Chapter 11

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Episode Fourteen - "The Tragedy"

Word Count: 6110

Warnings: lol swearing, blood, asphyxiation (in a non-kinky way, sigh), angery feelings, kidnapping??? i mean technically lol it's literally the episode but with silly goose y/n

The Razor Crest was slightly chilled as you tied your hair out of your face and sighed on your way down into the hangar.

It was a little messy from you turning the ship inside out in search of one of your old books that you wanted to read to Grogu (which never turned up, but you did find an old circuit board you had no recollection of ever possessing, so you were going to have fun figuring out what it belonged to later), and since you knew that no one else was gonna clean, you had to be the one to do it.

You didn't mind, however, because you had also found some of your old sketches of the ship when you were first trying to figure out how it ran (amongst many other weird things).

As you were folding up one of the dresses that Hana gave you, you heard the voice of Din coming from the cockpit. You could feel a little pull in your chest that made you step over to the bottom of the ladder and lean against it, and since the door to the cockpit was kept open, you could hear the "conversation" the boys were immersed in.

"Grogu," he called, and when the excited coo came back as a response, Din chuckled. "Grogu?"

You smiled softly. It was honestly a game changer now that you knew Grogu's name - you both didn't have to refer to him as "the baby" anymore. And it was much easier to get his attention now, which helped lighten the fact that he didn't listen to anything else. Even so, it was still taking some getting used to (especially on Din's part).

"Give me the ball."

The fabric of the pink and yellow dress was still just as delicate as you ran your fingertips over it and listened to Din trying to get Grogu to use the Force again.

It was cute, Din trying to get Grogu to listen to him. It worked just about as well as you would expect from a child - not very well at all. But that didn't mean you had to stop trying.

"Come on, Grogu. Come on."

A couple seconds later, you heard him grumble "Dank farrik!" as he slapped his knee, which made Grogu yelp in surprise and whine softly.

"Hey, no. I'm not mad at you," he quickly reassured. "You did good. I just... when the nice lady said you had training, I just..."

He sighed softly, and you frowned.

"You're very special, kid. We're gonna find that place you belong and they're gonna take real good care of you."

The beeping of the sensors went off as you rested your head against the ladder.

"This is Tython," Din muttered. "That's where we're gonna try and find you a Jedi. But you have to agree to go with them if they want you to. Understand? Plus, I can't train you. You're too powerful. Don't you wanna learn more of that Jedi stuff?"

Grogu grunted firmly.

"I agreed to take you back to your own kind, so that's what I need to do. You understand, right?"

You smiled softly and stood up. Even if he didn't want to admit it, you knew that Din would keep Grogu if he could. You knew you would. In a heartbeat. That kid has left more than just an impression on the both of you - he's family now. And you didn't exactly have much of that left.

"Y/N, we're here!"


Once you were able to stuff the dress into the crate with the rest of the fancy outfits you never wore, you shut it tight and placed it off to the side. The ladder rungs were cold against your hands as you climbed up them, though you barely noticed as you rubbed them on your pants and huffed.

"We really need to reorganize," you stated as you walked into the cockpit.

Grogu babbled and raised his hands towards you, which was enough encouragement for you to lift him up so you could take his seat and place him in your lap. His hands grabbed onto your fingers tightly and you raised your eyes to look out the window, only to be met with Tython.

It really was a beautiful planet. From up in space, it looked much like Naboo, with its mixture of clear blue for water and a light green for its land, but when Din flew into the atmosphere, you could see that most of the planet was made up of mountains and hillsides covered in shrubs.

Din engaged the sensors again to help him find the highest mountain, just like Ahsoka said. You slowly got up to stand behind him as you noticed a ring of rather large rocks sitting at the peak of one of mountains.

"Looks like that's the magic rock we're supposed to take you to down there," he murmured, tilting the ship to begin circling around the rock.

Grogu purred lightly in your grip while you held onto the chair and furrowed your eyebrows.

