Chapter ten

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They threw back in my room.

It was painful watching all those people watching me, disappointed in me silently.

I was laying on my clothes that were somehow on the floor. when I said they threw me in, they literally threw me. I got up, still in the darkness of the room.

I walked to my bed, feeling underlay stupid. I felt like garbage.

Who were those people in the halls?

Were they help?

They said they'll come back bigger.

Is someone saving us?

I sat atop of my bed, crying.

Most likely he won't come to see me again, but that's a good thing right?

I don't need to see him anymore.

I'm safe in this room.

Just sit here alone.

No interruption.

"Wait for help." I said out loud.



The lights turned on, making me squint at it.

A person walked in, a rather tall and slim man. He had a bag with him, and he only greeted me with a smile. "Hi, I'm only here to get you cleaned up." Is all he said.

I lifted both legs up on my bed, bringing them up to my chest. I only looked up at him as he typed in some cope or password to open the glass.

He walked up to me, making me move back to protect myself. He sighed, seeming annoyed by my movement. "Don't worry, I'm just cleaning you up." Is all he said, walking up to me.

I stayed still, eyeing him. "Clean what...?" I managed to let out.  He pointed at my arm with his eyes, making me realize what I did when I was in the infirmary. "Oh..."

I held my arm out, letting him look at it. He sat atop of my bed, putting the bag down next to his feet. He opened it, pulling out a pair of gloves.

He held my arm gently, picking at it a little. "Well it's obviously not infected, blood stop coming out, pale, and..." he trailed off. "Drink more water." Is all he said.

He brought the bag up to the bed, taking a few things out. Bandages, some whips, and watery stuff. "This is gonna hurt a little..." he said, wetting the whips with the liquid.

He placed it on my arm, making me clutch my fist on my knee. I let out a hiss. "Sorry." He said.

He cleaned up my scars, then rapping it with bandages. He let go of my arm, letting me free. I poked my arm, feeling the soreness hit me finally. "Oh and one last thing," he said. I looked at him, waiting for something else to happen. He pulled something small and red.

"A sucker...?" I questioned.

"Yeah. There's not that many in the base anymore. So, I kinda just stole this in red leaders office." He said, giving me a smile.

I was confused. Why was he being so nice to me?

I took the sucker, holding it in my rapped hand. "Thanks..?" I said, whether or not I was actually thankful.

When I looked back at him, he had his own. "No problem." He took off the rubber gloves, then opening his candy. He sat there for a while, then leaning back looking calm as ever.

I admired the colour and calmness of his eyes. He also looked really tired. "So... are you gonna leave?" I asked, trying not to sound rude.

"There is literally no such thing in breaks around here. So no, not really." He said, not even looking at me.
"Un-like my partner. He's still sleeping right now." He said.

"Okay?" I said, then letting my feet go off the bed. I felt awkward at that moment. I don't really know this guy, but he seems calm and enjoying his candy right now.

"So what about that solder who came in here?" He said, making me stiffen. I don't want to think of that right now. "He refuses to say why he came in here at this hour, but something tells me you know something." He said, looking back at me. "Know anything?" He asked.

I looked at him, trying to think of anything. "I don't know." Is all I said.

It was quiet again. Silence filled the room. "Oh well, I guess I should be going." He said, sitting up to walk away.

"No wait!" I said, which I surprised myself at how I raised my voice. "I think... he's one of the guys who keeps telling me things." I said, not so sure how to explain. "He came in here another time to. He came to just... harass me. Then when I wasn't paying attention to him, he came to me and punched me... Then Red came and stopped him." I said, looking off to the distance to day dream about the moment.

Red basically saved me.

I wonder what kind of punishment that guy got.

Did he even get a punishment?

"Red?" The man said.

I shoot out of my thought, looking at him. "Y-Yeah. He told me to call him that." I said, regretting what I said.

I probably shouldn't have said that.

He also looked at me funny.

"Okay?" He said, raising an eyebrow. "Well in that case, my name is Patryck but call me Pat for short if you want." He said, then giving me a small smile. He just stood there, then extending his hand for me to shake. 

"Patryck?" I said, adjusting the name in my voice. "Sounds nice." I said, finding the name Patryck to be a nice name for this tall man with nice burnet hair.

I shook his hand slowly due to my rapped arm. We let go, placing my hand back on the bed.

He seemed to smile at that. "I assume I'm not aloud to do this with prisoners, but it's not exactly in the rule book. Mind if I can stay for a little longer? Work is going to be hectic here for a few days." He asked, giving me a small smile to which I adored.

This boy was cute, and pretty nice to me.

But he was giving me a choice...?

