Chapter- 17

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Song for the chapter "gone, gone by Phillip Phillips."

1 year later:

I can't believe the time has flown so fast. it looks like it was yesterday when it was my first day of junior high school and today I graduated from high school.

It means it had been 2 beautiful years that Richard and I had to spend in our relationship.

I am emotional as well as happy super emotional because I will really miss my school and happy as it will be a start for a new journey towards my career.

I have applied to California university for doing architect. I always wanted to be an architect and I think it's time to pursue my dream.

I haven't yet told Richard about it. I don't know how will he react, will he be happy or will he be mad at me. well, there is a high chance of him being shocked.

We all were so busy studying for our final exam that I didn't get a chance to tell him. I do not want to disturb him. I know it's a lame excuse and now it's too late to regret.

I am sitting in our favourite cafe waiting for Richard so that I can tell him about the university. I watched the time impatiently then the door opened by Richard.

''Hey baby" he said while hugging him, "Hey," I said while hugging him back. Richard "Hmm" God it's harder than I thought.

''Richard I wanted to tell you something" I said."Yeah, baby, I am listening" he said while drinking his coffee.

"Richard, I have applied in California University," I said in one breath which results in Richard choking in his coffee. he was just staring at me, he didn't speak a word so I decided to break the silence.''

"Richard, please say something" ''Is there something left for me to say, how can you do this Veronica how the hell can you make decisions for both of us without consulting me and telling me so casually as you are going for a 2-month trip.''

"Richard, I know you are angry I am sorry, please relax", "How the f**k can I relax you have alone decided to leave me for freaking 4 years. do you have any idea, Veronica even the thought of you living far from me, kills me" he said angrily.

"Richard, I know it's my mistake if you don't like it I will not go to California but please don't be angry from me," I said.

'' Really Veronica how can you think I am so selfish to stop you to complete your dreams, you think so low about me. I am angry because you have not shared with me that you wanted to go to California. I love you dammit your happiness is first for me but it hurts me that you don't trust me enough to share things with me."

I was crying how can I be so selfish, how can I do this with us. I never thought he will confess his love and hell I never thought it will take place like that. it was supposed to be the best day of my life and I ruined it with my stupidity.

I hugged him, "I am sorry I am an idiot that I did this stupid stunt of hiding things from you. I am so sorry I l..... "Shh, it's ok baby you don't need say anything, relax love" he kissed on my forehead.

"Alright, I have a plan to change your mood," Richard said. he took me to the beach the memory in which he asked me to be his girlfriend flashed in my mind which made me smile.

We were walking on the sand while twiddling our hands. Veronica, you are my everything hell, you are the best thing happened to me. I will be always with you he said.

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