Amelia's pov;
I came out of a rough family, not very wealthy, my dad passed a few years ago, and since then, it's been only me, my sister and mother.
My mother is working as a maid for the Morris Family. But even though they paid us well, it wasn't enough for me and my sister to get to school. So.. I dropped out of collage and got a job.
It was difficult for mom, she was a strong woman but things got really difficult when she got pregnant with my sister. My sister, Lia, is only four years old. And with all the financial problems, she didn't even get to send Lia to a daycare.
But then, here comes Mrs. Morris.
She's a very kind woman, so she offered to look after Lia until we get to send her to a daycare or school.
... And that's why I started to work.
It was currently 11:45pm, I closed up the Café and started to walk home. And home is a long walk.. Boy, I'm exhausted.
I've been working since 8:00am today, it was a long day, I haven't eaten and I was really hungry. Like a homeless dog or something.
After 45 minutes of walking, I finally arrived at the gates. Mrs. Morris allowed my mom, my sister and myself to stay at the maid's room where mom works. 24/7.
The guards knew me by now, so they opened up the gates for me. I turned the golden door knob of the front door and walked in. I then walked through the hallway.
As I walked pass the dinning room, I heard voices. I only recognized one voice, and that was Mrs. Morris. The others, I have no idea, but they were male voices.
I was about to walk off when I heard her call my name. I sighed before walking into the dinning room, bowing down at her in respect. What? I have to do that.
As I looked up, I was met with two boys. Then, Mrs. Morris introduced me, their names are; Kobe and Derek.
Wait!... Kobe's back! The Kobe Morris is back!
Then, Mrs. Morris explained everything. I knew Mrs. Morris had a son but he worked and lived in New Jersey.
He moved back today because he finished his business in New Jersey and would continue it here, in Kentucky. I didn't question his job, it was none of my business.
While Derek was a complete warm person, Kobe was completely the opposite, he was cold. His eyes are always dark and mysterious. But I gotta say, he's attractive.
After the explanation, I bowed one last time before walking over to my mom, who was busy washing the dishes.
"Mom, can I wash them?" I asked.
She sighed in relief, "Oh, yes please! I have to go make coffee for the boys."
She kissed my head, washing her hands before going over to the counter. After washing the dishes, I followed my mom up to our room.
By the time, I finished helping my mom with stuff, Lia was already sleeping. So, my mom and I changed and got in the bed we all shared. It was big enough though.
I was about to drift off to sleep when my mom told me that she has to tell me something. I raised up and looked at her, she wasn't happy, nor angry. She seemed upset and sad.
"Baby, as you know, Mr. Morris (kobe) recently moved back to Kentucky, and he needs someone to work for-" she sighed, messing up her hair.
"It's okay, Mom, I'll work for him," I gave her an assuring smile.
"Amelia, I didn't want this. Sure, you'll be working for him but you have to be in his house. But, you don't have to do the extra work, I will-"
"Mom, it's fine, I'll be fine. It's the best for you and Lia. And that's all I want."
She huffed, "You'll be leaving tomorrow evening, a car will be transporting you to Mr. Morris' house. The drive is an hour."
I nodded my head, understanding.
"Baby, I'm sorry that our lives are like this. You haven't finished collage yet, and now, you have to work. Everything is messed up because of me!" she whisper-yelled the last part.
I leaned over and kissed her forehead, "Mom, don't blame yourself, okay? Everything will be fine."
"God, I love you baby."
"I love you too, mom, my love for you will never stop."
I had packed all my stuff, ready to go to Mr. Morris's house. I walked out the front door, seeing that the car was waiting for me to get in.
I grabbed my suitcase and my little backpack, putting in in the back before I got in, closing the door right after. Before the driver drove off, he honked the horn and then.. drove off.
As we reached the destination, I looked out the window and saw a mansion. Holy shit, it's bigger that my ass.
I got out of the car, grabbing my suitcase along with my backpack and walked up the stairs. After walking up the stairs, I spotted Derek.
"Welcome, let me help you with your bags," he said, coming towards me.
He took my suitcase before walking as I followed behind him. As we entered the living room, I smiled at the color.
"You're prolly confused of why I'm here and Kobe's not. He's been on a mission since 10:30am, and he'll be back late, so he said that you don't have to make dinner," Derek said.
"Okay," I shrugged.
"Also, you'll be living with us four guys, including me."
That, I didn't know about, maybe mom forgot about that part. I mean, she's stressed out.
"Kobe told me to share these rules with you; the gun room doesn't needed to be clean, don't go in there-"
"A g-gun room?!" I stuttered, not knowing what to think.
"I guess you don't know what our job is really to do," he said with a slight smirk.
"W-what is your j-job?"
"Don't be scared, but we're the most powerful mafia gang in Kentucky and Kobe took over as the leader since his dad passed."
I was shocked because I didn't know that is a family business. It all makes sense now, his father passing away.. Maybe that's why he's so cold.
"So, why would a pretty young girl like you took this job?"
I snapped out of my thoughts when I heard his question. I sighed before explaining everything..
I told him about the financial side, how I have a little sister and how I can't only let my mom work. And I was gonna get paid enough, so yeah, I took it.
"Ah, okay, I'm sorry for letting you bring that up," he scratched his nape.
"No, it's fine. It's been going on for a while now, so I'm used to it."
"Anyways, let me show you too your room."
"No way! Are you sure that this is my room?!" I asked, my mouth open at seeing the room.
Derek chuckled, "Believe it or not, yeah it's your room. Kobe may be cold but somewhere in him, he cares a lot. He even got this room customized for you!"
"But.. he barely knows me," I gave Derek a confused look.
"Well then, you're really special," he smirked.
I blushed a little at his smirk
"Yeah. My room's down the hall, to the right, if you need anything, feel free to ask. And, there are extra clothes in that closet for you.."
"Thanks, Derek," I smiled.
He nodded his head before leaving. I closed the door, putting my bags next to my bed. I then decided that I should unpack and put my stuff in the closet.
As I opened the closet door, I gasped at the amount of clothes that were hung on their hangers. Such clothes from; Luis Vuitton, Victoria Secret, Calvin Klein, Gucci and others. I never owned clothes like these.. ever.
I didn't even bother to unpack, these clothes can last me for years! Since there was a bathroom in the room, I decided to take a shower.
After showering, I dried my damp hair before putting on my pajamas. I got them from the closet. I then tied my hair in a messy bun before getting on the bed.
I then spotted a brand new phone on the nightstand, a note stuck to it; saying that it's from Kobe. It said that the phone is for me, and it has his and Derek's number placed in it already.
I smiled before closing my eyes, drifting off to sleep.
I woke up, guessing it's around 2:00am so, hearing the front door opening and shut back. I then heard Derek's voice, and maybe, Kobe's voice.
All I know is that it sounded like a serious conversation. Anyways, i shook it off before drifting back to sleep.
Kobe's pov;
"I almost had him. I almost had that asshole!" I shouted in frustration, slamming my hands against the wall.
"Kobe, calm the down! We'll catch him tomorrow, the boys are coming here tomorrow. We can work out a plan," Derek said calming me down... a little.
"I'll just go in my bed, I have a lot of work to do tomorrow. Amelia's here, right?"
"Yeah, she must be sleeping by now. Gotta say, she's a nice girl. Are you seeking something in her?" Derek as with a small smirk.
I glared at him, "She's just a maid, nothing more."
And with that behind said, I walked upstairs to my room.
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