"I can't land on the top. Too small," Din sighed as he began preparing the landing gear. "We're gonna have to travel the last stretch with the windows down."

You nodded carefully and sat back down to readjust your hair, then quickly jumped down into the hangar to grab your cloak.

After a few minutes of looking, you found it buried in some of the mess you made, so you set Grogu onto one of the seats so you could wrestle it out. You grinned in triumph once it was in your hands and quickly clipped it over your shoulders, then laughed as Grogu giggled when you picked him up again.

Din had already landed the Razor Crest, so when he jumped down into the hangar, you both nodded to each other and walked over to the large bay door. It opened with a loud hiss and created the ramp that you needed to walk down.

The sun, which was beating down on your face, was high in the clear sky and lit the way to the endless mountains that covered the planet well beyond what the eye could see. You sighed softly and brought your goggles down over your eyes, then squealed lightly as Din came up from behind you and picked you up.

"Ready?" he asked.

You threw your arm over his shoulders and held onto Grogu, who was perched on your stomach, quite tightly, and once you gave your affirmative nod, he took off. Grogu laughed in delight as the wind blew his ears around, which in turn made you giggle lightly.

It wasn't a long flight since all he really had to do was climb up the mountain, but it was enough to give you the urge to redo your hair as it flew into your face more than once.

Din's grip on you tightened as he switched his position to put his legs down, which allowed him to lower the three of you and land on the peak of the mountain, just outside the ring of rocks. He set you down gently while you pushed your goggles back onto your head and took a good look around.

There were six slabs of stone, each of them around thirty feet tall being propped up by their own shorter, thicker stone and angled towards the inside of the circle they made. That was where you saw a perfectly spherical stone sitting in the middle - what you could only assume to be the seeing stone.

"I guess this is it," Din murmured, looking around like you were. "Does this look... 'Jedi' to you?"

You shrugged. "It does seem... I don't know. Ancient?"

There were shrubs breaking through the cracks around the seeing stone and through the ground of rock, giving you another sign that it really has been there a long time.

Remembering Ahsoka's words, you walked down the two steps of the ring and brought Grogu over to the stone.

"I guess that means you sit right here," you muttered. You smiled softly as Grogu looked up at you and tilted his head.

"Okay, here we go," Din mumbled, and the both of you stepped back.

You crossed your arms over your chest as Grogu blinked at you.

A frown slowly crept onto your face as you and Din looked at each other, and you shrugged again.

"This is the seeing stone, are you... seeing anything?" he asked Grogu.

There was only another coo in response.

"Or are they supposed to see you? Maybe there's some kind of control or something."

While Din turned on the sensors in his helmet, you stepped back up to the rock and got a better look at it. There was a small ring of carvings etched into the stone close to its top, but you couldn't make out anything they said.

"I don't think there are controls, Din," you sighed, and he looked back up at you. "Jedi do everything through the Force."

"So how do we get him to use it?"

You frowned and looked at Grogu again. Great question.

Din circled back around the rock as a little butterfly fluttered around Grogu, making him reach for it.

"Oh, come on, kid," Din huffed. "Ahsoka told us all we had to do was get you here and you'd do the rest."

Grogu babbled softly and flapped his arms up and down as Din shook his head and sighed again at you. You only frowned and shrugged, completely out of ideas. Stories you were told as a kid weren't going to tell you how to use the Force.

Your thoughts were interrupted by the sound of a ship entering the atmosphere. It made the both of you look up into the sky, only to see the ship begin to circle the seeing stone far off in the distance.

Din ran over to the edge to follow where the ship was going with his eyes, though you slowly backed up and kept your eyes on Grogu. He cooed quietly and brought one of his hands forward to rest it on the stone, then slowly closed his eyes.

Your own widened as you watched the carvings begin to glow a light blue around the rock and move up into the sky in a ring around Grogu, who had his arms resting on his knees as if he was meditating.

