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Just a little something for your Monday. It's super short but I hope it cheers you guys up!(if you need cheering)

All of English class fell silent as the Friends theme song blared out. All eyes riveted to Sophie's corner of the room. It was in that moment when she realized it was her phone. 

"Uh-oh." Sophie forced out. She quickly silenced her cell phone. 

"Ms. Foster, your phone please." Mr. Smith, Sophie's English teacher, said. Sophie made her way to the front of the class to Mr. Smith's outstretched hand. He took it from her and dropped it on his desk. 

"You can pick it up tomorrow after this class." He instructed. 

Mr. Smith was one of the more traditional teachers. He always kept his class at attention, something most teachers couldn't do. He also had a very strict cell phone policy. 

Sophie sighed as she sat back down in her seat. Only two more minutes of class. Why did this happen? 

The more puzzling thing was, how was her ringtone on? Sophie always made sure the volume was at mute for school, to avoid anything remotely embarrassing. The only place someone could have tampered with it was in history class. That in itself was a lost cause, because she had put her phone in the phone basket, and practically anyone could have tampered with it. 

The bell rang, freeing Sophie from her awkward bondage. She walked briskly out of the room, into the hallway, all the way to her next class. 

"You're here fast." Biana said. "And nobody gets to Study Hall fast." 

"Just an average Monday." Sophie sighed glumly. 

"I hear you." Biana replied. She turned her attention to her phone and madly typed away.


"Let's go!" Biana said cheerfully. 

"Where?" Sophie said. 

"You'll see! Come on!" Biana said, pulling Sophie's books together in a jumbled heap. Sophie struggled to catch up with her. 

She caught up in the parking lot. 

"Climb in!" Fitz exclaimed, already in the driver's seat. 

"I call shotgun!" Keefe shouted, running past Sophie. Dex ran after him. Biana motioned for Sophie to climb into the back with her. 

"What is this?" Sophie asked, still winded. 

Tam pulled up in a sleek black car, Linh and Marella in the back. 

"We're going to ice cream!" Biana announced to Sophie. Apparently, everyone else knew. 

Linh tapped Tam's seat. 

"Chauffeur, do you provide any complimentary foods or drinks?" She giggled in a stuffy accent. Tam glared at her through his mirror. 

"Don't push it." 

Marella and Linh grinned. 

They drove to a local ice cream shop (Not Sophie's of course. Mr. Mills would probably think she was picking up extra hours if she showed up. It's happened a few times before.)

Sophie breathed a sigh of contentment, watching Keefe and Dex try to outdo each other on some obscure game. 

"Like it?" Biana asked. "I knew you were feeling the Monday Blues." 

"This is awesome, thanks Biana." Sophie said. 

"Of course! That's what friends are for." 

Cheesy but happy. 

Question of the chapter: what's the most embarrassing thing that has happened to you recently. Of course, if it's really good it can be an old story, I love stories. 

The most embarrassing thing that's happened to me recently was today. In history class we're studying the Plague (dun dun dun!). Anyway, I was reading my summary of a document out loud to the WHOLE class. 

If you couldn't tell by my username, I'm a little shy, and I don't like talking in front of large groups of people. ANYWAY, I was reading my summary, and everything was fine. Then I came to the part in my summary that said "people were so hungry that they ate each other." and I just lost it. I started laughing (I promise I'm not a junior serial killer or sadistic.) The way I cope with stress is to laugh, a very inconvenient coping mechanism. I took a few breaths and made it through the rest of the way, until the end where I mentioned that 1/3 of the population died. I laughed a little again. All I could say is, "I don't know why this is funny." Literally what I said. But it wasn't funny, I was just stressed, and I laugh when I'm stressed. Why can't I bite my nails or fidget like a normal person? 

Out of curiosity, does anyone else do this?

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