Chapter 2: The Family

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Across Gotham, driving in a deathtrap of a van, a family of 12 happen to be heading over to meet their long lost son and brother, Lincoln. They believe him to be the famous billionaire, Lincoln Wayne, having saw a picture of him on both magazines and on the news. The reason why they believe it's him is because of the white hair Lincoln has, as their son also had white hair. If Lincoln Wayne was really their Lincoln, they're going to find out soon enough.

To introduce the family, they were the Louds from Royal Woods, Michigan. There was Lynn Loud Sr., Owner and proprietor of a restaurant in Royal Woods called "Lynn's Table", Rita Loud, Wife to Lynn Sr., and a dental assistant, yet, inspired novelist. As for their 10 daughters, there was their oldest, Lori, who wasn't too fond of meeting Lincoln, having felt abandoned by him for ten years. Leni, second oldest, small-minded and innocent, yet sweet and a heck of a fashionista. Luna, their third oldest, punk tomboy and rocking music lover. Luan, their forth oldest, lover of pranks and jokes, although in Gotham, that's a big no-no. Lynn, the fifth oldest, another tomboy and hotheaded athlete. Now for the younger ones, there was Lucy, the fifth youngest, a cynic, gothic type with a love for poetry and has been wanting to visit Gotham for a while; it was of great interest to her that she did some research on it. Lana, fourth youngest, another tomboy, having a love for getting muddy and is even a bit of a handyman, well, girl. Lola, Lana's twin and polar opposite, being a pageant queen, is annoyed by Lana's love for mud and has a short fuse sometimes. Lisa, the second youngest, being a kid prodigy with a brilliant mind and love for science, and tries not show too much human emotion most of the time. And last but least, Lily, the very youngest out of the Louds, being just a baby, but is sometimes smart enough to follow a conversation.

Quite the big family, huh? And a family like this is bound to cause a little chaos every once in a while, so it's hard for Lynn and Rita to keep them in place. Luckily, Lori takes the role of responsibility, even if her other siblings are frightened by her strict behavior. But she does it for good reason, all so that they don't wind up tearing each other apart or the house they lived in. Someone had to be the responsible one, since she felt there was no one to help her out. Lori seemed to be the only one who wasn't too thrilled about seeing Lincoln, while the others were kind of excited for it. The young wanted to see him more than anything, having hope of moving into that mansion of his, the older ones wanted to get some answers out of him, while still wanted to him like the others. And the thought of living the good life of being rich didn't sound too bad, even if it meant living in a city that's famous for it's ridiculously high crime rate. But, they put that thought aside for now, as they continued down the road...

Lynn Sr.:"So, this is Gotham, huh? Hard to believe our boy grew up in a place like this."

Rita:"Doesn't...seem that bad of a place. At least we were given directions."

Leni:"Yeah, besides, we're finally gonna see Lincoln after all this time! I just can't wait! How about you, Lori?"


Luna:"Aw, dude, don't be like that. There's a chance that we might get to live in that mansion of his! Doesn't that sound awesome?"

Lori:"...Not gonna lie. It kinda does. But right now, I mostly just want answers out of him."

Luna:"And I feel you, sis. Believe me. But right now, we all kinda just want to see him more than anything."

Luan:"I hope he has a good sense of humor! It would be a step up from only dad laughing at my jokes."

Lynn:"I wouldn't think so, Luan. In a city like this, nothing seems funny. I hope we do get to live with him...then I can do some awesome parkour around that mansion of his!"

Rita:"You are not going to be do that, Lynn. If he does invites to live with him, you are going to treat his house with respect!"

Lynn:"Alright, alright. It was just a thought. No need to get mad."

Lucy:"I'm just willing to get a good look at this place. I've heard so many things about it, especially about the Bat."

Lynn:"Please, you don't really believe in that thing, do you?"

Lucy:"I do. And it would be quite the honor to see it myself."

Lana:"Well, I'm hoping that Lincoln is willing to help secure the homes of wild animals out there...and that he doesn't mind if I track mud in the house."

Lola:"Really? That's what you want?"

Lana:"And what you want, Lola?"

Lola:"I would just enjoy living high life. And for Lincoln to help me with my pageant training so that I could be famous! I could see it now, my name in lights!"

Lana:"Hmph. Keep dreaming, Lola."

Lisa:"I hope our dear male sibling is willing to introduce me to Lucius Fox, one of the most brilliant minds of our time and CEO of his company, Wayne Enterprises. To even be working there would be a dream come true!"

Lola:"So...are you interested in getting our brother at all?"

Lisa:"Don't get me wrong. I wouldn't mind have a mature adult male sibling. I'm hoping that he will be able to fund my research."

