Chapter 17- The Winter Ball

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--Angelina POV--

Two weeks of thorough planning has led to this moment, and now that I'm finally here, I look back to see how far I've come, which isn't very far, but that's what I'm here to do today.

And I can tell Lucian is excited, he loves drama.

We were at his penthouse in New York, a few hours left before the start of the Ball, and I was sweeping through a rack of colourful gowns, Lucian himself wasn't present, he took the chance to meet with the CEO of the New York branch of one of his companies. Being the chairman of such a big corporation really came with its cons.

As I worked to decide on what to wear, the designer stood beside me, commenting on every dress my eye caught sight on.

"A classic black would look good on anyone; you can never go wrong with this. Modest, classy, and of course, sexy." She pointed out as I pulled it out, looking it up and down.

"Black is a safe colour, I would assume that it's the colour most guests will go with," I said. While it is a beautiful dress, it isn't enough to draw any attention.

"That would be a safe assumption to make. You said you wanted to stand out, so if I may point out, I believe this dress would be a perfect pick for you," I stepped back as she rustled through the plastic covered dresses, pulling a specific one out before placing it on the individual hanger and unzipping it out of the plastic cover.

I admired the dress, looking it up and down with a hum. It was a long, purple, satin dress with a cowl neck being held up by spaghetti straps and had a long slit on the side that would expose one of my legs right up to the thighs. It was simple, classy, and, not to mention, beautiful beyond words.

"Let's try it on," I nodded.

I got ready over the next hour, having my hair done into a low messy bun with perfect ringlets shaping my circular face, small sequins scattered into my bun, and my make up done in a classic way with winged eyeliner, purple eye shadow, and pink lips.

"Now for the finishing touches," I stayed sat down at the vanity table as she slipped my long silver earrings in, along with the ring for my cartridge piercing which I remember getting while in Uni in the span of the moment, but I'm so glad I did it.

"I can do the rest myself, thank you," I offered her a small smile as she nodded, taking a step back to start cleaning up her make-up supplies while I finished adorning myself.

Putting a silver choker on and slipping my watch on, I stood up, going over to put my heels on and sprayed a few pumps of my Henry Jacques perfume before stopping by the large mirror in the room, looking myself up and down.

And I've got to say, I looked beautiful.

"I swear, no Greek goddess could dare to rival your beauty," The designer gaped as she spoke, and I coughed out a shy laugh at her words. Getting complimented by a woman has always managed to make me feel more confident than any man ever could.

"It's all thanks to you," I played it off humbly as she laughed at me.

"Honestly, I have worked with many people, but I didn't need to work much with you. Your natural beauty is already far above average so all I had to do was decorate that, and now you look better than Aphrodite could ever dream of,"

"Now now, if Aphrodite was real and heard that, she could very well curse me, but I appreciate your compliments, I needed to hear them," I gratefully said, going over to hug her as she gladly hugged back.

After bidding the designer goodbye, I packed my phone, lipstick, and a few other necessities into my clutch, putting it on the bed before admiring my reflection. That designer really did wonders on me, I don't look anything like a woman who's been betrayed, and that was good.

"Perfect," I nodded with a small smile, feeling a small bubble of confidence start to grow in me. 

After having had everything taken from me, I'd be lying if I said my confidence wasn't down in the gutters. Before now, I couldn't even bare to look at my reflection properly, finding fault in every little thing that I saw in the reflection, and that hurt a lot, especially as a woman who used to love everything about her.

It's not going to be easy to come back from that.

Hearing the penthouse door being opened, I snapped out of my daze. 

I take it that Lucian's finally returned, so, picking my clutch up, I made my way downstairs, catching sight of him putting his keys down on the table, all ready and dressed in a black tuxedo with his hair neatly done. Now, there is a man that is actually unrivalled in beauty.

And as he stood back up straight to make his way upstairs, he came to a sudden halt as he caught sight of me walking down the stairs.

"Did you meet the CEO?" I asked, approaching him.

"Huh?" He rapidly blinked, my question being lost in the air between us as he opened and closed his mouth, eyes unmoving from myself. He looked me up and down with a gaping mouth, eyes shaking as he did, until he ran a hand through his hair, and then covered his mouth.

"What is it?" I gave into the laugh that was trying to escape.

Never did I think a day would come when Lucian Vandenburg would be at a loss for words, but here we are. And it was quite an amusing spectacle.

"You... You look... Really..." I cocked my head to the side, patiently waiting for him to finish his sentence. "...Good. You look really good," He awkwardly coughed, tucking his hands into the pockets of his pants as he stared at me.

His comment was nowhere near as creative as the designer who was here a moment ago, but somehow, it did more to help boost my confidence than I would have thought was possible.

"Thank you very much, and as do you," I tipped my head down into a little bow as I laughed. 

"Now, if you're ready. Shall we go?" I outstretched a hand for him, and he snapped out of his thoughts, releasing a deep breath before taking my hand and linking it through his own.

