Chapter 19

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It's been six months since Sarah and John B found out and announced to their family that they were now expecting triplets Sarah's belly has grown quite a bit, and she now needs help putting on her shoes as well as getting up from certain chairs. But John B is always there to lend a helping hand which Sarah appreciates.

It was a lazy hot Saturday in the OBX, so John B and Sarah decided to chill at home under the AC. They were cuddled in bed and just enjoying each other's company when John B said they should start thinking about names and nursery themes for their little girls who are rapidly approaching and the soon-to-be parents are nowhere near ready, but then again, what parents are ever truly ready for their baby to arrive.

John B" What about the name Alexis for one of them?

Sarah" Hmm I don't know, sounds too basic, what about Keala I really love that name" "What do you think?"

John B" That really beautiful where did you come up with that?

Sarah " its the first name of the actress who played the bearded lady in The Greatest Showman

John B " ok, so we have a first now we need a middle name; how about Bethany that was my grandmother's name she died after my mom left.

Sarah" ok let's test run it , Keala Bethany Routlege get your butt downstairs now" Wow, I love how that sounds rolls off pretty easily ".

John B. " ok, so it settled the first one out will be Keala Bethany Routledge, that one down, two more to go any ideas"?

Sarah" What about Clarissa as a middle name?"

John B" ok, maybe what about Diana for a first name I really love it, I think it is a classic name for a girl what do you think"?

Sarah, I love it as well, but if we go with Diana as a first name, I want to swap out her middle name for Alie what do you think"?

John B " ok let us put it all together Diana Alie Routledge

Sarah " ok my god, I love it", so so much that it that is our second babies name for sure"

John B" ok great last one how about Dora for a first name or Delilah"? Personally, I love Delilah I feel like there are not many girls with that name these days" What do you think honey'?

Sarah "I love Delilah it is a gorgeous name" ok so we have a first name now we need a middle name what about Claire"?

John B" Wow ok let's test it out, Delilah Claire Routledge come here right now"

Sarah "Sounds beautiful, I love it so much, I can't believe our girls have names now this makes everything so much more real now". "Oh god, now I am nervous are we really ready for this John B are you sure we can do this"?

John B" Are you serious right now, Sarah? We've lived through being stranded in the ocean, you getting shot by Rafe, and your insane father who murdered my father. We found 40 million in gold and live to tell the tale if we can live through all that and then some. Then parenthood should be a breeze. I am not saying there won't be days where we want to throw in the towel, but as long as we have each other and our family, I have no doubt we will be great parents".

Sarah" your right, thanks for talking me down, I love you, John B by the Sky, the Stars, and the Sea, I love you, John B, I love, I do.

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