Lily:"(babbles happily)"

Leni:"Looks like Lily is happy to see Lincoln too!"


Lynn:"I really hope that's not what I think it means."

Lola:"Me either, otherwise, it's gonna be a long ride."

Lynn Sr.:"No need to worry about that. Ol' Vanzilla will get us to Lincoln's mansion in a jiffy!"

And as he ended up jinxing it, that crummy van ends up dying on him in the middle of the road. And finding yourself in the middle of Gotham at night always leads to some trouble...

Rita:"You were saying?"

Lana:"Don't worry, Dad. I'll take a look at what's wrong."

Rita:"Be careful, Lana. This doesn't look like the...most friendliest neighborhood."

Lynn:"Where even are we anyway?"

Lori:"Well, accordingly to that sign, we're near Crime...Ally."

Lucy:"Crime Ally? That's the place where Martha and Thomas were gunned down by a criminal...and where Lincoln was left all by his lonesome."

The family shivered that the thought of seeing that horrible experience. Well, all except Lori who stayed quiet and tried her best to not look interested. The truth of it is, though, the thought of her brother being alone for ten years was eating her up. She supposed that she cut him a little slack. He may be living the high life, but with no one around to share it with. With any luck, that might change tonight. As Lana got out the door, she saw something that made her eyes twinkle...

Lana:"(squeals joyfully)"

Lynn:"What is it? I hope it's something...(surprised) good."

What they were looking at was across and specially customised assault vehicle that was in black color, bat themed and looked menacing. It was actually quite the work of art, leaving the family very surprised...

Lisa:"It's... beautiful."

Lynn Sr.:"I'll say."

Lynn:"(whistles) Whatcha bet something like that cost?"

Lana:"My soul, probably. 'Cause I would pay for that."

Rita:"Alright, let's not keep admiring the...bat-car. Lana, please hurry."

Lana:"Right, sorry."

But just as Lana was starting to get to work on the van, she was then startled by the sound of a gun clicking...

Thug 1:"Looks like you broke down on the wrong side of the road."

Lynn Sr.:"Oh my gosh, Lana-!"

Thug 2:"(points a gun through the window) Don't move, old man. Just open up slowly."

Lynn Sr.:"O-Okay, just...J-Just don't hurt my daughter."

Thug 1:"Don't hurt his daughter. You believe this guy?"

Thug 2:"Yeah, I know, pathetic. Now, hand over all your money!"

Lola:"You leave us alone, punk!"

Thug 3:"You, shut up, little twerp!"

Luna:"Man, these guys just keep coming out of nowhere, aren't they?"

Lynn:"We gotta do something."

Lori:"What you suggest we do? These guys are armed, Lynn. Don't do anything stupid!"

Nothing would satisfy Lynn more right now then to jump those guys and teach them a lesson, but even she had her times of common sense. As Lynn Sr. got out of the van, the second thug instantly hit the poor man with gun, knocking him to the floor...

Rita:"Oh my God!"

Thug 2:"Alright, woman! You too, come out!"

Rita was frozen by fear, she dared not move, but the gun was pointed right at her...

Thug 2:"NOW!"

Suddenly, the gun was knocked out of the crook's hand by something sharp and fast. From where Lana was, she saw something coming from behind the thug that had his gun pointed at him. By the time he turned around, it was too late...

Thug 1:"It's the freaking-(BAM)"

Without warning, the thugs turned their weapons a black figure coming straight at them and taking them down easily. Standing over Lynn Sr., who began to recover, the figure was revealed to be The Batman. Everyone was completely silent when they saw him in plain sight, as he stared down at the middle aged man...

Thug 4:"Hey, freakshow! (brings out knife) You ain't taking us down too easy."

Not saying anything, the Batman charges into Crime Ally, making short work out of all criminals. But as he was just about finished, he turned to see one criminal who he gave a black eye to holding a gun next to Lana's head...

Thug 5:"Alright, listen freak! You're gonna let me off easy. Otherwise, I'm gonna-"

Wanting to shut him up and make him let go of her sister, Lori opens the door of the van and slams into the back of the criminal's head. This forced him to let go of Lana, who fell to the ground and allowed Batman to finish off the crook by smashing his face on one of the windows of the van and then throwing him into a pile of trash. Then, it was over, Batman then turned to Lana, who tried to creep away from the Dark Knight. But then, she was surprised when he came over and offered her a hand...


The Batman stepped away as Lori opened the door and picked up Lana, keeping her away from the Dark Knight.

Lori:"You stay away from us!"

No sooner after, Lynn Sr. had finally recovered and then headed over to Lori's side, where he nearly fell down again upon seeing the Batman...

Lynn Sr.:"Please, we don't want any trouble. Don't hurt my kids."

