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[The kids are having fun outside. Lincoln is reading one of his comics, Lisa carrying a microscope, Lana is playing in the mud, Lynn and Lalo are playing soccer, Lola is driving her car, Luna is playing her guitar, and Lori is taking a picture of Luan, Leni, and Lucy posing by holding their fingers like guns with her phone.]

Lori: Say hi to the internet!

Luna: [playing her guitar and singing] I love to do nothing and hang out and waste time

Lalo: I bet I can kick that ball higher than you.

Lynn: Bring it on, Bro!

[Lynn Sr. and Rita are pulling dandelions out of their yard.]

Rita: [exhausted] Ich. I'm covered in dandelions.

Lynn Sr.: Well you look dandy, and I'm not lion. [laughs]

[A fancy car horn blurs and gets the Louds' attention. A car drives by with a family with gleaming smiles.]

Lola: Who's that? They look so...so...perfect!

Lalo: And their smiles are so bright think their British or something?

Lana: [nauseated] Yeah, I'll say. Their shiny teeth hurt my eyes. [rubs her eyes].

Lincoln: Looks like they bought the Crowleys' old house. Lynn Sr.: Guess we got a new family moving in on the street. Rita:Let's put off weeding until tomorrow and welcome them to the neighborhood. As soon as I clean up.

Lynn Sr.: On it! [blows the leaf blower at his wife, getting her clean.] Good to go. [They go insde the house]

[Moments later, the kids were inside the house]

Lola: So what do you guys think of the new family.

Lynn: I don't know, anyone who looks that fancy can't be nice. I bet they think they're much better than us.

Lola: So do you love them?

Lalo:Guys, you're looking at this the wrong way. These guys are new meaning potential new suckers I mean potential new friends to introduce the wonders of royal woods! [ the siblings groan as Rita and Lynn Sr. bursted through the door]. Lynn Sr.: Kids! Get in the car!

[Inside Vanzilla]

Lana: Where are we going? I was supposed to meet the guys at the mud hole after school!

Rita: Your father and I signed you up for some extracurricular activities today.

Lynn Sr.:We just feel it's really important for you guys to be well-rounded in this competitive world.

Lynn: Well-rounded? Ho ho! You want us to bulk up? [starts lifting a dumbbell] Sweet!

Lynn Sr.: No, Lynn. You're actually going to the learning center.

Rita: You're great at sports, honey, but to realize your full potential, you could use a boost in your academics.

Lalo:But academics aren't Lynn's thing. Yes I understand Lynn not the smartest but she still tries not to mention I know L-dog do fine in the sports world especially me backing her up.

Lynn:Sweet thanks bro I knew have my back.[The pair do their new handshake having gotten closer after lately especially after bad luck incident].

Lynn Sr.: Sweetie, in this competitive world you need to know how to get ahead in life. And we feel the best way to do that is sharpen our math skills.

Lynn: But I'm great at math! A TD plus extra point equals 7! But if you go for a conversion, that is 8. Boom! Math.

[They drop her off at the learning center anyway.]

Lynn: FLAG ON THE PLAY! [throws the flag on the ground in anger]

[The arts and crafts center]

Lisa: A ceramics studio? Are we lost?

Lynn Sr.: No, sweetie. This is your stop. You're great at science, but to be well-rounded, you need to embrace the arts. [drops her off]


[The community college]

Luna: Royal Woods Community College? What the hay, Pop Star?

Lynn Sr.: Luna, we love your fun lingo, but to get ahead in life, it wouldn't hurt to brush up on your English?

[Luna steps out]

Luna: That's whack, brah!

[Lori and Leni watch Luna and are terrified at the mention of their names.]

Rita: And Lori and Leni, you'll be taking SAT prep classes. That's the best way to get into a good college.

[Lori and Leni step out]

Leni: What about just using the front door?

Rita: [worried] Let's put Leni for the double session.

[Vanzilla drives off]


[The parents drop Luan off at City Hall.]

Rita: Life isn't all about laughs, honey. We think you'll learn more about serious matters by interning at the mayor's office.

Luan: Well, mayor day be ruined, too! [laughs] Get it? But, seriously, I don't wanna do this.

[They drop Lucy off at the basketball court.]

Lucy: Basketball?

Lalo:Okay, this one doesn't even make sense. Why would Lucy brush up on athletics?

