Chapter 16: Home

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   Silence fills the air now that Sabertooth lays on the floor, cold and bloody with Wades sword still through his heart. Wandas chest heaves as she tries to gain control of herself once more, letting her powers die down as she turns towards you and Natasha. Most of your injuries from the beginning of the fight have healed, only scratches and bruising remains where wounds once were but the large gash in your abdomen that he reached into as well as your torn open throat are still trying to fix themselves. Both your girlfriends know that it'll take some time with how large they are.

Your eyes glance to your other side as Wanda sits beside you, opposite of Natasha. She hates seeing you like this, in so much pain and unable to do anything. She doesn't register that she's crying until your hand brushes the tears from her cheek. She grasps onto your hand with both of hers, holding it to her chest.

Nat gives her a sad smile, never taking her hand from yours as her other runs through your hair. Her eyes are still brimming with tears as she looks at you, you attempt to give her a reassuring smile but with the pain you feel it ends up more of a grimace.

"It's ok. Just take it easy detka(baby)." she tells you, her hand moving from your hair to your cheek

You attempt to speak, to thank them for helping in your fight and to thank them for being by your side to comfort you but all you manage to do is cough and sputter as blood gathers in your throat again.

Wanda squeezes your hand even tighter when she hears the gurgling leave you. She has to keep reminding herself that you were going to be ok, you have a healing factor and none of this is lethal. You weren't actually dying right now even if you felt like you were, even if you looked like you were. She wasn't going to lose you, not like she had lost everyone else.

Wade slowly walks over to the scene, his head back where it should be as the gaping hole in his chest begins closing. You watch, a smirk on your face as he kneels near your head. You just knew he was going to be a smartass and say something sarcastic or tell a terrible joke. [Hey! My jokes are not terrible! You're just jealous]

He points to your abdomen, "No guts, no glory?" [ok, so maybe they are terrible.]

Honestly you don't know what you want to laugh at more, his words or the murderous glare your Russian girlfriend is giving the man. All eyes fall on you as you manage a chuckle, your wounds finally looking like they are healing.

Even under his mask you can tell Wade is grinning, "Why so quiet, Y/n? Frog in your throat?" [Yikes, I thought Nats glare was scary, Wandas with her eye glow is even worse! Send help! I didn't wanna say it, it's the writer's fault!]

Wandas red eyes bore into him as her head tilts, but upon hearing you laugh again she relaxes. She looks back down at you when you squeeze her hand, relief filling her as your wounds are now almost nonexistent.

"I promise he's not being insensitive or cruel." you tell them, voice sounding more like your own again, "It's something we've always done." Both your girlfriends nod at that, glad to see you sitting up now. Though the way you look at Nat tells her she's in for it, she quickly averts her gaze. Your hand on her chin brings it back to you.

"You are either incredibly brave, or incredibly foolish." you tell her with a small smile, so she knows you aren't angry with her, just worried about her.

"I couldn't just stand there anymore Y/n, he was literally ripping you apart!" she exclaims, "We just got you back..."

Your hand cups her cheek now, "Krasotka(beautiful girl), I'm not going anywhere."

She nods, "I know, I know you have your healing factor but I was...scared"

You can hear Wandas breath hitch at the admission, both of you knew how guarded Nat could be when it can to her emotions. By the look on her face you can tell she's hesitant about being open, but you can also see the sincerity in her eyes.

"You both were." you say, glancing at Wanda who nods, "And I'm sorry you had to see me like that but Tasha, he could have killed you. Would have if I wasn't able to stop him."

She nods again, "I know. It was stupid and I'm incredibly lucky that you got to me in time, but in that moment all I could think about was getting him off of you. Getting him to stop hurting you."

"My internal organs thank you for that, love. But please never do that again unless Wanda is nearby to wiggly woo you out of there." you tell her

Wanda raises an eyebrow as she playful elbows you, "Wiggly woo?"

"Yeah, you know" you say before imitating the movements she does with her hands

The four of you laugh as you sit there for a few moments. A comfortable silence fills the room as you all try to calm the adrenaline running through your veins. Suddenly, and without warning the room begins to fill with smoke as three canisters hit the ground. Wade stands as you stay crouched, sliding your girls behind you before popping your claws.

Wade sighs, "Now what?" [Honestly, don't you Avengers get one moment of peace? I thought Professor Xs school had it bad.]

