Chapter 20: The Fury

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Luna and Luan headed into town to cure themselves of boredom. They've been in Gotham for several months already, and yet, it feels like they haven't even left the mansion so much. Nor were they making much of a connection with their brother. But thankfully, what the city had to offer made up for it. Well, for Luna at least, as she was busy hanging in a music store. Luan, however, wasn't finding anything that suited her needs.

From what she knew, Gotham didn't have much of a sense of humor, and there was a good reason for it. A cruel and torturous gang of young criminals who dress up like clowns tend to make life hell for some people in this city. They're known as the Jokerz, who believe themselves to be outcasts of Gotham, wanting to own the city by putting a smile on it. She heard about on the news...

Luan:"Yeesh. These guys do seem pretty cruel."

Luna:"I don't know, Luan. You would probably fit right in with them."

Luan:"Oh, hardy har har. You think that just because my pranks are a little over the top that I deserve to be with those psychos?"


Luan:"...Yeah, you're probably right."

Luna:"Come on, Luan. I'm messing with ya. Your pranks may be cruel, but even you wouldn't stoop THAT low."

Luan:"Thanks. Besides, these guys got no real material. If anything, I find them pathetic! They give clowns a bad name!"

Luna:"Wow. That's pretty judgemental, coming from you."

Luan:"Yes, it is! And I swear, if I ever met up with those Jokerz, I'd give 'em all a good punchline! Get it?"

Luna:"Hmph. You'd have to pretty tuff to do that, Luan."

Luan:"You know me."

But it was then that both of them noticed that people outside appeared to be running for their lives. Cars were going off and people were screaming in fear. They didn't know what was causing all this until suddenly, a blast of fire rained from the sky and exploded on the ground. The girls were knocked off their feet when they saw that...

Luna:"What the heck?!"

Heading outside, they looked up to the sky and saw that there was something, or someone flying above all of Gotham. It then appeared to have spotted Luna and Luan, as it turned it's weapon towards them. Luna grabbed hold of her sister and the two went back inside before the entrance of the store got barbequed.

Store owner:"Quick! You two can come through here!"

Luna:"Thanks man."

And with that, the sisters headed to the back of the story while the fly figure ravages the city outside.

Back at the Manor, Lori was walking through one of the halls when she accidentally ran into her older brother...

Lincoln:"Oh, sorry Lori."

Lori:"It was my fault. Don't worry about it."

Lincoln:"If you say so...So, I've been thinking that she should spend some more time together."

Lori:"...Wait, what?"

Lincoln:"You know, get better acquainted. Have an actual brother/sister relationship."

Lori:"That's cute, Lincoln. But I'm gonna have to say no."


Lori:"Because it doesn't feel like you're fully committed to what you're saying! Don't get me wrong, I want to have that kind of relationship with you. But it's not gonna happen if you don't really want it."

Lincoln:"Lori, you're just assuming things. You don't really know that I don't want this."

Lori:"So, you admit that you don't want it?"

Lincoln:"What? That's not even what I... Ugh. Lori, you're making this much harder than it needs to be."

Lori:"Well, I'm sorry. But I refuse to acknowledge a brother who doesn't want to make time for his only family."

Lincoln:"That's not what I'm saying at all!"

Lori:"You didn't have to say it!"

Rita:"Lincoln! Lori!"


Lana:"Guys! Come in here! This is ugly!"

Heading over to the living room, Lori and Lincoln and see their family was watching the news. It showed frightening images of Gotham being set ablaze by a what witnesses is a "human firefly". But that's not what worried Lincoln, as he came to a realization.

Lincoln:"Guys...aren't Luna and Luan downtown right now?"

Lynn Sr:"Oh no."

Leni:"They're in danger! We gotta help them!"

Lola:"Are you crazy? We'll get cooked if we head over there!"

Lincoln:"Nobody has to risk their lives. I'll go."

Rita:"Lincoln, please. Let the police and firefighters handle this!"

Lynn:"Yeah...I don't think that's possible, Mom."

Pointing to the tv, it also shows images of several fire stations burning and nothing is being done to put up the flames...

Lincoln:"Guess I'm up then."

Lori:"Lincoln, wait. I'm coming with you!"

Lincoln:"No, Lori. I'm not gonna let you-"

Lori:"Oh yeah? What literally happened to all that talk about wanting to spend some time together?"