Lynn Sr.: [To Lucy] We love how independent you are, honey, but when you get out into the real world, you'll need to know how to work with a team.

Lucy: Of humans? [gags]

[They drop Lola and Lalo off at the community help center.]

Rita: Volunteering at a soup kitchen will look great on your résumé.

Lola: [furious] You know what won't look great? ME IN A HAIRNET! Lalo:This is total Bulls-[The parents drive off before he could finish cursing them out horribly]. [They drop Lana off at Finishing School.]

Lynn Sr.: Finishing School will teach you some valuable social graces. [drives off]


Lincoln: [petrified] But what about me? Where am I going? A police academy? Military school?

Lynn Sr.: Nope. You're going home. To read comics.

Lincoln: [relieved and under a beam of light] I knew I was your favorite. [The light turns out to have been coming from Vanzilla's inside light. Lynn Sr. turns it off and hands Lincoln some comic books about the government.]. Lincoln: [confused] "The Senator Squad: Law Making In Action"?

Rita: Yes! These are educational comics that'll help broaden your outlook."[smiles]

Lincoln: [disappointed] So...not your favorite.
[The next day, the kids are all ready and reluctant to go to their activities]. Lincoln: [unamused] Another day, another educational comic. [holds up a comic about temperatures]

Lynn: You're so lucky you don't have to spend your day studying, Lalo. Lalo:[sighs] Do you honestly think I enjoy going to a community center I am Lalo loud I don't work for free for anything that was sickening! Lisa:well At least you don't have to spend the day making ceramic gravy boats. [holds out said boat]. Luna: At least you can talk how you wanted, brah. Uh, I mean, milady.

[The parents come out of their room waking up.]

Lynn Sr.: Kids, what are you doing? It's Saturday! Go have fun!

[The kids cheer and go outside.]

[Outside, they're doing what they did at the beginning of the episode with Leni taking a photo of Lucy, Lori, and Lalo making duck faces while Luan makes a funny variation.]

Lori: Luan, that's not a duck face.

[Leni takes the picture.]

Lori: Leni, I wasn't ready!

Leni: Say hi to the internet!

Luna: [playing her guitar and singing] Doo-wop, doo-wop, doo-wop, doo-wop-doo... Lynn: Hey, Lalo! Catch! [Lynn throws a football and Lalo runs to catch it]

Lalo:I got it! I got it! [Lalo trips on Lana and falls into the mud.]. Lana: Oh, so you wanna mud wrestle do ya? [Lana playfully wrestles with Lalo and they both laugh. The parents are happy that their kids are having fun and notice the Yates family passing by with trees and gardening equipment.]

Bumper Sr.: Hiya, Louds!

Lynn Sr.: Hey there, neighbors! Got some fun plans for the weekend?

Jancey: Yes, we do! We're doing some volunteer work for the city: planting trees!

Bumper Sr.: It's all about turning downtime into well-round-time.

Beau:[Speaks in Korean] Najung-e boja! [Translation: "See you afterwards"]

[The Yates Family leaves; Rita and Lynn Sr. look at each other in fear. Cut to the Louds cleaning up the interstate.]

Luna: [frustrated] What happened to "It's Saturday"? The only thing I should be picking up is my axe!

Lynn Sr.: You'll thank us for this one day.

Lalo: [unamused] Yeah. Maybe when were 20.              [A car comes careening down the road and hits some mud that gets all over Leni who screams.]

Leni: [sad] I've got mud in my mouth.

Lana: [jealous] Lucky...

[The kids arrive home filthy from their cleaning.]

Lincoln: I'm going to be seeing hamburger wrappers in my sleep tonight.

Rita: All right, kids... [the kids gasp in horror of what she's about to say.] ...you're free to do whatever you want for the rest of the day.

Lalo: Finally!

Lynn Sr.: [with coffee] Guys, I just ran into Bumper Sr. at the coffee shop, and he said they're taking their kids to the symphony for cultural enrichment!

Rita: What?! Wash up, kids! We're going to the opera!         

Lalo:Their is no way you are dragging me anywhere else you'll have to take me by my cold dead hands do you hear me mom?!

[The kids groan, and the family goes to the opera house where Lynn Sr. and Rita appearing to be enjoying it as Lalo wasn't having be literally strapped to his seat by his family and mouth duct taped shut as he screams cursing his parents out wanting to leave as he was furious having to be here ].                     Tenor: [singing] Tralala-lalala-lalala-la!