"The Hand." you growl, knowing they've come to retrieve Sabertooth upon his defeat. How they were aware he had been defeated was a mystery to solve another time, you had enough to deal with currently.

The fact that they got in without tripping an alarm or alerting the heroes upstairs was definitely something to bring up to Tony. You'd worry about that later though, for now you had to remain extra focused. The smoke clouds your senses making it hard to tell how many enemies are in the room, let alone where they are and you didn't want them even getting within a swords distance of your girlfriends.

The room remains eerily silent until the smoke clears, no ninja or mutant in sight. In fact the only signs that your half brother had been there at all were a pool of his blood next to Wades sword in the middle of the room along with the damage done throughout the room.

"Oh great. Perfect even. We definitely needed him to be able to wreak more havoc." you spit, sarcasm dripping from your words

Wanda gives you a sympathetic look, "It'll be ok detka(baby). We'll help you take him down." Natasha nods in agreement

"Thank you my loves. But first we better finish our business with Hydra." you reply, "Best not to be fighting two wars at once."

"Come on, we better head upstairs and let the team in on everything that's happened." Nat says, "And get you some clothes that haven't been torn to shreds."

You look down at your once put together Hydra tactical outfit to find it nearly unrecognizable and covered in blood, both yours and your attackers. "Yeah, new clothes would be nice. Maybe my girlfriends would be willing to let me borrow some of theirs?"

Wanda smiles, "Come on then, I'll take you to our room so you can look through our closet. Nat and Wade can fill the team in." [Woo! Black Widow and Deadpool team up!]

"Thanks for volunteering me, moya lyubov'(my love)" Natasha teases

Wanda gives her a playful look as you glare at Wade, "Behave, Wade. Nat, you're allowed to kick his ass if he doesn't listen."

"Oh don't worry detka(baby), he'll be keeping his mouth shut. Won't you, Wade?" she tells him [Am I horny or scared right now? Both? Yeah, it's both...]

He saultes her, "Yes ma'am. I will be present in body and mind only, ma'am. No words shall leave my mouth once we get upstairs, ma'am."

Wanda tries her best to hide her amused smile as your best friend carries on in his childlike manner. One of Natashas hands moves to massage her temple as she rolls her eyes, she gives you an exasperated look, begging you to do something to shut him up. Or at least make him less excitable.

Knowing there's absolutely no way to shut him up [Hey!] sorry, knowing that there's no way to calm him, you simply shrug at the Russian before grabbing Wandas hand and dragging her off towards the elevator.

"You're not going to make this easy for me, are you?" she asks

He shrugs, "Probably not."

As the elevator doors open and you and Wanda step onto the floor where the heroes bedrooms are located you come to the realization that this will be the first time you're seeing your girlfriends shared bedroom. The first and only night you had stayed here it was in a guest bedroom large enough to hold you, Nat, Wanda and Yelena. The rest of that time you had spent in the safehouse in England or in Hydras 'care'.

You found yourself excited. You couldn't wait to see how they decorated their space. Would there be artwork on the wall? Photographs of them perhaps? You were sure Wanda would have items from Sokovia to remind herself of the family she had lost. You wondered if Natasha would have anything from Russia, the place was her homeland but it was also the place where her trauma originated.

The door to the room Wanda leads you to looks like every other, but when she opens it there is no doubt both of their personalities are on display. The bedspread is made up of different hues of red, a fluffy black blanket lays folded at the foot of the bed. Under the tv a collection of Bond movies and Sitcom box sets are stored along with a few older black and white horror films.

Adorning the walls are various pictures of the team including ones of Wanda with Pietro, Natasha with Yelena and some of the two girlfriends as well. A few gun carrying cases lean against a gun safe in the one corner, a display case of various small melee weapons hangs above it. A Harry Potter book lays on one bedside table next to an empty tea cup, while a karambit knife sits next to a manual about proper firearm disassembly sits on the other.

The curtains are drawn but the blinds are open, letting most of the natural light in. Small eastern European nicknacks make their home on various surfaces throughout the room. A bookshelf nearby holds various cookbooks, the remaining Harry Potter books as well as various forensic books line up on the other shelves.

You can sense Wandas eyes on you, perhaps searching for your opinion or approval of their space. After all, they'd want to share it with you now too. You can't help but smile as you continue to look around.

