karma's a bitch

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When Trey told me that he think it's makayla I with crazy I threw glass over the floor and I went to Trey

Trey u know we're that bitch live at!!!-yn


Then let's go-yn

We left out of the car and we drive to her house when we got to the door I heard a baby crying I hope the not hurting my baby or hell going to break loose we knock on the door and I heard the crying stop and i ran to the back while Trey dealer with whoever at the door I went in and saw my baby and makayla

That not ur baby-yn

It is now-makayla

She but the baby down and we both fell down the stairs and that when Trey and some dude Trey had punch him and he fell down and he wen to go get the baby and I was beating makalya ass then the nigga have the nerve to punch

I grab Trey gun from my pocket and I held the gun up and they stop and put there hands up but the dude pulled out one to and I felt a I fell down he shot me


So I shot him in the head and that bitch makalya ran out the house and Trey carried me in the cat and ran back to get Kayden and we got rid of evidence and drove off and went. Home

I guess karma was a bitch

That was crazy๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚





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