"Din..." you muttered, moving your hand behind you to try getting his attention, but you only hit air.

"Time's up, kid," he warned. "We gotta get out of he-"

He bumped into your back and grabbed onto you at the last second to steady himself.

"We don't have time for this," he grumbled, moving around you to try grabbing Grogu, though you frowned.

"Wait, Din, I don't think that's the best-"

You were cut off as he went flying back, his back landing on the stone steps as he groaned out in pain.

You sighed. "Idea."

He panted for breath and flipped himself over, though he frantically looked between you and Grogu.

"Hey! Snap out of it, kid!" he called.

"Din, what are we gonna do? We don't know how long this is going to take, it could be days! It's a big galaxy out there!"

The both of you ran over to the edge of the circle to look down into the field, and a small frown made its way onto your lips as you glanced back up at Din, who sighed and turned on the sensors in his helmet.

"I'll see if I can buy you some time," he muttered. "See if you can talk him out of it. Can you please hurry up?"

You nodded. "I'll do my best."

He nodded back at you and turned around quickly, then set off into the sky with his jetpack. The pulsing sounds of the force field around Grogu grew a little louder, and you turned around as well, going to see what you could do.

In reality, you knew there wasn't anything you could do. (Were you gonna tell Din that? No.)

But what was he expecting? You couldn't tell someone the first thing about how the Force works, let alone pull someone - that you can't even communicate properly with - that's stuck doing their voodoo out of it.

You hopped down the few steps and took a closer look at the carvings, trying to see if there was any sort of familiarity in any of them. Of course, just as expected, there weren't.

Grogu was still peacefully sitting in the center. Out of curiosity, you put your hand out in front of you to feel the force field around him - it was tingly, and was definitely pushing against you to keep you out. You frowned.

Standing up straight, you sighed and walked over to the edge of the circle, where you saw Din talking to an older man way in the distance with his blaster pointed at him.

You looked a little to his left to see a person laying on top of a rock holding a sniper, making you look down at your stomach to see a little red dot bouncing off of your shirt. Rolling your eyes, you sighed and lifted your hand to give the person the finger.

You'd been threatened too many times by now and had too much on your plate to worry about that. And Grogu couldn't be hurt; the magic Force around him would protect him.

When Din turned around to look up at you, you redirected your hand to aim your bird at him, which you knew was enough of an indication to tell him to figure it out.

He shook his head and looked back over to the man.

About a minute later that the person stood up from their spot to go stand next to them (and reveal themselves to be a woman with her hair pulled back in a tight braid) while Din put his blaster away and set his jetpack off to the side.

You nodded to yourself and walked back over to Grogu, where you crossed your arms over your chest and tilted your head to the side. It seemed that everything was going to be okay - Din would be able to talk to them to give Grogu enough time.

The baby murmured softly, though his eyes still stayed closed.

You hoped that he was going to be able to find someone. He had to be able to reach out to someone. Someone had to be there.

It was only a few minutes later that you heard the sounds of another ship entering the atmosphere, and there was no questioning the design. It was an Imperial transport - one that always carried a platoon of Stormtroopers.

You cursed under your breath and turned back to the force field.

"Come on, Grogu," you muttered. "Time's almost up!"

You ran to the edge of the larger stones and watched as the transport landed next to the Razor Crest, making your heartrate slowly begin to pick up. Din stumbled up the mountain a minute later, making you run up to him.

"You couldn't get him out?!" he yelled, and you scoffed.

"No, Din, I couldn't get him out of the impenetrable blue Force bubble!"

Din shook his head and put his blaster back in its holster. "Time to go, kid!" he called, beginning to walk over to Grogu again.

You frowned as he slowed his pace before groaning and beginning to try to enter the field again.

"But, Din," you shouted as he grunted and moved in further. "If it didn't work the first time, why would it-"

You were cut off as he went flying back again, though this time, it was much more aggressive than the first. He tried to push himself up with a groan, which made you run over quickly to help him up.