Rita: Do they look enriched?

[They open their eyes and see that all of them except Lisa and Lalo fell asleep he was still clearly mad.]

Tenor: [cont'd] Fortunatissimo per verità! [Translation: "Most fortunate indeed!"]

[They return home after the show.]

Lynn Sr.: [holding Lalo struggling as he finally calmed down being released from restraints] Wasn't that enriching, guys?                                         Lalo:Yeah I just love going to opera against my will being dragged away forcibly and restrained looking like I'm insane so yeah that was Interesting. Now can we go back to enjoying our weekend? I believe that I had Lana by the ropes.                                                Lynn Sr.: Yes we- [Just then, Rita runs in]

Rita: I just ran into Jancey! Her kids are raising money for schools! She says it's important to keep them civic-minded!

Lynn Sr.: Can't! Back in the car!
Lalo:oh screw this nosense! [he took off his suit pulls out a taser without second tasers his parents knocking them out shocking the loud kids ].                  Lori:Lalo what the hell did you just do?!                Lalo:easy gave us time to relax until tomorrow you'll thank me later I'm going to my room do whatever you guys want I'm out. [he leaves going into his room as he really Really hating his parents right now].        

Lori: I'm really starting to not like the Yates's.

[Cut to next day Luna and Lucy at a neighbor's house. Luna knocks, the owner answers, and Lucy holds up a pamphlet.]

Lucy: Hi. Are you registered to vote?

[The guy closes the door on them.]

Luna: [pounds on the door] Bogus, dude! I mean... [British accent] ...that was rather uncouth.

[Lisa and Luan have a door slammed on them, as do Lynn and Lincoln, Leni and Lola, and Lalo.]

Lola: [furious] I KNOW WHERE YOU LIVE!                 [They return home in the dead of night.]

Lynn: Can we please go to bed now?

Rita: Of course. Jancey says kids need 10 hours of sleep for maximum brain growth.

Lisa: [sarcastic and relived] Oh, well, thank goodness for Jancey. [The kids go to bed and the parents sit on the sofa.]. Lynn Sr.: I think we earned a little R&R. You wanna watch that show where they reenact old movies with cats?

Rita: Do I?!

[Meanwhile, Upstairs in the hallway]

Lori: I literally don't know how much "well rounded" time I can take!

Lola: Tell me about it! I've worn a hairnet for so long, my scalp's starting to itch! [scratches her head]

Lincoln: And I'm tired of reading comics that don't involve superheroes fighting crime.

Lucy: I'd rather have a tea party with Lola than having to play another insipid game of basketball.

Lalo:Guys, I was wrong to ever think the Yates' can be a good change for our lives especially mine! If this keeps up, we won't ever have time to fit fun in our lives anymore I'm literally losing money!!! Luna: Well, what are we gonna do? It's not like we can do something about the Yates' and their "well roundedness".

Lalo: True. But we can do something OUR parent's well roundedness. Here's the plan- [The kids huddled up as Lalo whispers his plan].

Lynn Sr.: [runs upstairs] KIDS! IN THE CAR! WE'RE GOING TURTLE SAVING! [The siblings groan]

[A few days later, Lynn Sr. is bandaging up his hand and holding a pineapple for a snapping turtle that they saved. The turtle roars at Lynn Sr. and snaps.]

Lynn Sr.: [giving his wife the pineapple] You wanna feed him, honey? I've been doing it all week. Ow.

[Rita puts the pineapple in the tank and the turtle snaps it. The parents flinch at the snapping. Enter their kids one by one.]

Lana: [balancing books on her head] Hey, Mom and Dad. I passed Finishing School with honors.

Lynn: [holding a trophy] I took first in the state math bowl.

Lori: We just took our practice SAT's. My verbal score went up 200 points.

Leni: Mine, too. So, now it's 200.

Lisa: [with a wagon of pottery] Behold the fruits of my ceramic labors. 13 full plate settings.

Lucy: [spinning a basketball on her finger] I made the all-star team. [Enter Lola and Lincoln with bags of trash.]

Lincoln: "We cleared the entire interstate from here to Flint."

Luna: I tutored some new citizens in English, then registered them to vote. [Drops a piece of paper which Luan picks up.]

Luan: [with a briefcase] I helped solve the city's parking crisis.

Rita: Wow, guys! This is all so amazing! We're so proud of you.

