Chapter 12 - I couldn't kill her!

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Rin's POV

I can't remember when I had this much energy in my life. I think I could lift a mountain if I wanted. Maybe this is how you feel when you drink energy drinks? (I have never tried any of them...)

He was so close. That's probably the raison for my strenght. I can finally punish him for his crimes.

I knew I'll have to fight. He won't surrender so easly. I picked up a pipe that was lying next to me (there was a lot of some metal objects around; I wonder if they're using this place as a landfill). I ran towards walls of hydropower.

He didn't seem worried at all, since he was standing there and eagerly watching at me. His face was telling me that I have no chance against him. We'll see about that!

I ran upstairs and I was finally on the top of the walls.

Now, the only thing that stands between us is air.


Len's POV

I knew she would come. I just knew it. At the end, I've known her since the day we were born.

And, here she is. I was looking forward to meeting her again. I can see rage and hatred in her eyes... And a bit of insanity maybe.

Oh, she grabbed a weapon too. Well, it's not like I don't have any. There are a lot of interesting things in my pockets, and I choosed the one that was most suited for this occasion. A knife.

But she didn't stop wen she saw it. She ran at me and swiped with that pipe trying to hit me. I dodged and attacked her with the knife, but the pipe was fast enough to block that attack.

I've tried that for a few times, but she always blocked my attack or dodged it. I couldn't lay a single punch on her. On the other hand, she couldn't hurt me either. We were the same strenght.

Still, I won't lose!

I tried to attack her for a few more times, but, as I have already said, she would always defend herself. Then, after blocking one of them, she suddenly jumped left... No! She acted as if she'll jump left, but she actually juped right! I didn't realize that at first and I wasn't prepaired for her attack on the back side of my head. The pipe hit me so hard that everything became blurred for a moment.

That moment was more than enough for her to launch another and another attack on me. I fell down and dropped my knife. She stood in front of me with a happy, innocent smile that looked the same as the one she always had when we would go to the amusement park together. Wait, why am I remembering that at this moment? Why am I remembering it at all?

It was just a normal, cute, happy smile. And then it turned into a psychotic one, she looked like a yandere.

I reached for my pocket before she could see it. I picked a bunch of broken-glass parts (yeah, I said I had a lot of interesting things in my pockets). I trew them at her.

She raised her hands to protect herself, dropping th pipe. That was the perfect opportunity for me to stand up and take my knife again. When I looked back at her, she had small cuts that bled a bit on her hands and arms, but it wasn't enough to stop her. Actually, she looked like she got more strenght from that.

I didn't wait to see if my theories are right. The best moment to attack her is now, before she gets all her sharpness back.

I tried going for her neck. My knife quickly moved and it almost hit her, when I saw her eyes widened in fear. She couldn't reflect that attack or escape it, and she knew it.

My hand slipped somehow and I missed her. The moment I saw her eyes created some strange feeling in me. It was almost as strong as the hunger of jealousy, but it didn't live in my stomach - it was somewhere in my chest.

Almost like my heart trying to rip itsself apart.


Rin's POV

I was sure that the end had come. When his hand came so close... I was sure it was my end.

And then, he missed it. Although he was close, although I couldn't move, he missed it. Was it intemtionally? It can only be intentionally... But why?

I realized that it doesn't matter if he did it intentionally or not, I have to continue fighting.

His moves slowered down a bit and he wasn't so concentrated on our fight. Even so, I couldnt win against him. Before I realized it, we were moving to the old warehouse on the other side of hydropower plant. He was actually pushing me there, and I couldn't resist. But I don't know what he wanted to do.

And then, he reached for his pocked again. I was ready to protect myself from another glass-shuriken attack, but it didn't come. Instead of that, he took something in the shape of ball and trew it on the ground. A lot of smoke was realised from that little thing. It was a smoke bomb!

I couldn't see anything, I couldnt hear anything... I was so helpless.

I felt something holding for my left leg. I didn't know what it is, and I couldn't take it of. The same feeling appeared on my right leg, and then on both of my arms. Where ever it held me, I couldn't move that part of my body. I suddenly fell down on the ground with my arms and legs held so tight by that thing.

When the smoke disappeared, Len was standing in front of me. On his face was a big, satisfied smile. When I looked at my arms and legs, I realized those things were ropes. They were so tighly tied for the ground and my limbs and that's why I couldnt move.

Len came closer to me.

"You know, Rin... It's time for my final act." he pointed at reservoir. "Everything is ready for the disaster of the town."

There was a crank next to the warehouse.

"Watch closely..." he told me, and suddenly shouted to the other side of the walls "You too, Kaito!"

He pulled te crank.

I heard the roar of released water coming through, making its way out of the lake - its prison.

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