Just a quick chapter to lighten up your Wednesday!
"Why are our P.E. uniforms so ugly?" Biana complained, tugging at her mustard yellow shirt.
"I think it's to make sure the class is miserable." Sophie replied, tying off her ponytail. Sophie didn't have much fashion sense, but even she knew the clothes were ugly.
Biana and Sophie walked out of the locker room into the gym, where the rest of class was slowly gathering.
"Have I ever told you I hate block period P.E.?" Biana muttered.
"WHAT? It's one of the only classes you have with me!" Keefe exclaimed, appearing out of thin air.
"That's not a redeeming quality."
Keefe clutched his heart.
A whistle shrieked painfully.
"Alright! Get jogging!" The P.E. coach yelled. Sophie wondered why he even bothered saying that, since most students never jogged anyway. Everyone began slowly walking out of the gym, where they would "jog" around the field.
"Isn't this delightful?" Keefe exclaimed.
"No, it's freezing!" Biana shot back.
"What's a little chill? Am I right Foster?"
"Eh," Sophie grunted, uncommitted. Keefe leaned into Sophie's path, slowly moving her off course.
"Nooo." Sophie mumbled. She was still half asleep anyway, which is why she hardly put up a fight.
"C'mon! Let's do something fun!" Keefe nagged. Sophie rolled her eyes.
"We'll talk after you impress me by doing something brilliantly stupid." Sophie replied, foolishly believing this request would keep Keefe occupied for the rest of class.
"Okay." Keefe left.
"That was kind of amazing." Biana commented.
"I sure hope so." Sophie said, watching Keefe as he energetically talked to a mob of students. He moved to another group, the previous group trailing behind him. Keefe kept approaching new groups, steadily gathering a following.
"What in the world..." Biana began.
By the time Keefe neared Biana and Sophie, he had nearly the entire P.E. class on his heels. The coach looked up suspiciously from his phone.
"Okay! One, two! One, two three!" Keefe commanded. The students began to-
"Are they... goose-stepping?" Biana asked, mouth gaping.
"Uh-huh." Sophie mumbled.
Keefe saluted them, eyes dancing. The students stepped in unison (mostly) grinning like idiots.
A whistle shrieked.
"HEY! Stop that!" The coach yelled. The students disbanded, but a few saluted Keefe, who sauntered back to where Sophie and Biana were standing.
"So, I'm back, having executed something beautifully stupid." He started. "And I have already decided on what you're going to do."
"Wait! I didn't say I was going to do anything!" Sophie protested. Biana raised an eyebrow.
"You kind of should," She said. Sophie looked between them.
"Is this a plot or something? Why are you guys agreeing to my demise?"
Keefe and Biana shrugged.
"Anyway, I've decided that you're going to something extra special. Biana, the case please?" Keefe prompted. Biana fished a small box from her jacket, which she had stubbornly refused to take off.
"Not you too Biana!" Sophie cried. Biana smiled sadistically. Keefe took the case and opened it. Inside, an old earbud was placed on a tissue, mismatched wires trailing an eighth of an inch from its base.
"I had this designed a few days ago, just for the occasion." Keefe explained. Sophie gasped.
"Not Dex too!"
"I can't disclose any of my suppliers' names. Confidentiality, you know." Keefe said. Sophie made a mental note to pay a visit to Dex later.
"Okay, so what is it?" Sophie asked.
"It's a communication device. The Keefe 3000." Keefe said cheerfully. "Put it on."
"Uh, no. I'm not going to wear a random earbud from a shady supplier. It could have an infection or something."
"But it doesn't. C'mon Soph, you kind of have to wear it. We've been planning this forever." Biana pleaded. Sophie shook her head. Biana's mouth flattened into a line.
"Don't make me threaten you Sophie Elizabeth Foster." Biana growled.
"You wouldn't!"
"Oh yes I would." Biana retorted. Sophie stuck her tongue out.
