14: dinner

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                [I go downstairs to dinner]

Kai:good your here now here, soph.
Sophia:mhm, I am here now. Why?
Luca: I'm just surprised as Samuel isn't down here yet.
Theo:Didn't I tell you he was doing something.
Elijah:we heard it a million times theo, so shut it.

Thomas:Be nice too, luca elijah, as you're already grounded.
Ezra:we are just waiting the grounding out, and you can't keep us grounded when our cousins are coming tomorrow.
Kai:You're still grounded, though, but I'm giving you permission to be on your electronics tomorrow.
Sophia:Can you stop talking about electronics, please?
Thomas:Sure, we can.

              [Samuel goes downstairs]

Samuel:I'm here now. Sorry,I was doing something.

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