Batman:"...I'm not gonna hurt anyone. You're safe now."

Lana:" mean that?"

Suddenly, sirens were now heard the family turned to see police heading their way. They turned to see Batman again, but he was no longer there. Instead, he entered his Batmobile and took off, but there something that was swimming in his mind that he couldn't ignore. The grown man and teenage girl, they almost seemed familiar to him. Back to the Louds, the police had found them, coming out of their vehicles to introduce themselves. Two males, one female, all grown adults. The woman had long dark hair and semi tan skin, the first guy was a little on the pudgy side and wearing a fedora, and the last guy had glasses, some grey around the temples and a thick mustache...

Male Cop 1:"Is everyone alright here?"

Lynn Sr.:"We're fine, Officer. But, our van's broken down."

Male Cop 2:"(checks out the injured criminals) Whoa, who did this?"

Lana:"It was the batman! He worked these guys over like punching bags!"

Male Cop 2:"Huh. No such thing as the Batman, huh, Jim?"

Jim:"Shut it, Harvey. Call a tow-truck for these people. We'll have to take them to GCPD. (to Lynn Sr.) Now, you're gonna be fine once we head back, okay?"

Lynn Sr.:"Thank you, Officer..."

Gordon:"Gordon, Commissioner James Gordon. This is Detective Harvey Bullock and Renee Montoya."

The other two police officers mildly wave at the family, who do the same and stay silent throughout most of this. It was then that Bullock began to count just how many kids Mr. Loud has...

Bullock:"Seven, Eight, Nine...You have Ten, sir?"

Lynn Sr.:"Um...yes."

Bullock:"Are...some of them adopted?"

Lynn Sr.:"Nope. They're all mine."

Montoya:"Never mind that, Harvey. Just call a tow-truck already."

Bullock:"Alright, whatever."

At the GCPD, Gordon got the Louds situated as he prepared to ask them questions about the Batman...

Gordon:"So, what is your direct opinion on the Batman?"

Lori:"He's a dangerous madman who put my family in harms way! I don't trust him!"

Gordon:"Well said."

Leni:"He was, like, really tall and scary!"

Bullock:"I think that's sort of what he's going for."

Luna:"When I saw him work those punks over, it was both crazy and cool!"

Montoya:"I agree, but Gotham doesn't tolerate vigilantes."

Luan:"Not gonna lie...he was pretty batty."

Bullock:"No duh."

Gordon:"Kid, this is serious."

Luna:"She can't help making jokes. It's just the way she is."

Montoya:"Thanks for the heads up."

Lynn:"The way he fought, and the speed...I've never seen anything like it! I gotta get him to teach me his ways!"

Bullock:"Whoa, kid. The Bat is a criminal. Once we got him, he won't be teaching him anything."

Lynn:"You guys are no fun."

Lucy:"I believe that the Bat is doing good for the city. I wish to understand him better."

Montoya:"I'm not sure that's a good idea, sweetie."

Lucy:"Well, here's top hoping."

Lana:"Honestly, he caught by surprised. I was bewildered by that sweet ride of his and those gadgets. I actually ended up take one. (pulls out Batarang) See?"

Gordon:"Whoa, how'd you-? (grabs batarang) We're just gonna have to confiscate this as evidence. Thank you."


Lola:"I'm going with Lori! That freak should be put behind bars!"

Bullock:"Good to know another one of you kids has common sense."

Lisa:"To see him in person had definitely intrigued me. I wish to study the batman to see what makes him tick."

Montoya:"She talks pretty big for a four year old."

Bullock:"You some kind of gifted child or something."



Bullock:"This is below my pray grade. Why are we questioning a baby?"

Gordon:"Well, we did say everybody needs to be questioned. (sniffs) And I think she needs a change."

Lori:"I'll take care of that.."

After what seemed like hours of interrogation...

Gordon:"And you're sure you know nothing else?"

Lynn Sr.:"Nothing at all."

Rita:"He just showed up, saved us and vanished with the wind."

Gordon:"Alright then. We'll get you accommodated at a hotel here."

Lynn Sr.:"Uh, that won't be necessary, sir. We should just be on our way."

Gordon:"Where are you people even going?"

Rita:"We're actually heading over to Wayne Manor."

Gordon:"Wayne? Why would you be heading over there?"

Lynn Sr.:"It's sort of a family matter."

Gordon:"Hmm...I won't question it, then. But it's a long drive from here."

Rita:"It was long drive just to get to this city. Another won't kill us."

Gordon:"You two are strong, and so are your kids. Just try to stay safe then, Gotham is not the place to be at night."

Lynn Sr.:"We'll noticed. But we'll be fine."

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