"I like your room." you finally admit as you look at her

Wand smiles, "Yeah?"

"Yeah." you say with a nod

Her smile widens, "I'm glad. Tasha and I would love for you to share this space with you, if you want."

"I'd like that. Besides the room I stayed in at the safehouse I've never had a nice, comfortable space that I could be and feel safe in." you reply

"You'll always have a safe space with Tasha and I." she tells you as she opens up the closet. She searches for a bit before choosing a well worn t-shirt and a pair of sweatpants with a small stain of red nail polish. "Hope these are ok for now. Most of our relaxing clothes are dirty at the moment."

"They're perfect." you tell her as you grab hold of them, "Is it ok if I shower?"

"Of course lyubov'(love), I'll show you where everythings at in the bathroom."

You follow her into the connected bathroom and listen as she tells you where all the extra soaps, shampoos and the like are. You thank her as she leaves, niot before telling you she'll just be right there in the bedroom if you need her.

You turn on the shower and let the water get hot before taking off the torn remnants of your Hydra attire and stepping under the water. A content sigh leaves you as you feel your tense muscles relax. Dried blood, dust and dirt for your earlier fight gets washed away as you lather your body with soap. You now know where Natashas lavender scent came from.

You can't help the groan you let out as your fingertips rub against your sore scalp as you rinse most of the larger bits of debris from your hair. You make sure to wash thoroughly, but gently on your battered scalp. A smile graces your face when you recognize it as the scent Wandas hair alway is.

After you're finished you take your time drying off before slipping on the clothes Wanda had given you. The pants were definitely Nats, her initials were written on the tag. And the shirt was definitely Wanda, despite being washed god only knows how many times it still had the faint smell of her perfume on it.

When you walk out of the bathroom, you're happy to see not only Wanda but Natasha on the bed waiting for you. The Russian looks you up and down to see what you're wearing and smirks upon realizing you're in her pants. [Oh ho! In her pants! Because you're wearing her sweats but you're also fuc- WADE! Sorry ms writer lady...]

"How was your shower?" she asks as you sit down next to them on the bed

"It was so good. Just what I needed." She nods as her hand begins to rub your back

Wanda smiles at the two of you, "Glad you enjoyed it, detka(baby)."

"Me too." you agree with a sigh, "Oh, how'd filling in the team go? And where did you stash Wade?"

"Tony is upping security measures as we speak, he felt really bad about Victor and then some Hand ninjas being able to make their way in. Steve wants us to just take it easy for the rest of today, to let him and Carol deal with being in charge of patrols and such because you deserve rest after what you went through and Wanda and I aren't about to leave your side. Yelena wants to visit you after her guard shift is over, I told her that was fine. And as for Wade, he actually behaved himself but only because he had to take a phone call. He darted off after, told me to tell you 'Ripley from Alien three and Tin Man need me but I'll be back as soon as possible' then he handed me this."

You take a scrap of paper from her to find a hastily scribbled phone number next to a drawing of him giving you a thumbs up. You chuckle, "Ah Wade, still a goofball. Guess we'll figure out who the hell he's talking about when he gets back. I'm glad I finally have some time to spend with you both though."

"We're glad too." Wanda admits as she gives you such a loving look. You can't help but smile at her

"Do you like our room, lyubov'(love)?" Nat suddenly asks

You nod, "Yeah, I do. I like all the personal touches, all the evidence of life. A happy one. I've never had things like that."

"You do now. Our room is yours too now Y/n." Nat tells you

"And once we deal with Hydra, we'd be happy to take you shopping. You can choose your own clothes, decorations and anything else you want." Wanda adds


Natasha gives you a smile, "Of course. This is your home now and we want it to feel like it.

"I have a home." You can't believe it. Well you can, it's just that never had you expected to ever escape Hydra or have these two beautiful, incredible women to love and care for you just as you did them. To have a home with them, that meant more than words could say. "I have a home" you repeat as you look at them, unshed tears in your eyes, "Thank you. I love you both."

"Of course detka(baby)." Wanda says as she wraps you up in her arm, "We love you too"

You can feel Nats arms around you now too, "Love you so much."

For once in your life you finally felt like you belonged somewhere. You felt loved, you felt happy. You would do whatever you had to to make sure life stayed this way.

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