Hey guys!! we finally reached chapter 30. I am so happy but I realised that I need to get to the climax soon so buckle up. the end of the story has already been planned and is so sad. Since I have vacation now I will upload almost daily from now until May probably. Let's start:
Isabella's POV:
Today's dinner was surprisingly cheerful unlike normal days everyone praised my cooking and the food was surprisingly tasty. unbelievable that I cooked it. but nothing could ever be happy in my life. victor wanted to see me in his office, the last time I had met him in his office nothing had gone right he was difficult to deal with him and sensibly so he was the leader of the American mafia.
As soon as dinner was over and I was ready I went to his office. now I was standing outside his office after knocking.
"What did you want to talk to me about?" I ask as soon as I enter the room and sit down. I was in no mood to indulge in his fantasies.
he just smiles at me. His audacity is commendable.
" Cara, I want to know about you?" he says picking up a file and handing it to me.
"Sorry?" I replied, confused. What the hell was he talking about?
"This file contains all the information about you. My men had so much difficulty in finding out about you and they couldn't find out much. Why cara?" ( cara= dear)
" you asked someone to get information about me ?" I asked incredulously and threw the file he handed me.
"would you have told me if I asked?" he ask not at all fazed by my show of anger and shock."You have to learn to respect other people's privacy, brother," I said in fury. "There is a bottom line to everything, and you should never cross it in my case."
" Where did mom send you when you were 7 yrs old? where were you when she died? I have heard from people that you were not even present at her funeral. where were you until 14 yrs of age and how did you end up in Charles orphanage? Answer me damn it" He says in agitation.
I was speechless that he found out that much. this is too much. how could he? Until today no one ever dared raise their voice at me and he questioned me.
Why the hell do you care? it isn't your problem and nothing happened to me Mom send me away because of an argument and I couldn't be there at her funeral because of a small issue as for Charles I ended up with him after my accident. and my life is not your problem 'brother'" I said stressing the word brother. it was as though I wanted to disrespect him on purpose.
" You know how I feel about liars Cara," he stated with a frown on his face.
" I am not lying to you I am just withholding Information I am not ready to share yet," I said looking everywhere but at him.
"very well. We will wait until you are ready to tell us cara," he said understandingly.
"Also, I wanted to inform you about something else," he says smiling.
Why was he smiling? " what now?" I ask tiredly.
"our cousins, aunt and uncles and grandparents are coming to visit us in a few days cara,"
"oh Romeo had mentioned that we have cousins very well I guess," I say nodding my head.
" how many cousins do we have by the way?" I was certainly curious about the Italian mafia. no one ever knew any shit about them.
oh-um- well we have 7 brothers" he mutters nervously.
that is not bad so why the hell was he so nervous? wait just a second...
" how many sisters?" I ask hopefully. I mean I would have at least one sister right please god, please.
"um-yeah, no sisters only brothers who are all elder than you," he says sheepishly. He was enjoying this.
" you mean I have 12 brothers?" I ask horrified.
he only laughed at my shock and misery.
"give me some time to absorb the shock," I said standing up.
"oh, also Maximo is waiting for you at the boxing ring where you both last fought," he says shaking his head in disapproval at the memory.
I just step out of the room without replying to his information. I will deal with Maximo now. He has insulted me way too much for his good.
Should Maximo be forgiven or beaten to a pulp before that?
what do you think about having 12 brothers??
will she survive???
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