Dealing with myself also known as Draco

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Still don't own anything except Olivia and plot. I don't own Chick-Fil-A either no matter how much I could.

Hermione POV

Throughout the day Pansy seemed to be really lost in thought, but I didn't ask her.

I noticed that Olivia and Harry are different, but the same. Like they might have two different positions in Quidditch, but they figured out how they are the same like the goal for each of them is to catch something/block something in Olivia's case. But they just seem perfect for each other compared to Ginny and Harry which seems completely different like Ginny looked up to Harry and admired him while Harry just loved her it was like a famous boy crush where the famous guy actually like the girl if that makes any sense. But, Harry and Olivia treat the other like equals not like Harry's better, I think they could be soulmates, but I doubt they love each other yet, but they definitely could unlike me and Malfoy. Like how could we be soulmates!

He bullied me for years and called me a 'mudblood'.

How could he possibly be my soulmate.

The facts just don't add up!

Anyways, we spent the rest of the day hanging out and getting to know each other through some American Muggle games like two truths and a lie. That Olivia taught us. (This might be played in the UK, I have no idea where it was invented, but IDK I just needed a game.)

Malfoy and Zabini left a while ago I'm assuming to the Slytherin common room.

We had an okay day not counting Breakfast through Ginny's entrance which we aren't talking about.

We were about to go get ready for bed, but we were gonna do one more round of two truths and a lie. 

It was my turn to decide who and I choose, "Olivia," I stated firmly.

She pouted for a second before saying, "Fine, umm... I had a crush on one of my friends from Texas for seven years till he rejected me, Chick-Fil-A is disgusting, and I've never met my dad or know who he is."

"Two," Luna said almost instantly, "I think you constantly talk about how great is is."

"One," Ron said, "I had a crush on my best friend for a while. Right 'Mione?" 

"Unfortunately," I responded. 

We all laughed, but then Harry asked, "What does that have to do with Olivia?"

"It's rare," Ron answered.

We all then nodded, and I said, "Three." While everyone minus Ron and Luna agreed.

We all looked at Olivia expectantly and said, "Luna's right Chick-Fil-A is delicious."

We all looked in shock.

"Wait you've never met your dad?" Harry asked in disbelief, "I never met my parents, but that was because they died. What's that like?"

"I dunno it's hard to explain, but my dad doesn't even know I exist," Olivia responded, "Well I'm tired night y'all," she yawned, and walked into the door labeled Potter's.

We all sat in silence thinking about what we just heard.

We all eventually went to our rooms, and got ready for bed knowing we had classes tomorrow. 

Draco POV

Blaise and I walked into the common room to notice everyone gone. 

"I guess they went to bed," Blaise said voicing my thoughts.

"Yeah, I guess," I said, "Night."


We both then went to bed.

I noticed Hermione sleeping peacefully, she looked kind of pretty- hold up she's Granger the Mudblood, I can not think she's pretty, I can not like her, my parents would murder me for that thought well maybe not my mum, but surely dad would.

After those thoughts I quickly got ready for bed, and fell asleep on the transfigured pillow bed.


"Hey 'Mione," I said kissing her forehead.

"Morning Drac'," she said pouring a cup of coffee for herself and me, "You slept in late as usual."

"I can't help it," I said sipping my coffee.

"Well if this keeps up you will always be late for work and you won't see the kids till dinner, when you get home," Hermione stated.

"They're already gone?" I asked.

"Yep, and you should be too," Hermione said smiling.

"What about you?" I asked, but I seemed to know the answer.

"Well I am eight and a half months pregnant," she replied rolling her eyes, and looking down at her large stomach.

"Yeah, well before I'm fired," I said getting ready to apparate.

I then leaned down and kissed her on her lips, and then apparated away with my coffee in hand.

~End of Dream~

I woke up once the dream ended.

I then looked over at Herm-GRANGER and she just seemed to look prettier, more lovable.

What STOP, STOP DRACO LUCIUS MALFOY you can not like Hermione Granger. You just can't!

You must follow your parents rules, but she's pretty- your pure-blood line will be ruined- but she's smart- Listen to everything your parents have ever told you- she is a really good person.

Draco- NO you can not love her. You can and never will. You know this. I slapped myself, but it must have been really loud because suddenly I heard, "Malfoy?"

Should I stop it here?

Nah. I'll be nice.

Uh oh! I thought.

"What happened?" Herm-Granger asked, she looked pretty when nervous. Ugh these thoughts!

"Uh, nothing, just a bad dream," I said lying because I had actually enjoyed the thought of being happily married to her- UGH I can't be thinking this, not about Granger anyway.

"Uh... Okay night then Malfoy," she said lying back down.

"Night Hermione," I said not thinking about what I was saying.

Then Hermione bolted upright in bed, and looked at me and asked, "What did you call me?" in a shocked tone.

"Uh...Hermione," think fast Draco, "Since we are getting married within a few months I thought it would make sense if we called each other by our first names."

"Uh okay, uh... Night...Draco," she then laid down again, and fell asleep.

Well that just happened. I lied back on my bed smiling a genuine smile maybe, just maybe this will work out.

And with that thought I drifted off into sleep.


921 words not counting a/ns. 

I hoped y'all liked it. Finally some Dramione. YAY! I am in between the titles 'Dealing with Draco' and 'Dealing with myself also known as Draco' for this chapter, give me your thoughts and please write your opinions two chapters back. Thanks.


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