Chapter 32 - Vampire Girl

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Bella's truck rolls in front of Sam and Emily's house. Embry gets out of the driver's seat as Jared hops out of the bed before helping Aurora down. They start walking to the door as Bella rolls down the windows.

"Hey. I think we should go back and see if Jacob's okay." Bella says

"He's fine Bella." Aurora says and the three keep walking up to the house.

"I hope Paul sinks some teeth into him. Serves him right." Jared says

"No way. Jacob's a natural. You see him phase on the fly? I got five saying Paul doesn't touch him." Embry comments.

"Come on, Bella!" Aurora says as she and the boys turn to face the truck Bella hasn't gotten out of.

"Yeah. We don't bite." Embry says

"Speak for yourself." Jared says and he and Aurora walk into the house.

"Hey Emmy." Aurora says with a smile.

"Rora." Emily replies, smiling back as the girls hug.

"You guys hungry?" Emily asks as both Jared and Embry grab a muffin. "Like I have to ask. Want one, Rora?"

"Please." Aurora says as she grabs one. Bella then walks in and Emily looks at her.

"Who's this?" Emily asks

"Bella Swan. Who else?" Jared says

"Hmm. So you're the vampire girl." Emily says to Bella.

"So you're the wolf girl." Bella replies

"Guess so."

"She's engaged to one, anyway." Aurora says with a smile. Emily sets the muffins on the table. Embry and Jared both reach for one.

Emily stops their arms. "Save some for your brothers." She tells them. "And ladies first. Muffin?" Emily asks Bella

"Sure. Thanks." Bella says

"Leave it to Jacob to find a way around Sam's gag order." Emily says

"At least he can finally stop hounding me about it." Aurora comments.

"He didn't say anything to me." Bella says

"That's a wolf thing. Alpha's orders get obeyed whether we want them to or not. Oh, and check it out. We can hear each other's thoughts." Embry tells Bella.

"Would you shut up?" Jared asks Embry. "These are trade secrets. Damn it! This chick runs with vampires and she isn't part of the pack like Roe."

"Can't really run with vampires...because they're fast." Bella says awkwardly.

"You haven't seen these guys run, Bella." Aurora says

"We're faster." Jared says. "Freaked out yet?" He asks Bella.

"You're not the first monsters I've met." Bella says

"They aren't monsters, Bella." Aurora says

Sam walks in. "Jake's right. You're good with weird." Sam says before he goes over to Emily and kisses her before kissing her all over her scar.

"Aww. Aren't you two cute?" Aurora says to them and Jake and Paul come in pushing each other, joking around.

"Shut it, flower girl." Sam says with faux annoyance.

"Yeah you and your vampire aren't any better." Emily adds with a smirk.

"She isn't wrong. You and Jasper are vomit inducing." Paul says as he sits down next to Aurora and throws his arm over her shoulders. Jared passes Embry a five since Paul has a small amount of blood on him. "Sorry." Paul says to Bella, not really meaning it.

Aurora laughs. "I never said Jasper and I were any better."

"Wait, Jasper...what are you talking about? I thought he and the Cullens left." Bella says confused.

Aurora sighs. "The Cullens left. Jasper didn't." Aurora tells Bella.

"What?" Bella asks

"Does that make you a vampire girl, since you're engaged to one like it makes Emily a wolf girl being engaged to Sam?" Jared asks Aurora.

Aurora laughs. "I might be engaged to a vampire, but I'm a witch through and through."

"Engaged?" Bella asks

"You didn't know?" Embry asks

"She's been wearing the ring since before Christmas." Paul says as Aurora held her hand up and showed Bella her engagement ring.

"Jasper proposed a few weeks before Christmas." Emily adds.

"She's been way more smiley since it happened." Sam adds teasingly as he smirks at Aurora. Aurora rolls her eyes.

"Jasper happens to be the only leech we tolerate." Paul says, "...As long as he doesn't hurt Rory, anyway." Paul adds with a shrug.

"You're engaged to Jasper?" Bella asks

"Yeah. He got permission from Charlie the day after my 18th birthday. He said he had the ring for longer. He proposed while I was visiting him for the weekend a couple of weeks before Christmas." Aurora says

"That's not fair. How come Jasper got to stay and Edward didn't?"

Aurora sighed. "Edward wanted to leave, Bella. He is the one that convinced Carlisle it was for the best so he and the family left. Jasper refused to leave me so he got an apartment not far from Forks to stay with me." Aurora tells her.

"That's not true."

"It is Bella. Edward was the one that chose to leave and the family followed. Jasper didn't. He chose to stay with me. I'm sorry, but that is the truth. Edward left you of his own volition." Aurora says.

Bella stormed out of the house, followed by Jake. Aurora sighed. 

"She really didn't know?" Embry asks

"Nope. And now I will never hear the end of it...but at least Jasper doesn't have to hide from her anymore." Aurora says with a smile.

That night Aurora was on the phone with Jasper.

"So Bella knows that I'm still around and that we are engaged?" Jasper asks

"Yup. She said it wasn't fair that you got to stay when Edward was forced to leave." Aurora responded. "I told her it was Edward that wanted to leave and convinced the family to, but she is in denial."

"I'm sure it will blow over."

"Maybe. But I honestly don't know how much more I can take. I mean first she ignores me because of Edward. The other day she left me in the woods when the wolves killed Laurent, not knowing they were shifters and not wild animals. And now she treats me like I'm this horrible person because you chose to stay for me when Edward left her. She literally came in my room screaming about it. She attacked me and Charlie had to drag her away from me and out of my room."

"She actually attacked you?"

"She tried to. Charlie came in and caught her as she tried to jump on me. I swear she has gone crazy. It's like all she cares about is Edward, turning, and being the center of attention. I'm getting sick of it."

"Well good news is that since she knows I'm here, we don't have to hide anymore. I can come and see you without having to leave before Bella gets up or us meeting outside of Forks." Jasper says

"That's true." Aurora says with a smile.

A/N: I hope you enjoyed the chapter. If you did, please vote and comment.

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