Lincoln:"This was not the idle way I was thinking about it!"

Lori:"You don't make decisions for me, Lincoln! Those are my sisters, and I don't wanna see them get hurt!"

Lynn Sr:"Lori, you're talking crazy! How could you possibly help?"

Lori:"And how can Lincoln literally help?"

Rita:"Well, he is a billionaire."

Lori:"I don't think money's gonna help on this one."

As they continued to bicker, Lincoln managed to slip away, getting no one but Lynn and Lisa's attention. Lucy, Lana and Lola catch this soon after, and soon, they're all thinking the same thing. A little while later, they manage to slip away and head for the Batcave. Lynn was a little more eager than the rest of little sisters...

Lisa:"You know you can't go out there. Lincoln forbids it."

Lynn:"Yeah? Well...he's still need some help, and nothing is gonna stop me!"

She tried to open the capsule to get her costume, but it was budging open. Then, she tried to punch it open and audible crack was heard as she held her hand in pain.


Lincoln's voice:"Don't even think about it, Lynn."

Lana:"Lincoln? Is that you?"

Lincoln's voice:"Okay, whoever's there right now, please get out. I need to talk to Oracle."

Lola:"Who's Oracle?"

Lisa:"That would be me. I'm here, Elder Sibling. Do you by chance have information on our flying pyromaniac?"

Meanwhile, Batman was flying the Batwing towards the fiery trail of destruction that headed towards the city...

Batman:"His name Garfield Lynns, better known as Firefly. Intel's kinda sketchy, but apparently, he suffered 3rd degree burns all around his body. It drove him insane and he eventually became an arsonist."

Lola:"Okay...what's with the jetpack though?"

Batman:"(sighs) ...I don't know, honestly."

Oracle:"Well, I looked it up and apparently, he got his inspiration from a Russian soldier that fought in World War 2."

Batman:"Huh. The more you know."

Lynn:"Lincoln, you need help on this! You probably have no way of fighting this guy!"

Batman:"I have a plane, a car and a utility belt that I can put to good use."

Lucy:"Well, he's got you there, Lynn."

Lynn:"Oh come on!"

Batman:"Lynn, my decision is final. Go upstairs, now."

Lynn:"You'll regret this later, Lincoln!"

Oracle:"Ignoring...but seriously, do you even have a battle strategy?"

Lincoln:"I'm gonna be using the Batwing to lure Firefly away. Then I could use the Batmobile put out most of the fires?"

Oracle:"How? Is there a firetruck option in that vehicle of yours?"

Lincoln:"No, but there's a power winch that allows me to tap into buildings' electrical systems."

Oracle:"I suppose that'll work."

Lincoln:"As for the rest of them, I'll just need to make sure that there are firefighters still out that are able to handle the job."

Oracle:"So, you plan merely requires a whole lot of luck?"

Lincoln:"I never believe in luck."

And with that, Batman spots Firefly not too far away. The flying arsonist was more than happy to see that his target was here.

Firefly:"Woohoo! That Bat is here! Time for the real fun to begin! The Fury's getting red hot tonight!"

Thankfully, Batman ejected from his seat before Firefly gave chase. Landing on top of a roof, he could already see the burnt destruction that Firefly has left behind...

Oracle:"You can also focus on finding our other siblings, right?"

Batman:"Of course. But I won't get too far with those fires in the way. I need to contact Gordon and see if any fire stations are still operational."

Lisa:"I'll patch him through."

Batman:"That's really not-"


Batman:"(sighs) Gordon, I need information on any surviving fire stations."

Gordon:"Several already have been burnt to a crisp, but we managed to get the men to safety and even have a few trucks that'll serve in putting out the flames."

Batman:"I'll help out with that as well. Keep an eye out for Firefly."

Gordon:"Got it."

Batman:"(ends transmission) I'm only hoping Luna and Luan are okay."

Back to where Luna and Luan were, thanks to the store owner showing them the way out, they found themselves in a back alley where they managed to get to the streets. Not that it did them any good, since they saw nothing but destruction in their wake...

Luna:"This is a freaking nightmare. Honestly Luan, I could really use a laugh right now."

Luan:"Hard to make a joke in middle of disaster!"

Luna:"Let's just try to get to safety."

