Chapter III

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Tauriel's pov.

It feels great to be around other elves.

With me traveling by myself, it was strange to find that I spake two different languages. I could understand everyone when we started to exchange words in a language that the other elves called Elvish.

Go figure that another elf would know "Elvish".

"Do you have a name?" The elven leader asks, changing her voice to a softer, more friendly tone.

I nod my head in disapproval. "I don't know it. I figure I would have one, but I can't remember it."

The elf frowns. "Oh. Well..." She smiles. "We could come up with one for you."

I smile. "That would be awesome!"

The elf continues to smile. "My name is Chandria. I have been part of the Mirkwood guard for 25 years."

I smile. "That's amazing. What kind of life do you live?"

Chandria sighs. "That is a tricky question. I live in Mirkwood by myself. I have some relatives here, but most of them live in Rivendell."

"Where's that?" I ask.

"Far away from here. I have never been there, but I have heard it is lovely." She smiles.

We walk a couple feet before Chandria laughs.

"Marisa! That could be your temporary name."

I smile. "I love that name!"

We walked for a very long time before reaching a huge wall that surrounded what I assumed to be Mirkwood. There was a gate leading up to it that we went to. There was a guard that freely opened the door after they gave me an odd look.

The town was absolutely amazing. Beautiful architecture was in all the buildings and in all the statues. The fountains were also beautiful with marble-looking stone. The water was so clear and with the sun finally finding an area into the trees to shine through.

I already started to feel at home. It seemed like this area was calmer than the woods I had previously called home. No spiders crawled around trying to spot their next bait. None of those orcs sneaking behind you to try to get a better shot.

Plus, the people here seem to be very nice.

We reach the castle that was placed in the middle of the city. It was tall and mostly white with beautiful trees surrounding the path we continued to walk on.

My fascination continued to overwhelm me as we walk through the castle, which was very large in comparison to most buildings I had seen around town. There were many elvish guards that stood around the castle.

We reach a big pair of doors, which I knew led to the throne room. I waited for the guards to act, but they all seemed to stand still. I waited a few minutes in utter confusion before I speak out.

"Are we going in?"

"Not yet." Chandria answers. "We have to wait until Thranduil's meeting is over."

"Thranduil is the king, right?" I ask, bothered that the name rang a familiar bell within me.

"Yes. He reigns alone with an adviser named Elinor. I heard he has a son, but he doesn't live here any more."

"Oh." I say. "I wonder why?"

"I heard it was a disagreement between them but that's all I know. Thranduil makes sure to keep none of that information from slipping."

I sigh. My mind was collecting the pieces and from what I could tell, there is some harsh attitude either with the prince, or the king.

I am startled by the doors opening suddenly. An elf walks out, not bothering to close the doors behind him. He looked quite troubled and sped down the hall very quickly. Chandria watches him as he speeds away.

"Who was that?" I look to Chandria.

"That would be the adviser, Elinor." She says waving to me and walking to the door. "I think he is ready."

I nod in understanding. We walk into the throne hall, which almost made me fall over with awe. The hall was huge, and the columns providing the support for the room were made of trees. The room portrayed an earthly theme. Branches seemed to build the walls and I could spot individual leaves outlining parts of the walls.

I turn to see the throne, a tall, blond elf sitting in it. He was not looking at us and he seemed to be troubled. His head rested on his hand and his hair was blocking his face. His foot was tapping rapidly, as if he was trying to come up with a rapid decision.

We approach him, and the closer we get to him the more familiar he seemed to me. My head strained hard to remember, but it seemed to run into a brick wall.

Chandria stops, with me stopping beside her. She bows then addresses the king.

"Lord Thranduil. We have seemed to find a young elf along the boarders of the forest." Chandria says politely.

Thranduil doesn't bother to look up, but he does reply. "What is the elf's purpose for being here."

"She doesn't seem to have a specific one that we know about."

"Why not?" He says in a more angry tone.

"She doesn't seem to remember anything." Chandria motions to me.

Thranduil looks up, taken back by what he sees. His frost-blue eyes seemed to look at me in confusion, and his face seems to grow a little pale.


I look at him in confusion. I then look to Chandria, who looks back at me. I then return my attention to Thranduil.

"Am I supposing to know you?" I ask.

He was a little taken back, then looks to Chandria. "You told me she lost her memory?"

Chandria nods.

He looks back at me standing up in the meanwhile.

"Yes. I have known you since you were little. Your name is Tauriel, and last time I checked, you aren't allowed to be here."

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