Part 11

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Author's pov;

It's been two weeks since that fight. Amelia and Kobe were taken to the gang's a private hospital to see about there injuries. They both have been in a coma for the past two weeks now. 

Amelia was internally injured, the doctor said that she hadn't eaten in days nor any source of water which made her dehydrated. The doctor said that she'll be okay and will wake up out of that coma.

However, Kobe... He was seriously injured. The doctor found 13 bullets in his body caused by some fighting. On the bright side, the doctor was able to perform a successful surgery and all the problems were fixed. But unlike Amelia, the doctor doesn't know if Kobe will wake up or not.


Ballo was sitting next to Amelia's bed, and as soon as he saw her fingers move, he called the nurse. 

Amelia's pov;

I opened my eyes slowly, first thing in sight was the boys surrounding me. As I looked around, I noticed that we're in a hospital.. That's when the memories came back. 

"K-kobe.. where's-"

"Amelia, calm down," Derek told me.

I started to panic as everything that happened flowed through my mind.

"No, no, I n-need to s-see Kobe! Where i-is he?!" I sat up off the bed.

"Amelia, do as I say, calm down."

I looked at Derek, "Please tell me he's okay!"

He sighed before explaining everything about Kobe.



It's been two months, and I still do the usual. Come to the private hospital to visit Kobe.. who still hasn't wake up. It's supposed to be our six month anniversary, I was hoping he'd get up but unfortunately, he didn't

"Baby? (sigh) I miss you.. Like a whole lot... I hope you wake up soon," I said, holding his hand in mine.

She kissed his forehead before grabbing her purse and phone, and headed to the nearby food store. 


While I was sitting and eating my food, with Manolo and Derek, I got a call from Ballo. It was about Kobe... He was crashing and the doctor said that we have to come and say our final goodbye? 

I got up and rushed back to the hospital, with the buys behind me. As I reached his room, a whole bunch of machines were going off. The doctors and nurses were trying their best to keep him alive. 

I broke into tears and pulled my hair in frustration. The doctor then turned to me and gestured Manolo and Derek to take me out of the room. 

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