Part 15

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Author's pov;

~For the next two days, Amelia stayed at Derek's house, she was throwing up almost every hour and Derek got worried. She found it weird that she hadn't had her period, then again, she was only a few days late which was normal. 

She really appreciated Derek, he took care of her while she was sick. 


It was currently 5:34am, Amelia ran to the bathroom to throw up. It was probably the third time she did, she always had to run to the bathroom. Not long after, Derek came in and rubbed her back. 

She flushed the toilet and washed out her mouth. She fell back down on the floor and rested her head on Derek's shoulder... Falling asleep. 


Amelia's pov;

I woke up and looked at my phone. There were over 100 messages and miss calls from Kobe, I haven't spoke to him since that night. All I know is from Derek.. Apparently when Skylar 'died,' she faked it and then went off the grid for years because of the threats of being killed.

Although, Derek said that he never really liked her due to the way she acted. He said that he always found her suspicious. 


I made my way downstairs, into the kitchen as I smelled something sweet. As soon as I made it in the kitchen, Derek turned around and flashed me a bunny smile. 

"Did you sleep okay?" he asked as he placed to plates on the table.

"I slept... fine. What bout you?" I asked and made way over to the table.


I gave a small smile before sitting down, I grabbed my fork and dug into the food. 

"Derek, can we, maybe go to the mall later.. I need a few thing," I told him.

He faced me, "I'll go get it for you, you're still not 100% okay."

"I-uh... Okay."

"So what do you need," he asked, getting a piece of paper and pen. 

"I-I... I need you to get me pregnancy test."

"OH! Okay, so you think you're pregnant?" 

I slightly nodded my head as I smiled a little. 



I was laying on the bed, waiting for- 

Knock Knock

Derek came in and gave me the boxes, "Here, I'll be leaving now."

"Thank you!"

"Yeah, welcome!" he said behind the door.

I sighed before making my way into he bathroom. After doing what I had to do, I waited patiently for the results, I went back in the bedroom and sat on the bed next to Derek.

After 10 minutes, it was time to check the results. I sighed deeply before turning it around slowly..... 









I started crying in happiness and entangled my hands in my hair, Derek smiled and hugged me. 

"Congrats, Amelia!" he said in a cheerful way.

I then widened my eyes. With everything that happened between Kobe and I the other night, I just wanted to tell him now. This is what he dreamed of. I decided to go to the doctor and bring Derek along. 



We were on a way to Kobe's after coming from the hospital. The nurse said that I'm already two months pregnant and it was exactly two months when Kobe and I did it for the first time. 

Now.... I decided to tell Kobe today and fix our situation. 


Derek took out the keys and unlocked the door, opening it and I walked in with him behind me. I looked around the living room, hoping to see Kobe, but he was nowhere to be found. I then heard noises coming from upstairs. 

"Better not be what I hope it is," Derek whispered.

I looked at him in confusion before making my way upstairs. It was coming from me and Kobe's bedroom. I opened the door and it felt like someone just ripped my heart out. 

Kobe and who I was expecting, Skylar were both half naked as they stuck their tongues down each other's throats. Kobe had bright purple hickeys running down his neck and so did she...

Kobe's head then shot towards the door and looked at me. I quickly turned around and ran downstairs.

"Amelia, wait!" 

I was about to open the door, when i felt someone grab my hand. I looked back and was facing a crying Kobe.

"Wow, Kobe.. Just wow! I came all the way over here to tell you something but no! It turned into this..."

I looked down at my engagement ring and slowly took it off my finger. Kobe's eyes widened.

"No, baby, please don't do that," he said and started crying quietly.

I placed it on the table in the living room and looked at him.

"I-I'm sorry."

I opened the door and walked out. But he followed. So did Derek.

"Amelia, please! I was drunk and I didn't mean it! Come on, baby, I don't know what I'm gonna do without you! Please, don't just leave me like this.." he begged and back hugged me.

I removed his arms from around me, "I always loved you but this isn't going to work."

I quickly got into Derek's car before he drove off. 

Kobe's pov;

I watched as the car slowly vanished in the street. I walked back inside the house and grabbed my car keys.

"Kobe... where are you going?" Skylar asked as she was in the living room.

I growled, "Don't fucking Kobe me! Was this you plan the whole time?! Pushing on me when you knew that I was drunk?! Get the fuck out!" 



Skylar's pov;

I clenched my jaw before walking out of his house but then something caught me. It was a pregnancy test. I took it and slid it into my jeans pocket. As soon as I got in my car, I phoned Jennie.


"Hey, Sky. How's the plan going so far?"

"She walked in on us and she gave back her engagement ring."

"Alright, I'll talk to Vallyk. We'll take both Amelia and the baby before kobe find out."

"Okay, well I'm on my way back to Vallyk. We'll plan everything and finish it off tomorrow."
-I hung up the call.

I'm sure you're confused so let me help you understand.

Skylar never really died, she cheated on Kobe (without him knowing) because she never loved him. She only used him for his money. 

Until she met Vallyk and decided to be his partner. She went on the grid for years to make Kobe feel like she's dead. 

Vallyk wanted to end Kobe, he wanted to finish him off. But since it was difficult, Skylar was going to help Vallyk trap Kobe. 

So basically, Skylar is working for Vallyk. 


Amelia's pov;

I just couldn't stop crying.. I basically broke up with Kobe and I'm pregnant. I didn't want to do this alone. 

"H-he cheated on me Derek! I caught him with that bitch, Skylar!" I shouted all my anger out as I cried in Derek's chest.

"I-I gave him back the ring. Wh-what about the baby! I can't allow him to grow up without a father!"

I started to panic and my breath got uneven, Derek realized and pulled me into his arms. 

"Hey, you won't be alone, okay? I can help you," he said quietly. 

I looked up at him, his eyes staring right into mine and our faces only inches away. He then leaned in and connected our lips..... I kissed him back. After some seconds, we both pulled away. He twirled my hair and stuck it behind my ear as he continued to stare at me. 

"I'm sorry, Amelia-"

Before he could finish, I suddenly kissed him again. I don't know why I did this or what made me do this. I wrapped my arms around his neck and he wrapped his around my waist. 

But then I started to feel guilt build up in me... All I was thinking about was Kobe. 

I pulled away and tears started to fall down.

"I'm sorry, I can't do this.."

I got off him and walked out of his house and walked down the street. 

I felt bad.

I didn't know what else to do...


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