't true, was it? I then realized I loved Blaise more than I realized, I just ignored it, because of my obsession with Harry.

I then broke out of the hug, and kissed him on the lips. He sat there like an idiot for a second before he kissed back. It was a slow compassionate kiss, that verified my feelings for Blaise were more than the ones I felt for Harry. I then smiled against his lips, and then said, "I gotta go to the Burrow...bye."

I then grabbed my trunk, and walked out of the room. I looked down so no one would see my tear stained face.

I noticed how I was the last into the common room, so I apologized, and then we disapparated and apparated to the burrow.

Draco POV

After the Gryffindors left, the rest of us went to the Great Hall, and talked among the people in our dorm who we were in the same house as, so Pansy, Blaise and I while Luna and Olivia talked.

We were very happy to hear Blaise's news about him and Ginny.

Once we were back in the dorm we just sat there until Blaise cleared his throat, startling everyone, and earning everyone's gazes.

He then asked, "Do we really require the Gryffindors to have a conversation?"

"Uhh... I guess," Olivia said chuckling a bit.

"Any ideas of what to do?" Pansy asked.

"A board game?" Luna suggested.

We all shook our heads.

"Take a walk outside or go to Hogsmeade?" I suggested.

"Too cold," Olivia answered, "How about we watch Netflix?" Olivia prompted.

We all stared at her confused, and she said, "Netflix is a streaming service that allows you to watch movies, and TV shows. Any one against it."

Since no one shook their heads she grabbed he phone, and went to an app that had a red N for the logo. (A/N I obviously don't own Netflix, A Christmas Prince or Princess Switch.)

"Opinions on Love Stories," Olivia asked.

Blaise and I shared a look, and I said, "Okay, don't tell anyone, but Blaise and I have a secret obsession with Romantic Comedies."

"No way!" Olivia squeaked.

"Yeah, yeah, just don't tell anyone," I begged.

"Please," Blaise added for good measure.

"Pinky swear," Olivia answered linking her finger with mine.

I rolled my eyes, but shook her finger anyway.

Pansy and Luna nodded to the promise and said they like romance movies.

Olivia then scrolled through 'Netflix until she came up to a movie series called Princess Switch. She said, "Princess Switch is a Christmas Movie, and since Christmas is coming I thought it'd make sense."

We nodded and she pressed play.

We binged the movies only stopping between two and three for lunch.

After we finished movie three Olivia out on a Christmas Prince we watched one, ate an early dinner and then finished the series.

The movies were amazing. (A/N I know it's summer, but it's almost Christmas in July, right?)

We talked about them until we went to bed.

The next day the only thing we did was binge Christmas movies and eat. That was actually how the rest of the week went.

Here was our schedule:

Wake up, Eat Breakfast, Christmas Movies, Eat lunch, Christmas Movies, Eat Dinner, Christmas Movies, discuss Christmas movies, go to bed.

By the end of the week we all looked significantly paler from staying inside the whole week.

But Olivia reassured us that we would all be sunburnt by the end of the next week.


863 words not counting a/ns as usual. Yeah shorter than usual. Now Blaise can be happy! Good for him. Yeah...umm...I thought it would be funny if the 'tough' Slytherin boys were secretly obsessed with Rom Coms so...yeah. I think this chapter was pretty good. Please give me your opinions. Weddings are gonna start, well kind of, but this story won't be much longer unless y'all comment what you want me to do. Also need ship names, and am I doing too much fluff on other couples? Your opinion will be taken into consideration.


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