"Are you okay?" you murmured.

He nodded.


"I know."

He stood up again with his arm leaning on your shoulder.

There was the sound of a loud explosion as a fight broke out between the two sides - though the woman was able to take out many of her opponents with her sniper, and the man used his... weapon to whack them a bunch of times. The woman used her legs to push down a rock, which rolled down the hill and took out at least a dozen troopers, along with one of their larger guns.

"I have to try," groaned Din, but you put your hand on his arm.

"It's not gonna-"

"We have to go."

You sighed helplessly as Din trudged back to Grogu. He murmured something under his breath and tried again, but when he stumbled back, you held onto his arm.

A second transport then flew in and landed between the Razor Crest and the first transport, making Din sigh.

"Okay," he said with a firm nod. "I'm gonna protect you. The both of you."

"Din, I can help-"

You were cut off as he stepped away and swung the sniper rifle he had from around his neck, then shoved it into your chest.

"Happy Life Day," he murmured, and you gasped.

"For me? But Life Day's not for another-"

"Don't name it!" he called as he began running back down the mountain.

You grinned down at the rifle. "Jedediah."

"Just stay with the kid! I'll be back soon."

After a quick glance back at Grogu, you nodded to yourself and walked over to the edge of the ring. You took a minute to look at the gun and see if you could recognize anything about it, and once you were able to place how everything should work based on its parts, you shrugged to yourself and positioned your body beside one of the taller rocks at the top of the mountain.

The ground was hard beneath your stomach as you rested Jedediah on the rock floor and set the stock to rest on your shoulder comfortably. The scope had a red tinge inside it as you peeked through and looked around.

Din had just made it to the woman and they began shooting at any trooper they could, which encouraged you to do the same. In the beginning, your shots were off by a long shot, but by the tenth trooper, you were at least able to hit their body (albeit, not at the places you aimed for, but target acquired nonetheless).

Grogu's force field continued to pulse and hum in your ears as you fired rapidly. You made sure to aim for the ones that noticed your position and began to climb the mountain, and duck under the shots that they tried to fire at you, which was proving to be just a little easier as time continued on.

It wasn't until another couple minutes later that you noticed a smaller detonator get thrown onto the ground inside the cluster of troopers, and you paused to look out with your own eyes. Sure enough, the detonator exploded, and troopers went flying.

Another two went off before you watched the man, now clad in the Mandalorian armour from Vanth, perch himself on top of a rock in front of a cowering Stormtrooper.

You bit your lip. Of course, the armour was starting to look familiar to you now, but that couldn't be right. Besides, you had seen it before on Vanth, so you were probably just remembering him. Not to mention, you had been living with a Mandalorian for the past nine years. There was no way.

Though... the fighting stance did look a little familiar. And when the man pulled out his blaster to begin shooting them down, you furrowed your eyebrows.

Maybe he did?

He shot down another four troopers before aiming at a canister and firing, causing it to blow up and clear the rest. He turned to his other side and shot down three more, then began walking forward to fight the ones that charged at him.

Your curiosity began taking over as you stood up to take a look at his ship again. Oval shape. Long nose. Two smaller wings.

The man stepped towards a large group of oncoming troopers, rested his foot on a rock, and let mini missiles release from the pads in his knee to take down another two.

That was when the Stormtroopers began running.

In your mini celebration as you watched them all go back, you missed the trooper that had gone a separate way and made it almost all the way up the mountain. You only noticed him when a sudden heat and searing grazed your arm, and you cried out in pain.

You quickly ducked for cover and huffed for breath before chancing it and peeking around, shooting the trooper in the head, and finally let your hand fall limp beside you.

"Fucking buckethead," you hissed to yourself. You took a quick look down at your arm and groaned as you noticed a large gash near the top of your bicep that was singed and bleeding. Leaning against the rock, you set Jedediah down and moved your other hand up to try getting a better look, though your eyes flitted up when you heard the sounds of the transports

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