16:getting curios

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[While the others are in the living room, samuel and sophia are in isabella room thinking]

Isabella:this is just all weird. I just feel like they are hiding something from us.
Samuel:You read my mind as our cousin did say kill in front of us, so I'm wondering why.
Isabella:Let's try and figure out what they're hiding then.
Samuel:Yes, let's do that as we are curious, aren't we.
Isabella:Yes, we are Samuel!

[Later, amelia came to isabella bedroom]

Amelia:You two okay?
Samuel:You guys are hiding something from me and isabella, aren't you?
Amelia:Aha, what do you mean we're not hiding anything.
Isabella:Then why did evan say he will kill your boyfriend!

Amelia:he didn't mean it he was just joking.
Samuel and isabella:we dont believe you as we been through stuff worser!

[Amelia goes out the room and go in the living room]

Luca:what is wrong amelia?
Amelia:isabella and Samuel is getting curios just becouse of evan said he will kill my boyfriend!
Evan:it's not my fault plus next time cover there ears but this might be bad if they actually find out.
Jay:what would you think idiot!
Theo:You know you don't need to call him a idiot but just calm down and think of trying to stop those to from finding out!
Kai:they won't stop since there stubborn like dad!
Issac:ye I realised that to now they act like uncle.
Conner:of course they do.
Ezra and elijah:I thought us two were trouble but I guess we're wrong that's no fair!

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