Part 5

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Author's pov;

It's been a few months since then. Amelia was training with Akeni everyday, he was training her how to fight, how to use self-defense and she adapted fairly quickly. 

There were two more days until the mission day, and Amelia was finally finished her training. She was more than ready, she must say, she enjoyed the adrenaline that rushed through her body.

During this month, Amelia has changed a lot though. Due to all the training and working out at the gym, she was really slim (not like an alien 💀) and she started to gain a few muscles, getting rid of all the extra fat she had before.


Today was the day, and Amelia was already prepared. The boys and Merliah was in the lounge discussing the plan over one last time, making sure everything is perfect. Amelia's job was to distract Vallyk, to keep him occupied as the others search for Kobe's location.

"Okay, our outfits will be dropped off for us, and Merliah you'll be wearing a dress so we don't stand off. Make sure that ya'll ready by 6:00pm.. SHARP!" Manolo explained.

And with that being said, we all separated, going to our rooms. Since it was 4:49pm, I decided to take a shower.


Someone knocked on Amelia's door, she invited the young woman in as she smiled, before doing Amelia's hair and makeup. After doing that, the woman helped her with the dress she had to wear... And this is how she looked...

Then Akeni came in the room, handing her the small pocket knives as she hid them under the dress. The woman then plugged in the earpiece in her ear.

"You look... I don't even know what to say!" he smiled, looking her up and down.

"Thanks, and you look pretty handsome yourself," she said, attaching the last weapon in the strap on her upper thigh.

"Okay, you'll be going in a separate car with Manolo as we will come through the back. Remember; stick to the plan," he said, making her nod.

As everyone was outside, they went to their separate cars and drove off to the location. Once they reached the party, Amelia breathed in and out before getting out of the car. 

As she entered the house, the place was filled with thousands of people. She then heard her phone buzz, she took it out and saw that Manolo sent her a picture of Vallyk. Since she didn't know how he looked, he did that, to make it easy.

Amelia (through earpiece)
"There so many people in here. How in the fuck am I supposed to find him?!"

Manolo (through earpiece)
"Don't worry, once Vallyk sees a pretty face like yours, that's when he'll want your attention. For now, act normal. Go to the bar or something."

She looked around before walking to the bar, sitting on the stool and ordering a soda since she wasn't interested in alcohol right now. 

"Excuse me, ma'am, is this seat taken?" 
-A male voice asked.

Amelia looked at him, "No, it's not really."

And just like that, Manolo said that it's Vallyk, right in front of her. 

Time to get in character.


For the past 45 minutes, Merliah was already sucking up to Vallyk and it seems to be working. 

"Come on, let's go talk somewhere... private," he smirked, grabbing her hand.

As he was leading her somewhere, she thought that everything was going as planned until....

Manolo (through earpiece)
"Amelia! Vallyk's guards knows that we're here and he knows about you as well!"

Once  Akeni let out that sentence, one of Vallyk's guard came out of nowhere. He smirked, leaning into Vallyk's ear, whispering something as he looked directly at Merliah. 

Next, two other guards came out, grabbing her arms and putting them behind her back, keeping her in place.

"See? This is what I don't like sweet-face, I know exactly who you are now. Coming into my party, to just stab me in the back. Now this isn't very nice.. It's a shame," Vallyk said, creasing her cheek as she struggled to get out of the guards hold.

He smirked, laughing quietly, "Take her away, I'll deal with her later."

The guards forced her to walk into another room (basement), they tied her to a chair before leaving her in complete darkness. 

As she made sure that they were out of sight, she quickly frees herself from the rope. she stood up, dusting off her dress before making her way to the door. 

Thanks to Akeni for those special moves. 

She opened the door slightly, peeking her head out to see if there were any guards around. She only saw one.

She smirked, taking out one of the pocket knives, she slowly walked up behind him as stabbed him in his head. 

Manolo (through earpiece)
"Hey, are you okay?"
-He asked.

Amelia (through earpiece)
"Yeah, I'm fine. What happened? How did the plan go wrong?"
-She asked, cleaning her pocket knife.

Manolo (through earpiece)
"I've lost contact with the boys, but I know that they're okay. But I haven't spoke to them since."

Amelia (through earpiece)
"Great! How are we supposed to find Kobe now, eh?!"
-She asked, with sarcasm.

Manolo (through earpiece)
"He's in this basement but I don't know the entrance to his room..."

She stopped for a moment.... Looking at the back door behind her....

Amelia (through earpiece)
"Nolo, I think I know where he is."

Manolo (through earpiece)

"No! Stay where you are, it's too dangerous-"
-She cut him off.

Amelia (through earpiece)
"It's our only choice!"
-She switched off the earpiece.

Amelia's pov;

I walked towards the back door, looking through the door's window. I looked around the room, until I spotted him..