They ran through the streets, hoping to get away from the chaos. Above them, they swear they could've saw Firefly chasing after the Batwing. But as they continued to run, Luna was hit in the head by something, knocking her and Luan to the ground. Barely able to recover, both girls pulled themselves and Luna held her nose, feeling some blood begin to rush out. It was then that they noticed some goons coming out of nowhere, some armed with blunt weapons, all of them looking scary...

Goon:"It's them."

Goon 2:"Why does Firefly want these two?"

Goon:"Don't know. Don't care. Just remember, he said NOT to kill them."

Luna:"Right. We don't even have to do this at all, if you don't want to."

Goon 3:"Oh, we definitely want to."


Luna:"We can do this, Luan."

Goon:"Confidence will only get you so far."

Seeing another attacking coming her way, Luna dodged and punched the goon in the face. Then she tried to swipe the weapon, which was a bat, from the crooks hand and then gave him a good crack in his lower jaw. With that, more goons kept coming their way, with Luna and Luan doing their best to fight back. But they could only do so much for so long.

Back to Batman, he was in his Batmobile, which managed to help reactivate the fire suppression systems for the fire stations while the rest of the fireman and police force do what they can to stop the flames and bring people to safety. The Dark Knight couldn't help but feel a bitter hatred for the pyromaniac...

Batman:"Firefly will pay for this."

It was then that the radio had picked a signal from Firefly and his goons...

Firefly:"So, it turns out that the Bat led me on a wild goose chase! On the bright side, he's gonna need a new plane!"

Goon:"Well, boss, you'd be happy to hear that we got the girls you wanted!"

Firefly:"Excellent! If our employers intel is right, then the Batman won't resist coming after his own family!"

Batman:"(wide eyed) Luna! Luan!"

Firefly:"I hope you're listening, Batman! Your little girls are gonna be roasted, if you don't man up and fight me!"

Batman:"You want it, Firefly? You got it!"

Driving to Firefly's coordinates, Batman saw the flying freak straight ahead. He couldn't tell, but Firefly wasn't exactly too happy for seeing Batman with another vehicle...

Firefly:"How many of those toys do you got?! Don't matter...You feelin' the Fury yet, Bats? Huh?! ARE YA?!"

Batman:"You're going down, Firefly."

Firefly:"I don't think so. Look."

The pyromaniac points to a nearby building, and Batman is shocked to see some of his goons holding a beaten up Luna and Luan. And below them is a pile of flames ready to turn them to ash...

Firefly:"Now...either you come and I slow roast your a**! can say bye bye to your little girls!"

Batman:"Let them go, Firefly!"

Firefly:"YOU DON'T THINK...I don't know...who they are to you? My employer's info...was topnotch. You genuinely care for those girls, don't you?"

Batman:"I care for all of Gotham!"

Firefly:"But this is different, ain't it? Those girl...mean something to you! A city's just land, Bats. Replaceable anytime of the week. A person's life though...worth a whole more."

At the moment, Batman want nothing more than to grab Firefly by the neck and smash his face in. But then remembered a special option he had Lucius install onto the Batmobile. Now having a plan up his sleeve, his hand moves to a special button below the steering wheel...

Firefly:"YA feelin' the Fury yet, Bats? ARE YA FEELIN' IT?"

Batman:"This is your last chance, Firefly. Let the girls go and surrender!"


Batman:"(smirks) ...As you wish."

And with that, Batman pressed the button and he was ejected from the seat of his car. He was flying straight towards Firefly, who wasn't expecting this. Before he could react, Firefly met face-to-face with the Batman, who grabbed onto him and made his jetpack go out of control. The goons saw that was happening and we're prepared to drop the girls, but Luna and Luan looked at each other and Luna gave her sister a nod. Soon, both girls headbutted the thugs and then punched them across the face.

Thug:"Gah! You're gonna wish you didn't try that!"

Luna:"Sorry, but we gotta run!"

Luan:"It's been a blast!"

As both girls escaped, Batman managed to get Firefly cornered as he forces him to land and damaged his jetpack. As both of them got up, Batman was about to attack when Firefly's flamethrower went off and nearly burnt the crusader. Afterwards, Batman could see Firefly moving towards him in an almost zombified motion...

Firefly:"You know something...Batman? When a crisp...just like you will now...I had...but one vision...This city set ablaze! Now...I have thing...left to feel...Fury..."

Firefly's jetpack went off again, but they were shouting the flames of rocket as the entire road was catching fire. Batman moved back to avoid the flames as he saw the arsonist flying above him again...

