Part 13: The Goblin Town

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Kael's group started their journey halfway to the Music Plains, where Kael shot some birds while Celina hunted down a deer. While Connor was looking out for potential threats in the area, Kael used a magmaleaf to cook their meal.
👻 "Oooh I wanna try that thing you guys are eating"
🗣️ "How do you plan t-"
Connor entered Kael's body; his eyes became bigger and cartoon-like, effectively possessing him. He took a bite out of the, still hot, deer meat.
👻 "I had already forgotten how pain feels like! It's so funny"
A tear fell out of Kael's right eye from the burn, as he tried to push back at the possession. Finally, Connor left his body.
🗣️ "OOWWW, don't you know how to cool down food before eating!? That was so painful. Next time possess her instead"
Connor and Celina started laughing, and Kael and Celina finished their meal and continued their journey.
As they entered the Music Plains, they couldn't help but feel uncomfortable. The usual chattering of the goblin town was nowhere to be heard, and the silence felt uncomfortable. It wasn't called the Music Plains for its peace and quiet, after all.

The goblin town's main gate was open, and so the trio didn't have much problem getting inside. It was desolated, just like how it was back when they hid from the eye-invasors a few days ago. The fountain at the center of the town was completely still; not a single droplet of water flowing through it. There was furniture outside some of the houses. It seemed like the goblins panicked a lot. The three divided themselves into the three house sections of the town to look for any refugees. No one could be found on the side paths where Celina and Connor went to investigate. No food or supplies either anywhere. Kael went to investigate the Mayor's hut, already with a sense of hopelessness, thinking there was no one to be found. It got him by surprise how the door was locked. He checked the windows around the circular hut. All of them, sealed from the outside world. Kael whistled, signaling Celina and Connor that he found something.
🗣️ "Here's the plan:" he whispered "Connor will check if there's an eye-invasor inside by descending from the roof, to be out of reach. If only survivors are inside, Celina will knock down the door"
Both of them agreed. As Connor descendent from the roof, he started hearing faint mumbling from inside the house. Fear started invading him, as he was aware how ghosts aren't immune to eye-invasors. Thankfully for him, he didn't saw any eye-invasors inside, only a small group of goblins, all prepared for an inminent attack.
👻 "There's just a group of goblins, but they're armed. We should be careful"
🐺 "Got it. Let's not get on some unnecesary trouble"
🗣️ "What if we wrote them a note and passed it under the door?"

🐺 "Do you have the paper?"
🗣️ "Of course. It dried this morning"

Kael got a sheet of paper out of his pouch, and grinded down a songflower from the town using two rocks. At last, he picked up a stick on the floor, and started drawing his group on the piece of paper. While he had not yet learnt how to write, he had alredy managed to properly hold a "pencil" for it. He finished the drawing of somewhat questionable quality, and handed it down the door. Silence embraced the moment, until the paper was handed back with a sentence written on it.
👻 " 'No over-naturals allowed inside.' That feels racist"
🗣️ "Yeah. But it's either that, or not helping them at all"
They heard some noise coming from the door. It seems they were getting rid of the planks they had used to lock the door. The door creaked and opened up. Kael proceeded to go inside.
🗣️ "Hello? I'm human, no worries"
🏵️ "Kael? What are you doing here? Didn't you cause us enough trouble by burning down our doorgate?"
🗣️ "Yeah ... Sorry about that. I was so determined at getting a songflower that night. But now I'm here to help. What happened here? Why is the whole town missing?"
🐛 "The situation is worse than we thought. A whole family got turned into eye-invadeds. The Black Crocodile is making everything in the forest worse for everyone. The rest of the town evacuated and decided to ask for help to the orcs at the Flame Canyon. But one of the eye-invadeds cornered us before we could leave the town with the rest of the group. I hope everyone's alright"
🏵️ "We decided it was best for us to hide, and hoped for the eye-invasors to eventually leave. But we started to run out of food, and one of us went to explore and gather more supplies. We don't know where she is. For all we know, the eye-invasors probably killed her and turned her into one of them"
🗣️ "Do you guys need food? I have some if you'd like"
Kael handed them berries from his pouch. He would've handed them a part of half-cooked deer meat as well, but goblins are notorious for not eating animal meat.

He left the hut and the door got shut down immediately after.
👻 "Wow, that sound was definitive proof of your great diplomacy"
Kael looked at him with a frown.
🗣️ "... Anyway, the townfolks left for the Flame Canyon, we should investigate there next"
The trio left the town and began their journey, only for Kael to ask them to wait, as he decided to talk with Wise Nature before leaving the town surroundings.

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