"If you want..." I said, not sure if it was still the right answer.

"Okay." He said, then plopped himself on my bed. He pulled out something from his pocket, smiling as he did. "Wanna play?" He asked, showing me the deck of cards.

I slightly smiled at that, finally having something to do.

"Why not...?"

//Tord's pov//

Sleep didn't seem to work for the rest of the time, so he did something that he thought would work.

And it was paperwork.

Working didn't seem to work either, so he took a walk around the outside base.

Outside was still a little chilly. It was cold and almost winter. The sun was rising which made it a little warmer. Some bits of grass pecked out the ground, not growing further due to the cold.

Tord stood behind the little cabin looking house. Which was where the radios were.

Tord had really high technology, but sometimes he likes the outdoors and to just stand on the raw dirt. The red army bases where all hidden well, but he still needed to checkup on them.

He was there for another week, then moving to check back up on the other bases. The bases were all different. The one he was now standing in was the less guarded one, but hidden nicely.

That doesn't mean that this place didn't have high class weapons.

Tanks, soldiers, guns and weapons that are being newly built are held here.

Right now, Tord was having a small smoke break from everything. This was his favourite place to smoke his cigars.

He faced the woods, going into the day dream he was in for the few days when he captured all those people.

Other then the smoke he was breathing in, he liked the smell of the natural air. Fresh air.

He only ever smoked when he was frustrated or just needed a break and think.

Right now he was feeling both.

He doesn't know why he felt the way he did. He didn't know why he felt so betrayed when she tried to kill him.

What bothered him was that she chose not to stab him.

If she did, she would have save millions and millions of lives.

He took in the air of the toxic smoke, then releasing it out.

But she didn't. Was it the way I looked at her?

Soon, he felt himself being hurt on why he was questioning himself.

Maybe I wanted it? I clearly deserve it.

His stupid mind wants to just stop working and focus on this girl.

Why does she still cut herself? She went all out with her family, so I clearly know why.

He felt himself almost squeezing his cigar with his teeth.

Stupid no good girl. Should have killed her when I had the chance.

He had enough of his thoughts on her, then relaxing a little, but finally realizing that he was stiff from his thoughts.

"Why hello there." Someone said, making Tord look behind.

Paul, one of his loyal (and annoying) soldiers he knows.

Tord sighed, seeing that it was only Paul there.

Only Paul...? Isn't there supposed to be a Patryck near by then?

"Morning." Is all Tord could say. He once again leaned back, hitting his back against the dark wood.

Paul to leaned back on the wall, taking out some cigarettes to have a smoke.

We smoke to early. It's only six am now.

"So what are you thinking about?" Paul asked, lighting his cigarette.

Tord didn't really know what to say when he doesn't know what he was thinking either.

"I don't know." Is what he said, not really knowing what else to say.

"What a wise answer, Red leader." He said, also blowing out some grey clouds.

"So where's Patryck?" Tord asked, looking at his fellow soldier.

"I don't know. I just woke up." He said.

For a while Tord froze.

Did this man not hear the alarms going threw the entire base?

"Did you not hear the loud ass alarms that went off?" He questioned.

"What alarm?" He asked, then looking over at his leader in confusion.

"Paul, did you seriously sleep threw the alarm that went off?!"

"I don't know!" He said.

As if on cue, Patryck came and stood a far enough distance from the two smokers. "Is that seriously the way to start a morning?" He asked, looking down at the two.

The two stood there, really not caring about Patryck's scolding gaze.

"Yeah." They both said.

Patryck decided to just be silent, and so as the two smokers. "Where the hell were you?" Paul asked.

"I was patching up that girl in the white room." He said. "So leader of the entire army," Patryck said, looking over at Tord with tired eyes. "I assume we're doing some totally hard and difficult today—"

"Patryck just go to sleep," Tord said, stopping him from talking as he clearly looked tired.

"Sir yes sir." Then he walked off without saying another word.

"Why does he get more sleep?!" Paul complained, looking over at his leader as he extended his hands and stomping his foot on the dirt.

Tord narrowed his eye at Paul. "You slept three entire alarm, why in the heck would I let you sleep?" He asked, glaring over at Paul.

"Fine then. What was that alarm about anyway?" He asked.

"A prisoner escaped."


Well I hope you enjoyed this chapter!

I've been working hard on trying to write perfectly but when I went back and re-read some chapters a saw some mistakes I needed to fix, so don't worry I'm not adding other random things to it.

Well I am hunger to bits and I want some food to eat.

Okay, bye! I hope you didn't wait to long for a chapter!

Love - Fan_girl76 ~~~

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