Firefly:"And now...I AM THE FURY! And the flames of my rage will incinerate you!"

Batman:"Well, time to put my utility belt to good use."

Seeing the arsonist launch himself like a missile, the Bat dodged as quickly as he could and started throwing batarangs at Firefly. But the flying freak was too quick, as Bats couldn't even land one batarang without Firefly moving away. But then, he remembered something else. A special gadget of his meant for moments like this. Reaching behind him, Batman pulled what looked like a grenade, glowing blue with an unknown fluid inside...

Batman:"I'm gonna put you on ice."

Throwing the device, it just so happened to have been a freeze grenade. Firefly was now forces to land as he was covered in ice. He didn't take too kindly to being cooled down.

Firefly:"Son of a b**ch!"

Unfortunately, his flamethrower still worked and he tried to blast Batman with yet another fire way. But while he was grounded, Batman took the opportunity to attack and launched as many batarangs as he could. Firefly was forced to take a beating from those things, as one of them even cracked through his mask...

Firefly:"My suit!"

Not paying attention, he suddenly felt something painfully stuck on top and saw that it was a grappling hook. Batman had fired his batclaw, the retracted it, bringing Firefly towards him. With the Pyromaniac in arms reach, Batman took him by the neck and forces him to the ground and started punching his face repeated. But the ice wore off and Firefly quickly pressed the button that made his jetpack start again.

Firefly:"Okay...I'll give you that one! But I can't be stopped! Gotham burns, and you burn with it!"

Just as Luna and Luan made it outside, they could still see the fight that was going on. Suddenly, Firefly turned and saw them both, soon flying over and snatching Luna in her arms...


Firefly:"And she will be the first to be reduced to ashes!"


Laughing maniacally, Firefly begins to fly away while taking Luna with him. Acting quickly, Batman called in the Batmobile and gave chase. All the while, Luna felt like she already on fire, for the heat coming from the jetpack felt like it was melting the skin of her legs off. She knew that if she tried to break, it would be suicide. She only hoped that Batman knew what he was doing...

Firefly:"This is for what you did to Scarecrow, Bats!"

The Batmobile swerved to the left and right, avoiding pillars of flames coming at him. Attacking Firefly this way would put Luna at risk of being harmed. He just hoped there was some way he could retaliate.

Thug:"Boss, you can keep it up forever! Any second now, you'll be running out of fuel as soon as possible!"


Batman:"Well, that's good enough for me."

Continuing to pursue Firefly, the Dark Knight could see the arsonist slowing down and thought this was his best chance. Ejecting from his seat, Batman was about to catch Firefly again when the Pyromaniac suddenly turned around and blasted Batman in the face. Batman had to admit, he didn't see that one coming. Half his cowl burning his face, leaving him with no choice to pry that half of it off and do something drastic...

Batman:"I need to grapple onto Firefly, it's my only chance."

Taking his grapple gun, Batman launched at the foot of Firefly and then was being dragged by him. Firefly couldn't handle all the extra weight, forcing himself to drop Luna onto a building...right next to the edge...

Luna:"OH GOD! (Grabs hold of edge)"

Retracting himself to the Pyromaniac, Batman forces him down and grinds Firefly's jetpack against the pavement. He then punches Firefly some more before leaving the arsonist looking pretty dazed...

Batman:"You need a knew hobby."

Firefly:"S-S-So it is true...Wayne."

Realizing that his white hair was exposed, Batman quickly knocks Firefly out as then turns his attention towards his dangling sister. Luna couldn't hold on for much longer as she then lost her grip and was about to fall to the burnt street below. But then, a strong firm hand holds onto her and she looks above her to see a brave hero...and a familiar face.


Lincoln:"I got you, Luna."

Pulling her back to the roof, the Bat was then caught off guard by his little sister hugging him. He smiled and returned the hug.

Luna:"I don't believe it. You're Batman?"


Luna:"I-I don't... Why didn't you tell us?"

Lincoln:"It was for your own safety, Luna. I knew if you found out, you would probably want it."


Lincoln:"And I can't risk losing another family."

Luna:"(tear falls from her eye) Oh Linc."

As they returned to the streets, Luna was frightened and Batman was caught off guard to see Firefly still standing, and limping forward. The strangest thing was his body looked to have been..burning. Ironic, isn't

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