Author's pov;
"My brother, call the gang! The WHOLE Gang! Tell them all 690 people to meet at the safe house!" Kobe said through gritted teeth.
His emotionless expression was back on full display.
"Kobe, we haven't call the gang since-"
"I said call the fucking gang and tell them to meet up at the safe house!" Kobe yelled, making Lia stand behind her mother.
Kobe growled before walking back to the car.
"We come in peace," Derek said.
"Wait, where do we go?" Amelia's mom asked.
Derek smiled, walking back to them. He lifted Lia in his arms before gesturing her mother to get in the car.
Kobe doesn't really call the WHOLE gang because they were, normally, all over Kentucky. This meant that Kobe was really pissed, he hasn't done this for a girl. In fact, for anyone he once loved.
The whole ride was silent, Kobe was strictly focused on the road, his face so serious. This is something Derek hasn't seen before.
As they pulled up at the safe house, Kobe was the first one to get out. Derek opened the car door for both females as they walked inside. Derek showed them their room, once done, he came back downstairs.
"Where's Kobe?" he asked.
The boys shrugged.
"He walked inside but disappeared right after," Ballo said.
Kobe was in the warehouse, he was letting all his frustration out on a punching bag. His knuckles started to bleed but he didn't care. He was weak. The only thing that made him happy was stolen from him. He was completely broken.
It's been a day since Kobe disappeared. The separate parts of our gang would arrive at the safe house soon, so they'll finally be a FULL gang.
It was around 6:00pm when Derek heard the front door open. He stood up, knowing who is was. No one else has the key. Kobe walked in, throwing his bag on the floor. He looked rough, his locks was a mess, bags under his eyes and Derek could clearly see he was punching because his knuckles were bleeding.
"Kobe, is you okay?! I know you're our boss, but you can't just disappear like that!" Ballo said, standing up.
Kobe growled loudly, causing Derek to flinch slightly. He then gritted his teeth before walking pass them to go to his room.
The rest of the guys were sitting at the table, having their lunch, but Kobe was refusing to eat.
"Okay, this is just crazy! Kobe needs to eat, bro!" Akeni said.
Manolo sighed, "I've seen Kobe act like this before but it's just.. not like him."
The door bell rang~~
Manolo got up and walked to the door.
"Who's there, Nolo?"
"It's Mrs. Morris," he said as she walked in.
"Hello boys!" she said and smiled.
"Mrs. Morris, what are you-"
"I called her. I know for a fact, Kobe will talk to his mother instead of us," Derek said.
As Mrs. Morris opened the gym door, she spotted her son. Sweat dripping down his body as he angrily punches the punching bag. His eyes shot up when he noticed her presence. His eyes were filled with coldness, hate and anger. She haven't seen Kobe like this for a long time.
"M-mom, what are you doing here?" he asked, his voice shaky.
She sighed before walking over to him, she pulled him in for a hug. She didn't mind if her son's sweat got on her body. He hugged her back tightly as he let out soft cries.
This is very unusual though. Kobe never cries.. NEVER. That means that Amelia is very important to him and his life.
"M-mom, what do I d-do?" he asked, pulling away.
She patted his back, trying to comfort him.
"I-I love her so much, mom.."
Mrs. Morris was absolutely shocked, he never used those words on anyone unless it was her and his sister.
She sighed and played with his hair, "I know my own son very well. You're strong, and trust me, you will be bearable to get her back, okay baby?"
He nodded his head and pecked his mother's forehead.
For the next two weeks, Kobe has been working hard on finding clues of where Amelia is. He didn't want to give up home... just yet. But after a month of searching, nothing was found. Nothing was heard from Vallyk and his gang. There was no way of tracing him or Amelia.
Kobe was getting worse, he was getting unstoppable.
It's been two months since Amelia was missing. In the beginning, Kobe worked together with the boys but after the four weeks passed, he started to become unstoppable. He stopped talking with the boys, he completely separated himself for them.
He would be in his room, the gym or his office all day. Barely coming out to eat. The boys were all worried at that dude.
Anywaysssss, it was the time of the month that they all would meet up, and talk about if any progress were made or not.
"For all we know, she could be dead! WHY AREN'T WE FINDING ANY OF MY LEADS!? IT'S BEEN TWO FUCKING MONTHS!!" Kobe yelled.
Derek sighed deeply, "Kobe-"
"DON'T EVEN TELL ME TO CALM DOWN! That girl that i fell in love with is in danger... ALL BECAUSE OF ME!" he said, his head hung low in his hands.
The rest of the buys didn't know what to do. But they all knew that we would have to do anything in their ability to find Amelia.
The next few days, Kobe's gang members decided to split and search the entire state of Kentucky. Just then, Derek got a call from one of the gang members, Akhil.
"Bro, tell me everything you've found out so far!"
"We got a voice message from an unknown number. I was thinking that it might be Amelia, since she knows how to contact our lines through signals I sent out. Hold on, I'll just switch it over to you.."
As soon as they heard the familiar female voice, his eyes widen. Derek put it on loud speaker before running to Kobe's office.
"Bro, we have Amelia on the phone right now, Manolo's trying to track where's it coming from exactly!" he said.
Kobe ran downstairs and sat next to Manolo, his eyes widen slowly as he heard her voice.
"L-let me s-speak t-to Kobe, n-now!"
She sounded like her voice is weak.
Kobe grabbed the phone, "Babygirl, I'm here, baby, I'm right here with you!"
"Babygirl, I'm right here, okay. Do you have any idea of where you are?"
He asked, his voice cracking a little.
"I-I'm in New Jersey, as I overh-heard Vallyk say-"
Vallyk (in the background);
"I'm s-rorry, Kobe, I-I have to go before-"
The call ended.
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