Beach Day

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I don't own anything, but Plot, Olivia & her Californian friends, rest to J.K. Rowling.

Hermione POV

Olivia woke us up bright and early so we could drive to the Beach which would be about an hour and a half drive.

We all scarfed down our food and were rushed into the extremely large, fancy bus.

Everyone in our dorm, minus Olivia who was talking to her other friends in the front, were sitting in the middle of the bus.

Pansy and I were sitting next to each other with me next to the aisle, across the aisle Luna sat with Ginny. The boys were all in the row behind us, except for Harry who was in front of us, and turned around with his legs sticking out into the aisle so he could talk to us.

Harry had been looking slightly paler since we left the Burrow, we were all sure the nerves were getting to him.

So we spent the entire drive towards the Beach giving him a pep-talk. We had to talk very loudly since Olivia and her friends were blaring the radio station extremely loudly.

The other guys didn't seem nearly as nervous, about their weddings, but it probably hasn't kicked in.

The girls including me were more worried about everything that would go wrong, and all the little details, but Harry was worried he would cause something to go wrong. 

Eventually we looked out the window to notice  a tan colored land with clear blue water.

We quickly all exited the bus, and walked along the soft sand.

Some people ran straight to the water, and others laid out towels or picnic blankets.

Everyone in our dorm minus Olivia laid out blankets and then sat down.

Olivia and her group quickly set up their beach blankets, and rushed to the surf.

One of the boys the one with brown hair and deep blue eyes was holding Olivia phone, and a boy with black hair and brown eyes placed a speaker on the ground while all the girls, Olivia included did some dance routine. They were laughing hysterically, but were doing the dance perfectly, like they had to learn it.

It looked very tiring, but they seemed to enjoy themselves.

Soon I got curious, and stood up and asked, "Anyone else wanna go figure out what they are doing?"

Basically everyone except Ginny who was sun-tanning stood up, and followed me as we walked over to the group.

I then heard the sound of 'I Say a Little Prayer' playing. (A/N I do not own.)

We stood there like a minute with no one noticing us.

So I cleared my throat, and Olivia looked at us, and said, "Oh hey guys. What's up?"

"We were just curious about what you were doing?" I answered/asked.

"Oh..." Olivia answered, "A few years ago we did this pop-dance/singing class thing, and this was the song we learned. And every time we come to the beach every summer we record the dance to see if we still remember it, and to compare ourselves to our younger selves."

We all nodded, and walked back to the area where we put our towels and I said, "I might be crazy or overprotective or whatever, but I fell jealous of these people, she has known them so much longer than she's know us, and had all these long standing traditions. I'm just realizing we aren't as close as I originally thought."

"Yeah I agree," Luna said shocking us.

"But if you think about it it's probably how she felt when she joined our dorm. Only knowing Luna, and us already being friends, and/or enemies. None of us except Luna knew her," Draco stated.

He brought up a good point. This is probably how she felt.

We all stood up, and walked to the water's edge to get a look at Olivia and her crew.

She was wearing short black shorts with an off-white lace cover-up type think with a Lavender one piece under it.

But what I'm surprised by is the fact that it is the nineteenth of December, and I am wearing shorts and a swimsuit in the ocean, and only a little cold. I'm assuming it's because of the sun, but I don't know.

Most of us were wearing a similar outfit that we could only wear in the peak of summer in really-really late fall almost winter.

But back to Olivia. Her and her friends were like knee deep, and they were splashing each other with water, and laughing at something the brown haired-blue eyed boy said. Geez I really need to learn their names.

We all stood there watching them. Some people, not Olivia's group thank goodness, were staring at us. I mean we were kind of suspicious just standing here, staring at another group like stalkers.

Soon Neville cleared his throat and said, "Maybe we should go back."

We all nodded and walked back towards our area.

I grabbed out a book, and started reading.

After some time, Olivia walked over, and asked, "Are you guys not having fun at the beach?"

"Oh... we are we just... um... thought the water was a little cold and we don't wanna build sandcastles or anything," I answered awkwardly.

"Oh..." Olivia responded, "Well do you guys want me to introduce you to my friends?"

"Yes!" we all responded very enthusiastically.

She then waved them over and pointed at each one as she said their name.

"That's Abigail," she said pointing towards the girl with Brown hair and Brown eyes. "This is Amanda," she said pointing at the girl with glasses who is Hispanic. "William," she said while looking in the direction of the boy with dirty blonde hair and blue eyes who had fawned over the ring when we were at the airport. Next she pointed to a girl with Blonde hair that had blue highlights and brown eyes and said, "Savannah." (A/N basic names I know.) Next she said, "Cal" while pointing at the boy who had the speaker earlier with black hair and brown eyes. Then she pointed towards a girl with darker skin and light brown eyes and said, "Gayle. Last but not least there is Justin!" Justin was the boy who held the phone earlier he had Brown hair, deep blue eyes, and a serious almost angry expression, but I swear he was glaring at Harry.

We then sat in silence for a few seconds before Olivia said, "We're going to an outdoor restaurant right on the beach for lunch in like twenty minutes, so... uh... be ready. Bye!" She then skipped off back towards the water.

Once they were all out of earshot I asked, "Did anyone else see Justin's glare at Harry?"

"Oh yeah," Ron said nodding his head intensely. I expected him to get whip flash from it.

"Totally," Pansy agreed.

Everyone else nodded, and then Harry asked, "Why?"

That was the Beach Day.


1095 words not counting a/ns. My mom made me clean today since I'm prewriting so I'll only be able to post two. Sorry.

Pleaseeeee comment before I'm back if you have an opinion. I'd be soooooo greatful.


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