"Yes, let's go." He smirked, leaning down to place a light kiss on my temple, and I squeezed my eyes shut in surprise, not having expected that.

"What was that for?" I whispered as he pulled away.

"For luck," He played it off well as I rolled my eyes, pulling him by the arm as we left the penthouse to go on our way to the Winter Ball.

"Are you nervous?" He asked as we sat at the back of the Rolls-Royce a few minutes later, and I turned away from looking out the window to see him already staring at me, but honestly, I could feel his eyes on me from the very beginning, I don't think they've moved.

"A bit, but that's normal. Beyond anything though, I'm excited. Aren't you?" I answered, playing ignorant to his gaze, I would never admit it aloud, but I liked it. The more he looked at me, the more beautiful I felt, and confidence is a nice feeling to have, and I've learnt to cherish it more.

"I'm so excited," He whispered as if it were a secret that shouldn't be known.

"We've arrived," The driver spoke from the front as the car pulled up in front of the large venue, and I peered out into the bustling area where workers were running around to guide the guests to their correct places.

And I caught many curious stares of guests who were trying to take a peep at the V.I.P guests through the tinted windows of the car.

As a valet pulled open the door, Lucian was the first to step out, and he outstretched a hand for me as I took it, carefully stepping out while holding onto my dress with my free hand.

"Thank you," I whispered as he moved to wrap an arm around my waist.

"Just smile through it, I'm sure you're used to having so many eyes on you having been a Duchess and all that a few months ago," He leaned down to whisper as we walked up the stairs and into the building where some people took our coats.

"Yes, I'll be fine," I assured both him, and me.

Feeling my heartbeat jumping its was up to my throat, I gulped it back, taking a brief moment to compose myself. Getting my nervous breathing under control, I squeezed my eyes shut for a second. This will be fine, I know what to do, I can do this. 

And after a little pep talk, I opened my eyes, dedicated intent sparking to life in my eyes just in time as the two guards pulled open the large double doors to let us into the main hall where the party was being held.

Two people, whom I'm assuming were the hosts of this party, Mr, and Mrs Garcia, stood at the front as they welcomed their guests in, and upon catching sight of Lucian, I saw surprise flash in their eyes.

"We're so happy you could make it this evening, Mr Vandenburg, and... Oh my, the Duchess-" I saw the emotions sweep over their face as they spoke, starting from surprise and admiration before moving onto doubt, and then surprise once again, but they couldn't finish speaking as Lucian cut them off.

"-I'm happy to be here, and so is Angelina. Let me introduce you properly," He started, gesturing with his free hand to me as the couple nodded, excited, and from the corner of my eyes, I saw the ears of nearby guests perking up to listen to the conversation.

"Darling, meet Mr and Mrs Garcia, they're good friends of mother. And Mr and Mrs Garcia, meet Angelina Von Vandenburg, my amazing wife," He looked so lovingly down at me while doing that introduction, I almost believed it.

A few quiet, consecutive gasps were heard around us, two of those gasps belonging to the said Mr and Mrs Garcia as they stared at me, wide-eyed.

"Hello, it's a pleasure to meet your acquaintance. I've heard so much about you from my mother-in-law, it's lovely to finally see you in person," I gracefully introduced myself, putting all those lessons on being a Duchess to use as I dipped my head down into a nod.

"Y-Yes, likewise. Please, pardon my rudeness. I'm just a little surprised, your mother was talking to me about finding you a wife just a few months ago, I didn't expect to see you here with a wife, especially..." Mrs Garcia stuttered out with nervous breath, her words drifting off as she side-eyed me which I returned with a smile.

Yes, I expected many questions and curious glances when I decided to marry Lucian, and I'm sure that for the next few weeks, socialites, and all other people, will be gossiping about this surprising event. How a man like Lucian, whom no one had ever managed to tie down, had gotten married to the ex-Duchess, who fell from grace.

But that's exactly what I wanted.

"Don't mind it, I understand why you would be so surprised, no one could have possibly expected for a divorcee like me to get married to such a perfect man," I chuckled.

"Well, what can I say. I never knew of her existence until after she had gotten a divorce, and I thank God every day for letting a man like Mr Moretti give up on this woman as it was able to bring her to me," Lucian perfectly acted along as he leaned down, placing a kiss on the top of my head as a few guests swooned at the action.

"Well, you make such a beautiful couple," Mr Garcia complimented.

"Thank you," Lucian nodded.

"Enjoy the party," Mrs Garcia spoke up as she gestured around the large room.

And as I followed her waving hands, I caught sight of a familiar figure.

There they were.

The Duke of Ludovica, and his new Duchess.

Donovan and Nevaeh loved attention, they revelled in it. 

So, when attention that is supposed to have been directed at them is redirected towards me, of all people... Well, that's what I'm looking forward to seeing. 

As Lucian stated before, this is going to be fun.


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