Lynn Sr.: What say we take a little break and get our ice cream on? Huh?

Lola: Sorry, Daddy. Ice cream doesn't look good on a résumé. Especially if you spill it.

Lori: Plus, it'll literally just make us sluggish.

Rita: Well, how about a little trip to the movies?

Leni: I don't see how that will help us get ahead in life.

Luna: Regretfully, I must concur. Now we must excuse ourselves to study our state capitals flash cards.

[The kids go upstairs to continue applying themselves while their parents are shocked at what they had become.]

Lynn Sr.: No ice cream?

Rita: No movie? Lynn Sr. and Rita: WE'RE FAILING OUR KIDS!

[Enter Lalo]. Lalo:oh wow I'm so shocked after all the careful planning, devotion and copying the yates family life style that your shocked to see your children act differently except me sense. I refuse be how I am not but all you did force us grow into people were not ready to be yet. Lynn Sr.:We didn't mean for this to happen son all we wanted was to make sure you kids grow up successful and safe.

Rita:We want to be sure you grow into beautiful adults you can be
Lalo:While we appreciate that you didn't talk to us about it you went along with what someone else was saying not trust your own judgment or have common sense just like ...... the luck incident! Rita:Hey we told you not to bring that up anymore.

Lalo:yeah you did but I didn't care you say you've learned from that yet here we are repeating the very same mistakes again and not listening to me. You treat me like my opinion doesn't matter and always go to the girls side instead of Lincoln or me. At least you listen to him sometimes but me no you act like I don't exist you don't have a second son for once in my life ...... FOR ONCE LOVE ME!!!!!

Rita:Honey ..... do you really think we don't honestly  love or care about you right? Lynn Sr.:I think he does Rita. son we're sorry we don't listen to you and made you feel like we don't love or value your opinions but you have to understand it's hard raising all of you by ourselves.

Rita:we do our best but we mess up more often then not hence why we listened to the Yates I promise things are gonna be different. Lalo:Do you really mean that. you'll listen take into consideration what I'm saying for real?

Rita and Lynn sr: of course we love you son. [Lalo cries hugging his parents as they hug him back]. Lynn Sr.: Kids, come outside!

[The kids pop out of their rooms curiously.]


Lisa: Can we make this quick? You're cutting into our well-rounded time.

Lynn Sr.: Forget about well-rounded time. Forget about everything. Just go have fun.

[The kids are surprised]

Lola: [suspicious] Is this a trick?

Rita: No. We're sorry we've been forcing all these activities on you guys. We got so caught up in worrying about your future that we forgot about your present.

Lori: But what about college?

Lucy: And our résumés?

Lisa: And embracing the arts?

Lynn Sr.: That stuff's important, but there'll be plenty of time for that. You're kids. You should enjoy being kids.

[The kids all cheer and go off to do their own activities. Luan is reeling her fake spider down to Leni.]

Lori: Leni, there's a-ah, whatever. Say "hi" to the internet.

Leni: AAAHH! SPIDER! [Lincoln and Lalo were sitting on the porch].

Lincoln: Wow, Lalo. You're plan worked. How did you know that Mom and Dad would give up the well rounded buisness. Lalo: Simple. Our parents try so hard to make us like the Yates's, so I figured we should act like we were so well rounded we never even heard of taking breaks or having fun. It was a matter of time before they realized their mistake: the future is us to deicide. The only thing we should be worry about, is our present.

Luna: Smart thinkin', Lalo. Maybe you will get into a college with that kind of wit.

Lalo: Oh, no. You guys did all of the work. You were all so believable! [Enter Lynn] Especially you, Lynn! That trophy was so convincing and realistic! What kind of metal did you use to make it?

Lynn: Uh, I never made it. [Holds out the trophy] I actually won the math bowl.

Lalo: [surprised] Oh... I was totally kidding by the way I knew it was real just joking.[laugh nervously]. [The parents are happy to see their kids playing and see the Yates's.]

Bumper Sr.: Hey, Louds. We're off to the postal museum.

Jancey: Learning about the past will help our kids shape the future. What are you guys doing?

Lynn Sr.: Just having fun.

Bumper Sr.: [puzzled] Fun? What's the purpose of that?

Rita: Well, we think that in this competitive world, it's good to let kids unwind a little.

Jancey: Huh. We didn't think of that one

Bumper Sr.:

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