I saw him on a rope, practically hanging. His ankles and wrists were tied up by chains as his head hung low, which were full of bruises and wounds all over his face and body.

"HEY!" i heard a loud voice.

I turned my head and saw a guard running to me.



As Kobe heard grunting noises, he raised my head up weakly and widen my eyes as he saw Amelia. She grunted, throwing the man through the door. She panted, walking in as she stared at me.

She ran to me, looking at his body with a worried expression. She unlocked the chains which were hanging him up as she then cut the rope around my neck. He fell to the ground and groaned in pain.

She took me by my arms, helping me to stand up, "Come one, Kobe, we need to get out of here!"

He groaned, trying to get up but he couldn't. He felt weak.

Amelia panicked. She switched back on the earpiece to get in contact with Manolo.. or anyone.

Amelia (through earpiece)

Manolo (through earpiece)
"Amelia! God, don't you ever turn the earpiece off ag-"

Amelia (through earpiece)
"Shut the fuck up! I found Kobe. Now, get a car ready, come to the back. I'll meet you there."

She looked down at Kobe, she wrapped his arm around her neck before helping him to walk out with her. Only now then, she realized how seriously hurt he was. She gasped quietly when she spotted a hole in his side, bloos streaming out.

If she doesn't get him out, he'll die!


As she slowly helped Kobe walk, they were in a black alleyway. She rested him down on the ground, leaning his back against the wall. She then felt someone's presence behind her. She took out the gun fron her strap and pointed it at the unknown person.

"Woah, swet-face, put the gun," Vallyk said, coming out from behind a wall.

She growled slightly, still pointing the gun at him. 

"Just give me back that asshole and no one will get hurt. You look too innocent to even have that gun in your hand," Vallyk grinned.

"And what makes you think that?" she aksed.

A black car then drove up behind them, Manolo got out of it. He ran uKobe, helping him to get up. 

"Manolo, small boy, Manolo.. Looks like you've got a feisty one here. She's very protective over Kobe. But, it's really sad that I have to kill all of you," he smirked, tilting his head.

Amelia wasn't having this shit so she shot Vallyk in his leg six times. She turned around, not saying a word, she helped Manolo lift Kobe up as the carried him to the car.


We were all in the car, Manolo is driving and Amelia was in the back with Kobe. 

His head was laying on her lap, his face completely pale. She looked down at him before slowly removing his shirt. Her heart ached once she saw the deep hole in his side. He lost a lot of blood. t has been days, Amelia was sure thatasn't eaten, and he must be dehydrated as well. 

On the other hand, Manolo was on phone talking to one of the boys. He ordered them to get Kobe's personal doctore and quick.

Amelia kissed Kobe's forhead, "Everything's gonna be okay.."


As soon as they reached the safe house, the boys came runng to Amelia and Manolo. Ballo lifted him carefully in his arms before carrying him upstairs, where the doctor was waiting in his room.

They told Amelia and theyboys that he needed surgery. No one was allowed to go up in his room, they jus had to wait patiently and have hope.




After a few hours, the doctor came down, informing them about how everything went well and that he'll be awake soon. The boys nodded their heads, making their way upstairs.

Derek looked at her, "Amelai, aren't you coming?"

"N-no, I'll just stay here..." she let out a small smile.

Derek nodded, as he walked upstairs. Amelia had a feeling that Kobe wouldn't want to see her, so she stayed downsatirs.


The boys came back downstairs, going to their rooms except for Akeni. He told Amelia that Kobe wanted to see her.. alone. Surprsied, she stood up, making her way to his room.

She knocked on his door, opening it as she slowly peeked in. he raised his hand in the air, motioning her to come in and she did. She closed the door behind her before making her way to stand beside his bed.

He sat up, graoing in pain.

"No, hey, don't get up," she said.

He didn't listen to her and continued to sit up. He couldn't speak much but she heard a little something.

"Sit down, next to me," he patted the spot beside him.

She sat down and as she did, he did something that made the butterflies in her belly to awaken. He softly placed his hand on her cheek, obsering the little wound that was on it. She winced a little due to his touck, making his face softening. 

The next thing he did made her shocked and her heart melted.. LITERALLY MELTED! He pressed his lips against hers. After a few seconds of panic, she closed her eyes, kissing back. Kobe let out a small smirk.

After a few minutes, they both pulled away to cath their breath. Amelia's face was red so she turned away so Kobe wouldn't notice. He chuckled, mumbling a small 'cute.'
Then the door slammed open...

"Finally! My bro ain't being an asshole!" Ballo said, clapping his hands.

Kobe glared at him as if he wanted to murder him, Ballo stopped calling his hands as he scratched his head. 

As Kobe looked back at Amelia, he smiled, showing his little fangs. She returned the smile as she could feel that things were different between Kobe and her now. 

Well, everything's okay. For now, though. 

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