Chapter: In between 7 and 8

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They both ran to the sign and made it. Nico pressed his hand to the H. It revealed an entrance to the Underworld.
They walked in and appeared in Hades' palace.
"So, you've finally arrived." Said Hades.
"So, I've been told I have to learn something from  you." Said Bianca bravely.
"You do." Said Hades in confusion.
"What is it?" Asked Persephone sitting on her throne next to her husband.
"Let's just battle and get this over with." Said Hades with some reluctance in his voice. Bianca was ready but Hades wasn't.
"What is it? Afraid to get beat by a young demigod?" Bianca taunted.
Hades gave Nico a look. His expression said, it was her.
"I can't do this." Said Hades after a while.
"Why not?" Asked Persephone and Bianca in unison.

"I can't hurt my own daughter." Said Hades.
"What?" Asked Bianca.
"You're the reincarnation of my late daughter Bianca. That also makes you Nico's sister. He and I were devastated when we lost you." Said Hades, teary eyed.
"Really?" Bianca asked. "I have a family?"
Nico nodded.
"It makes sense now, I've dreamt of a boy that looked like Nico and felt like I knew Nico when I didn't, and Apollo said I would come down here and learn something about my past. I don't remember you but I've always felt a connection with you, like it's my job to protect you, Nico"
All four of them hugged.

I don't own the PJO series. Rick Riordan does.

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