Kobe's pov;
The wait started, and currently Amelia is in surgery. They told me that she's in a very bad condition.. So is the baby. My baby. Our baby.
Skylar, they told me that she would recover from her surgery. When they informed me about that, my blood boiled. I wanted her to be in Amelia's state and Amelia in her recovery state.
I told my guards; as soon as Skylar gets back up, put her in jail for the rest of her entire life. And I mean it. I also sent my gang group to go find Vallyk, he's part of this too. And when I get my hands on him, I'm gonna make him feel intense pain. And this time, I'll make sure that he's dead.
I immediately stood up when the doctor came out of Amelia's room. I could tell by his face expression, he smiled and did a little dance. All I could tell is that it's good news.
"Mr. Morris?"
"Yes, yes, that's me. Are they gonna be okay?"
"Good news; your baby is healthy and strong..."
"Bad news?"
"Well, Mrs. Amelia.. She had got a lot of damage, I'm surprised that she survived."
Tears started to roll down my face.
"She lost a lot of blood so she slipped into a coma. We don't know when she's going to be awake. She could wake up in a few hours, a few days, a few months.. We can't tell. I'm sorry."
I stood there, feeling weak. I couldn't do anything to help her, even if I tried. Yeah, I'm happy that Amelia and our babyboy is alive but I couldn't help but worry. The nurse then came out and told me that I could go see her.
I nodded and made my way in the room. I saw her hooked up to a whole bunch of machines. In the right corner, there was an extra heart pumping.. It was our baby's. I let out a weak smiled before sitting on the chair next to her bed.
I rubbed her stomach and laid my head on the bed, "Baby? Baby, please stay strong. We have a family and I don' wanna loose you nor or babyboy."
I suddenly got a phone call, it was Manolo. He said that they found Vallyk and that's he's at the warehouse. I got up and put on my jacket. I have to make him pay for what he did. I kissed my babygirl's forehead before walking out.
My knuckles eventually started bleeding as I was punching the shit out of Vallyk. He was laughing, he think he won huh? Well, it got worse. I held him by his neck and pointed the my gun at his head.
"I'm going to kill you! Right here and right now!"
He laughed like the devil, "Do it, Kobe! I've already taken your little girl and your little child!"
I was about to pull the trigger when Manolo came running in.
"Bro, she's awake," he said and panted heavily.
I gave my gun to one of my guards making him yelp.
"Bro, calm down. Deal with him, though," I ordered him as I ran out.
I ran through the hospital, the only thing that was on my mind is Amelia. I pushed through the door and saw Amelia awake and Jennie.
Amelia's pov;
I don't remember much after the accident, and all that was on my mind was Kobe. Even though, Jennie was by my side, I still wanted to see Kobe. Right now. Just as I was about to ask Jennie where he was, he pushed open the doo as we immediately made eye contact.
He probably thinks that I was still mad at him as I could see that he didn't know if to come forward.
"Kobe.." I said and smiled a little.
He walked towards me and hugged me, trying to be careful not to hurt me. Jennie quickly got up and left us, knowing to leave us alone for the while.
"B-babygirl, I'm sorry. I-I didn't mean it. I d-didn't mean to h-hurt you like this. I swear, on God! I didn't d-do anything on purpose. That bitch forced me into doing that shit! I'm so sorry, babygirl, it's all my-"
He cried hard making my heart ache, badly. It's my fault for not letting him explain.
"Kobe, it's not your fault. It's mine for not letting you explain everything."
"I-I shouldn't have allow her to kiss me that night she returned. My fault, my fault! Not yours."
I wanted to say something but he didn't let me.
"I know that you probably hate me and I.. deserve it. But please stay with me, I- we're gonna be a happy family and I don't wanna loose both of you," he said quietly.
That when I realized that he must've found out that I'm pregnant.
I sighed deeply, "Kobe, I kissed Derek. I didn't want to hide it from you, I did it because all I was thinking about was you, all you. Kobe.. if you think I like him, I don't. I love you," I said and kissed his forehead.
He looked up at me, "We both did something wrong and we lived to regret it. I promise I won't hurt you ever again, Amelia. I just hop that someday you'll forgive me."
I smiled and connected our lips as he immediately kissed back. Then we got interrupted by Jennie and Derek entered the room.
She sighed, "I would like to apologize for what I did. I tried to stop Skylar because I had realized that.. you've done nothing wrong. I should've know that this would have happened earlier... I'm truly sorry and I hope you can forgive me one day."
I looked her up and down before speaking, "I forgive you, Jennie but make sure to never to it again."
I then glared at Derek as he stuck a strand of hair behind his ear. He smiled before speaking.. And that's when I felt the tension between them.
"Look, I'm sorry, okay? I'm just happy that Amelia and your baby is doing okay. (he said, looking at Kobe) And Amelia, I'm sorry for-"
"Derek.. it's fine, you all have your faults and at least I know that you all truly apologized," I said.
He smiled and grabbed Jennie by her waist, "Well! Me and Jennie decided to move on and work in another state for the gang. I will be retraining her to become part of the gang once again. We're leaving in an hour so we just came to say goodbye."
I was a bit shocked but understood.
He then looked at Kobe who growled and hugged me more, saying that I belong to him.
"Bro, I just wanna talk to you outside," he said.
Kobe stopped growling. He pecked me on my lips before walking out with Derek.
Kobe's pov;
"I'm sorry... I'm really sorry for what I did, it was wrong to kiss Amelia. All I'm asking for is... Don't hurt her ever again," he said and looked down.
"Derek, you know that you're my best friend-"
"Brother," he corrected.
"Not really anymore. Anyways, as Amelia said, we all have our faults but we're pushing it behind us," I patted his head and smiled.
We both spoke for a little while until it was time for Jennie and Derek to go. We said our goodbye's and I headed back in the room.
I feel like this are back to normal again.
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