Chapter two

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They threw me into a cell with a bunch of people.

It was a darkly lit hallway and everyone got their own cell. Other people were put in another room so there was probably over twenty people here.

I sat in the corner, curled up in a ball as I stuffed my head in my knees. I repeated to myself that this was just a dream. Just a dream. just a dream. just a dream! Right...?

"Twenty two.... Twenty three.... Twenty fore." I guy said, walking by the cells as he held a clipboard. "Oi! Only twenty fore in here." He said.

I didn't even know there was guy in because they yelled out; "then what about that one? I didn't see you count her." The raspy voice said. His voice was rough it made me shiver because I just knew they were talking about me.

"Oh. Twenty five then." The other man said. I looked up from my knees and glared at the two men that now stood in front of my cell. I wasn't going to stop staring at them since one of the guards was the one who took me from my home..

Well, what I was supposed to call home.

"Hey. You know this is the same girl I was tellin' you about?" The man, Gabe, said.

"Oh really?" They asked. The man I didn't know put his hand on the cell bar as he leaned in. "Pretty pathetic if you ask me. Trying to end it? We're in the middle of war, kid. There's no running." He told.

"I wasn't running from the war..." I said. He stayed quiet. "I didn't even know there was a war to begin with." I spoke ever so small.

"So you hate your life?" They asked, but I could still hear the amusement in their voice.

"Basically. Till you ruined in." I spat.

They stayed quiet again. He stared at me confused as I could tell. "Thats stupid." He said. "Not like anyone would miss you!" He laughed.

"Oh, and look what I got~" I other one said. He held up a peace of paper that was folded up. He dangled it for a while. Tell I knew.

"H-Hey!" I yelled. I got up and ran to the cell to try to grab it. I slid my arm out of the cell and try to swipe it away. But failed as he took it away.

"Not so fast, kid." They said. The other one grabbed my wrist and held me there.

"Let go of me!" I yelled. They had smirks on their faces and the guy who was holding me had his eyes on my arm.

"Oh, what's this?" He asked. The bandages were still on and they stared at it with the slight blood. He unraveled it and I yelled at him to let go. But he didn't. Soon my whole arm was showing and they saw the mess that was there. "That's gross." He said. He let go of my arm, causing me to fall back on my butt.

"Look. It's her suicide note." Gabe laughed. Soon the other guy went to read the note and he just laughed at it like it was the funniest thing ever.

I just sat there, shocked. I felt my eyes watering and my head was hurting like hell.

"I've always dreamed of finding that one person? Ha! That's rich." He said, now looking down at me as a tear went down. "Broken. That's all you are." He said.

"And what is going on here?" Someone asked. I was to fazed by his words to even notice that someone else had came. My cell was right next to the door. I looked up with watery eyes to see a man who wore the same uniform, but his hair stood up to seem like horns and the right side of his face was scarred while wearing an eye patch. He had a robot arm that was red. Which matched him.

"Sorry. Nothing was going on here. We just in countered this kid who wrote this note before abducting her." Gabe said, now standing straight along with the other one.

"Note? What note?" The other man asked. He had a thick Norwegian accent that made me actually adore it. I shook my head to snap out of it.

"This note, sir." He said then giving the man the note. He took it with his robotic hand and read it. He was focused on it tell his face went down. As if he felt bad or just slightly confused.

"Who wrote it." He demanded, folding the paper up and putting it inside his pocket.

"Her, sir." He pointed at me. The man now eyed me then back at the two. "Go back to your posts." He said. The two looked at each other in confusion, not knowing what to do at the posts. "Jesus! Do I half to fuckin' repeat myself?!" He yelled, making the two jump.

"Sorry sir!" Then they both walked out of the room.

It was silent for a while. I could feel my heart beat at the silence. I was scared to move, not know what would happen if I did. This man stared me down as if he was trying to find something.

"So," he spoke, ever so small. "trying to end it, ay? Kid, listen—"

"I'm not a kid." I told before he could finish, to which he looked annoyed at. He clinched his fists. Then they let lose and he now looked relaxed.

"Far enough. I also hated it when people called me a kid. How old are you?" He asked.

"Eighteen..." I spoke.

"Eighteen huh? Okay. Name?" He asked. I hesitated on telling him. What would happen if I didn't? Of course something awful.

"Y/n..." I said.

We stayed quiet for a while to the point where it was kind of awkward for me. "Aren't you going get up?" He asked.

I felt a little embarrassed at how I didn't remember that I was still sitting on the floor.

"Sorry..." I got up, still worried of what would happen. I stood straight and just held my hands together. "Why am I here?" I asked, narrowing my eyes.

He kept quiet for a while, and at this moment I realized that maybe the whole room of people were listening to this conversation.

"You all are hostages." He spoke. Then the room was filled with some yelling and screams of fear. My eyes grew wide in fear as he said that. "Ah! Don't worry! If your country really cares about sixty seven people then you all should be fine!" He yelled out loud for everyone to hear. But he didn't move from his spot, making me feel like he was only speaking to me.  "Well Y/n, I hope you enjoy your stay." He said, then finally moving from his spot but before he could move any further, he took something from his pocket. The room was still a little dark to see what it was, but he tossed it to me. I managed to catch whatever it was, then looking down at it.

They were bandages.

I looked up at him, but by then the door slammed shut.

Everyone was shouting in fear.

"We're all gonna die here! They're not gonna save us!"

"We're so fucked!"

"No one is out there capable of fighting the red army!"

Screams of all sorts were being yelled. When yet I just stood there, admiring the freshly un-opened bandages.

For a second I thought it was a nice thing to do. Telling the so called guards to go away, telling me to enjoy my stay, and giving me new bandages.

The only thing I could think of, of how nice it was. No one was ever nice to me.

Till I remember I'm a hostage...


I turned around to go sit on my so called bed. It was only a bed, a sink, and a toilet in this cell. I sighed, now sitting in my hard bed. I opened the bandages and unraveled them and rapped it around my arm.

Then I started to cry. Since people were still yelling, I cried as loud as I could. I rapped myself in a ball and lied on my bed and whimpered.

This is it then.

//time skip.//

I lied there till dinner.

So we do get dinner? Whoa....

Since my cell was the closest one, I got my food first. It was slid under the metal bars, meaning there was a small opening there. I got up and picked up the trey.

There was a bowl of soup of some kind, and an apple. There was a plastic spoon there as well. On the side there was a napkin. I looked at the soup in disgust, not knowing what it was. Then a water bottle was rolling in as well, but I ignored it.

I took a small smell to it and it was awful!

"Gross..." I said. I walked up to the toilet and dumped the soup in it, holding the bowl over it. Once that was done, I placed the trey and bowl on my bed. I looked at the apple.

Sure, nothing was wrong with it. It happened to look fresh as well.

So I threw it across the room.

"Not hunger..."

I couldn't handle this anymore. I just want to die.

And that's what I'll do.

I looked around the room for something. Something to tie rope on.

I didn't have rope. I have shoe laces.

The sink was my best opinion. I could tie it to the water tap.

I sat back down and looked down on my shoes. The laces. I took my shoes off and brought them up to my lap, fiddling with the thin string. Once I finally got it off, I went to the other one.

I had all the laces in one peace. I tied them tightly and made a lope. I looked down at it.

I didn't think I would die like this. In a cell and all.

But for some god damn reason, I felt like it wasn't the time yet. Soon, but not now.

Maybe tomorrow.


Why do I feel so fucked up for writing this?

So this is it! A chapter. Yeeeeeeeyy.

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