"There's nothing in the world you have over me. Face it." Sophie replied, smiling extra wide.
"Oh, how quick we are to forget. Remember when you confessed who you loved to me?"
Keefe stilled.
"No... I didn't tell you who I-" Sophie began.
"Oh yeah, yeah ya did. And soon, everyone will know, if you don't put on the Keefe 3000." Biana threatened.
"Aagh! You guys are the worst!" Sophie complained, gingerly putting the earbud in her ear. It was only then that she noticed that Keefe had a similar device.
"So, what do I have to do?" Sophie sighed. Biana and Keefe shared a glance.
"Call Fitz!" Biana commanded. Keefe opened his mouth to object, but seemed to think better of it.
"O-kaay?" Sophie responded, pulling out her phone (because she would never leave it in the locker room).
"This is one of many dares." Biana clarified. "And you're going to do exactly what we say."
Sophie rolled her eyes.
The phone went to voicemail. Sophie showed them her phone.
"At least he's a good student." Biana muttered. Keefe smirked.
"There'll be many other dares, you just wait,"
"Fitz, I'm sorry, but I ate your backpack." Sophie said.
"What?" Fitz's voice sounded puzzled through the phone.
Good, now say your boyfriend dumped you and you felt like you had nothing left.
Sophie scowled at Keefe's instructions, but complied. This was, in theory, the last dare she had to do. She'd already danced in the halls, offered her history teacher pre-chewed gum (shudder) and told Valin he had nice hair. The last was probably the worst so far.
"You had a boyfriend?" Fitz's voice asked, amused.
Yes, Valin, Keefe's voice said.
"Yeah, Valin." Sophie said tiredly.
"But Sophie, you said you'd wait for me." Fitz whined. Sophie heard Keefe gasp.
" I know, I hope you can forgive me." Sophie said, since Keefe had ceased giving her instructions.
"There's nothing to forgive." Fitz drawled. Sophie giggled.
"Okay, that's all I wanted to say. Bye!" Sophie hung up. She could see Keefe speed walking over from the other side of the hallway. It was just past 3:00, so most students were still lingering, but not too many.
"Hold the phone, you and Fitzy are...together?" Keefe asked incredulously. Sophie smiled sweetly at him.
"Not yet."
Keefe looked genuinely hurt, until he heard laughter from behind him.
"Serves you right," Fitz said, coming out from where he was hidden. Keefe scowled at him.
"We made up this plan at lunch, idiot." Sophie said, elbowing Keefe. "To get back at you bossing me around."
"So... it was a prank?" Keefe asked.
"Yeah!" Sophie laughed. Fitz's face showed he wouldn't mind their charade being real, but only Keefe saw the look.
"Next time, I'm dropping the Keefe 3000 in the trash." Sophie warned, waggling a finger at him. Biana walked up, smiling at the three of them.
"Get your sweet revenge?" She asked. Sophie nodded.
"Double agent." Keefe muttered. Biana didn't look offended.
"I like to play both sides." She said in defense.
Yay! It's February! The month of love and broken hearts (for all those single pringles out there)
How are you guys doing? I was going to talk about Valentine's day, but I'll probably talk about that in another chapter's end, since obviously I have to do a Valentine's day chapter.
Question of the Week: Do you guys narrate your lives in your head?
I do (yeah, I know I'm weird). Like today in math class, we were taking a quiz, and I was a little confused. So, I asked the teacher and she was like, "Now why are you multiplying? Logarithms have different laws (blah blah talking loudly for the whole class to hear). And then I randomly started narrating my life. "The girl sank into her chair, cheeks flaming pink."
Yeah, I felt like a Sophie. Too bad I didn't have anyone to bail me out :(
I blush whenever I'm talking to a large crowd. In certain classes it's fine, but I hate getting called on. So usually I volunteer for tribute before I get caught unaware. It's my strategy ;)
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