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I love finding the art of the first mates of the first dragon slayers! There are only five previous mates. But what happened to them?
-Tulip 🌷
Romeo's Pov:

I forgot to breath. Standing before me where the legendary, rare, dragons. Us mates stood baffled and in awe at the beasts. "What do we do?" Mirajane hissed through her teeth.

"RUN!" Kagura hollered, we all took off.

I ran in fear, remembering the time at the grand magic games where I almost was killed by those creatures.

A huge gust of wind began to blow over the field I was hiding in. The wind pounded in my ears and I couldn't hear myself think. I looked up to see a fluffy blue dragon, it's white teeth bearing at me.

"W-Wendy?" I gasped recognizing the gleam in her eyes.

She landed in front of me. She grabbed the back of my shirt and picked me up in mouth, "Wendy! P-put my down" I pleaded. But my begging was ignored, she began to fly back to camp, I screamed the whole time.

When we got back I was shaking head to toe. Wendy nudged me back to my prison, I laid back in my mossy bed, I wanted to go home and be with my dad.

I noticed Wendy had settled down next to my small window, and was watching me sleep, creepy I thought to myself. I began to wonder if we will ever be free?

I heard commotion coming outside, I guessed it was probably Kagura throwing a fit. I chuckled to myself.

But then something glittered near the back of my wall. I quickly glanced back to see that Wendy the dragon was talking in a sort of tounge to the other dragons.

I crawled to the back of my prison. To look at what caught my eye.

The Moon peered through my window and lit up the wall. I noticed some writing, my body started to tremble, and I felt a overwhelming wave of nausea, the message was written in deep blood.

Song I sing, I bow to him.
Moon, grass, flower, and lava.
Cry in the shadows.
Devastation will be caused
Beware of the monsters
For this is my last song
I'm sorry my storm

I didn't know why but I was crying, what did this mean? I wiped my tears.

monsters? Did the writer mean our dragon mates. But what did they mean by moon, grass, flower, and lava?

I was tired. I would have to tell the others tomorrow when our mates go hunting.

I went into a restless sleep that night. I had a dream about a young girl around my age, she had long light blue hair that reached her feet.

She turned around smiling at me her eyes shown sparkling emerald. I heard a deep mans voice,

"Please sing a song my love, please sing a song my darling Echo."
I love to write poetry, and incorporate it into my story. Echo is my most favorite I'm planning to write! Because I'm putting a lot of my personality into her.
-Tulip 🌷

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