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"I'm sorry..." I whispered. "I know what I did hurt you. I can't begin to even imagine what you went through, you didn't deserve for me to turn your back on you and do something like this, especially after everything with Jaxon... I'm truly sorry Zuri."

"All that you have gone through was far more than I could ever imagine. Yes, what you did was hurtful and yes, I wasn't to fight you more than anything right now." She laughed a bit, "but beyond all else, I am far too happy to know that you're alive; to be upset with you. The past three months have been so lonely. Going through this pregnancy process, all I really wished I could do was share the moments with my best friend. As kids, we talked about this! We came up with names together and pinky swore that we'd be each other's kids' god parents, no if, ands or buts!" She placed one hand on her stomach meanwhile tears ran down the side of her face, "I'm glad that my prayers to bring your back were answered, because I genuinely didn't think I was able to do this without the support and love that I knew I could only find in you."

"I really don't deserve such forgiveness." I cried.

"You don't..." she blurted out, "and I pondered it for a while, but then I realized I would be so ungrateful to God because this is what I asked for. I told him no matter what it took, I just wanted to get you back and he did it... So, despite how I feel. I can get over it. I lost you already and I don't want my pride to be the reason why I lose you again. We're best friends for life and that means through whatever obstacles come our way. This was a tough one and I hope it doesn't ever get as bad as this again!" She smirked, "but Shai... I genuinely am happy to have you back. I love you baby mamaaaaa!"

"I love you too, boo!" I smiled, while trying my best to stop from crying. "Ugh, I'm such an emotional wreck sorry."

"You are and so am I, but I have a reason; it's called hormones! You're just a simp."

"Can you blame me?! I came here thinking that everything was going to work out. I mean, I'm not naive; yes I knew that Kingston would be a little bit upset. But to threaten to go Tyler Perry on me and drag me out of his house?"

"Wait, he said that?!"

"Yup along with the fact that I was dead to him and a stranger at best."

"I mean... you were dead to him." Zuri looked over at me, flashing me a cheeky smile. "I'm sorry, but that was too easy!" She laughed, giving me no choice but to laugh also.

"Stop! I'm being serious!"

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry!" She laughed a bit more while continuing on with traffic as it finally began to move. "But nah, that's not right and at the end of the day I wouldn't have allowed him to drag you anywhere. Pregnant or not, hands would've been thrown! We know this already though."

"Facts." I nodded, "you most definitely are a hot head."

"Within reason." She corrected, "but I'll take the title because one of us has to. Jade's too sweet, Kira's a pushover and you... you gotta be activated like Hulk so one of us has to be on go at all times."

"Hmm. You're right on that one."

"Shai, regardless of what he says now that he's mad. That man cares for you, he literally killed someone because of it."

"I know." I sighed, "which is why I feel so sorry. I know that pressure is on his shoulders every day and it isn't fair for him."

"He had a choice and he made it because he saw it fit. Ray was going to die anyways, whether you did it, Kira, Omari, Jade or myself. But he chose to do it because he cares that much for you and every day as that memory haunts him, the only way it'll be able to pass is if he comes to terms with the reasoning behind it. He did it because of what he felt for you and if a person is willing to go to that extreme for someone; there's no denying the way they feel. It's evident and we all see it, he needs time but soon he will come running."

"I don't know, I have a bad feeling that... he may not and it worries me because there' no denying that I want him."

"What's meant for you will always be for you. There's no working around it. Yes, sometimes we take a detour because of our choices but at the end of the day, we still gotta circle back and end up right where we're meant to be." She shrugged, "and if it doesn't happen... then so be it. We can both be two single hotties, after being lied to by both of our significant others; being single doesn't sound too bad. We can get a house somewhere nice and take care of my little one. You're a millionaire now!" She hyped, "you can have whatever you likeeeeeee." She sang in her T.I. voice.

"I swear, I can't stand you." I giggled while watching her dance in her seat.

"I'm just saying! At the end of the day, when life hands you lemons; always make yourself some lemonade. I've been doing it for the past three months, mourning the loss of Jax and you... only the strong survive so, you will too."

"I don't know how you're so strong, honestly."

"Well it's because I believe in karma and I've come to terms with the fact that Jaxon's actions led to his death. He found himself in a place he shouldn't have been in, he made a choice that he knew better than to make and in exchange he didn't make it far. I look at the situation from a wide lens and I realize that his true colours were bound to come out one way or another. To be able to stoop so low and hurt someone that you saw as a sister, does not sit right with me at all. Jaxon would've relapsed and I would've been hurt the same way. There was no getting around it, so I accepted it for what it was and decided to hold onto the good memories, hold onto the blessing that I'm growing inside of me and go from there. Every day is a stepping stool and sometimes it takes a lot for me to climb... but I have to take care of me; I'm about to be a mother and I want to be healed once my child enters this world. So, being strong is result of all that."

"I genuinely admire you, so much."

"As do I, Shai Shai." She blew me a kiss, "now let's play some tunes. It's been a while since you've been here and you know how much I love to put you on."

"Please do, I'm so behind."

"Hmm, I don't even know where to start." She clicked at the screen while still looking up at the road, "Hey Siri! Play Drake Scary Hours 2."

"Ouuuu Drake dropped heat?"

"You know my husband did!" She reached over and turned up the volume. "I'm makin' a change today. The liquor been takin' the pain away. I heard you was givin' your chain away!" She sang while drive up as the traffic finally faded.

I bobbed my head to the music meanwhile looking out the window, as much as I tried to be in the moment; my mind was back there with Kingston.

Kingston Hines

"That wasn't right and you know it." My father muttered as I watched my mother packing up the food. "Regardless of how you feel, I have never taught you to speak to any female the way you just spoke to her back there. To say I'm disappointed is an understatement. Not sure of what you were thinking, not sure what got into you; but that... is unacceptable. You're going to do whatever it takes in order to get in touch with Shai and apologize. You don't need to get with her, heck you don't need to hold a conversation but what you will be doing is apologizing for your word choice. Got it?"

I gazed over my shoulder at him and sighed, "whatever."

"Nah, it's not whatever. It's yes sir, since you've lost your manners all of a sudden. Grown or not Kingston, I am not the one."

"Yes sir."

"Alright then." My dad stared me down for a moment before walking away and heading over to help my mom with the rest of the things. Tiffany and Marley long with Tosh, Sabari and the kids had thankfully left after my request to be alone. All taking a to-go plate on their way I was glad that they understood that I was not playing, the last thing I wanted to do was get even more disrespectful than I needed.

I cleared my throat and I looked away from my parents, turning on my heels to face Oshane and Kira who sat on the couch. "O, you down to go out tonight?" I asked.

"Yeah of co-."

"Oshane is planning on leaving." My mother interjected, causing me to glance in her direction with a raised brow. "Right Oshane?" She continued, "weren't you going to tell him today? About the whole situation you got lined up."

"Whatever situation it is, it can wait." I waved her off. "I need my boy right now and I'm sure he understands. Right Oshane?" I shifted my attention back over to him and asked.

"Right..." he responded.

"Oshane... no, you have somewhere to be." My dad spoke up to say which was odd, being as my dad was usually silent in situations like this.

"Uh... I..."

"Oshane." I peered into his eyes, "like I said before. I need my boy."

"You're right." He nodded, "one night out won't hurt. I can push the rest of my plans to the side, no doubt."

"Good, I'm going to call Julissa and see what the move is."

"JULISSA?!" My mother, father and Oshane all said at the same time.

"Wait, who the hell is Julissa?" Kira asked.

Did we expect Kingston's reaction? Is it acceptable? Will they ever be able to come back from this?

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